Fan Chapter: Screaming Caverns

- Abandoned Silver Mine
Map Offering: Rusty Mine Cart
Map Layout:
- Underground
Lore: Roosevelt Silver Mine, once a rich and plentiful silver mine back in its heyday from 1880-1910 West Virginia, United States. Once the summer of 1908 had rolled around workers were being replaced by heavy steam machines and unionized employees had threatened the closure of the mine. Not long after that summer many mysterious disasters, disappearances, and deaths started occurring including some of the workers started reporting whispers of a voice they couldn't understand or pinpoint where it was coming from. One day of Spring in 1910 the mine would be closed forever after 17 most gruesome murders had occurred by some type of drilling mechanism. Now it's said you sometimes hear voices of the damned and an unknown demonic language. Those who enter the mine will only find death and sound of a roaring drill.
- Adept Brute: Get a merciless victory with The Brute using only his unique 3 perks.
- Tremors