General Discussions

General Discussions

This community xD

Member Posts: 69
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

This community, no wonder this game is headed the way it is.

Post edited by vbarraganj14 on

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  • Member Posts: 7,161
    edited December 2020

    Asking solo players not to be selfish is like asking a fish not to swim. Most solo queue players are out for number one. Sad but that's how it is.

  • Member Posts: 252

    Well, last time I saved someone and got downed you SWF sobs waited til I was in phase 2 of the Entity snack time dance to save me. Cause, 2 of you where doing gens and one wanted to play chase with the Killer and when finally decided to save me. You walked all the way there damn well knowing the killer was halfway across the map ######### off with your friendo.

    Or when I try to unhook someone you run the Killer right over to my ass..Or really when I am doing anything tbh.

    TBH, you Swf are ironically over virtuous with your teammates that It makes you dumb. You zerg rush a hook when a Killer is clearly gaurding It hard and Not in a tactual way, you go one by one get smacked hoping the Killer will chase you "Which they will not" then, try to self heal away and repeat.

    Then, when you have a clear hook and the killer is not around to waddle your ass their as slow as humanly possible knowing there is a time limit.

  • Member Posts: 967

    I am solo. I have to be selfish. But I also is a team player.

    The problem is swf teams. They just let me die. If I'm right next to u, but their 'team' is hooked across the map. That survivor will run across the map to save his friend, than they may or may not come to unhook me.

    May times I loop the killer thru the last 2 gens in a 4 gen situation. I eventually get hooked at the end as the last gen pops.

    Well.. the swf team just leaves me there and hope that the killer camps me, and cuz I looped him, and it's the end of the game, I do get camped. And nobody cares.

    The problem is the way swf teams play, that makes the solo play the way they do.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Usually the matches go so: 1 surv dead, 1 injured on the gate, 1 on the hook and me who hasn´t been hooked once. Now i go for the rescue with BT, even body block so the other can escape. I get hooked an expect the other 2 guys to heal each other and rescue me.

    Instead i see how they teabag the killer at the exit gate and both leave me to die.

    So, i´m officially thinking about leaving in this situation. Since the others won´t bother to rescue me anyway.

  • Member Posts: 6,090

    I see way more selfish SWF survivors than solo Q ones tbf. And if I see someone on the hook, another one downed near the hook, and the other one being chased near the hook in no way I'll go for a save just so there's 3 downs and 1 hooked instead.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    part of that is true for me. I dont risk too much for others anymore, because too often i die on first hook because they dont come to save you from a non-camping killer even if you have kindred. I still do hooksaves, lead the killer away, do gens, but i dont do hooktrades anymore, even if someone is on deathhook and i am not. because they leave you in the ditch anyway.

    But if i get a key with plunderers, i hide it (becuase franklins and campers), but i play as normal, unhooks, gens, and if one die and the hatch spawns, i try to find it and gather all survivors there, so we all can get out. But i only give them one chance, if they dont want to come with me, they are on their own.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    I guess you should take some agro a lot earlier. Then it might be zero dead. One on each exit gate, with plenty of time to coordinate a save.

    "I died on my first hook" is the cry of a player that doesn't have a simple grasp of how the game works.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    What? you've been getting ppl on gens? I only see them crouching outside of the terror radius doing nothing

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Your putting the blame on 1 side while it goes both ways.

    I've seen both solo's as well as swf play like this.

    I always play solo and don't care about escaping but just pipping.

    I'd be happy to sacrifice myself to rescue others.

    I've seen a 3 man swf where 1 was downed, I got chased but he lost me and chased another.

    I go to the downed survivor and who do I meet?

    Yup the one who got chased and even tried to heal the downed survivor 🤷‍♂️

    I had were I kept rescuing everyone multiple times, but when I got on the hook the just went on a gen close by and let someone from across the map rescue me.

    They didn't took it lightly when I brought the killer to them and pointed to get them, which he did 😂

    So yeah it ain't only solo people, goes for swf groups too

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh I take aggro. But smart killers lose interest pretty quickly.

    Unlike my teammates that waste the God pallet and go down in 30 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Also, pretty please, with sugar on top

    ...cleanse some flippin’ totems

    Tap the gen, check for Ruin, then go eliminate it

  • Member Posts: 69

    Yup, they don't like taking aggro, they want to unhook me, heal me and then let the killer tunnel me while they hide instead of taking a hit

  • Member Posts: 69

    Never said Swf were not selfish, I play alone, I've had a swf, just leave me with a key after I kept unhooking all 3 of them, I mostly play games where no one is swf, as far as I can tell, at least the swf are helping each other solo qs tend to not care enough to take risks, they dont like getting exhausted for a save, don't like taking aggro for others

  • Member Posts: 69

    Yup, cant do much in situations like that, but when one is hooked with kindred, I'm getting chased so I take the killer away from the hooked survivor the other two players are both on different gens, and neither want to go until they finish it and the one one the hook hits struggle.

  • Member Posts: 688

    The way the match goes sometimes makes people not wanting to help others. For example, match starts and I go to a gen. 10 secs later, someone is found and downed. 20 seconds later that person is saved and another one is downed. 20 more seconds and a third survivor is downed by saving the second survivor while the killer is near.

    I finish my gen, maybe get to another, the third survivor is saved, the first one gets downed, the second one is now healing in a corner. Then someone else gets downed and I'm trying to fix, no one else is doing it and then maybe the killer now downs two of the other survivors.

    Sometimes I go to help, sometimes I just keep fixing and see how it goes, because the team has made it impossible for us to win, by just wanting points and making unsafe saves.

    Also, if the killer killed two survivors, only 2 gens are done and someone is on the hook struggling, I might or might not go for the save. There is no way for both of us to survive at that point, unless one of us has a key and I have saved people in that situation that then let me die on the hook because they want the hatch, even though I just saved them before.

    There have been matches where I make it to the final stage, all gens done, then the killer finds and hooks me. My team then decides to open the gate, even when the killer is not on them and then the killer does go for one of them and they all leave, letting me die, even if I fixed a lot or saved them or ran the killer around for a while. Sometimes being selfish is needed...

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    I generally agree. However, if those three are being idiots and/or obviously a part of a swf group, then it isn’t totally uncommon for me to say “screw’em” and plan a hatch escape.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Same here, I try everything I can to support my team as a solo.

    But it's like you said sometimes they just going done as if they are just standing afk.

    Had 2 stupid matches today.

    1 vs oni where I did 3 gens solo with ruin up, cleansed 3 totems, did a couple of saves and heals, some chases.

    Only to be left to die on my 2nd hook by the last remaining survivor who got the hatch, did 1 gen and 1 totem.

    The 2nd was pretty much the same.

    Came down to a blendette on her dead hook who leaves me on my first hook.

    Then her buttbuddy sents me a message that I need to dc so she can get the hatch 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    Sometimes I'm really considering to just be selfish and do my own thing.

    And not thinking about the team

  • Member Posts: 305

    why ? helping noobis they die in 10sec and waist so hard all pallets ? never ever ! SELFISH up to MMR is her ! that noobis in dbd hIgH rAnKs, mm are so bad, i never help them when they playing usless and didnt do a gens survivng little bit and not waisting pallets

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Then I think the title would've been better something like "pls survivors stop being selfish" or something along the line 😉

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    I see no reason to abandon my generator (being the only one putting in work) if my team-mates are abjectly stupid. That goes double if I am injured.

  • Member Posts: 66

    No. :)

    Gen > other ppl

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    Yeah I see this a lot as well. I honestly think sometimes they don't realize if a person got injured that means they're being chase. Like, my dude, no one stubbed their toe...

    Lately when the person who hasn't even been touched the entire game won't make a save, I just let them die. It's not even about the BP. I'm just not going to help reward that person for their selfish and poor play.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    And triple if you aren’t currently running any perks that would make it anything other than a suicide mission. If you know its a trap, don’t take the bait.

  • Member Posts: 33

    3 SWF and 1 solo joined a match. One SWF got hooked and the 2 SWF run to the hook. The killer was kinda campy and now there are 2 SWF on dying state and 1 hooked, also there are 4 gens left and the solo person is like "wth"... IMO that SWF won't deserve to leave the gates alive.

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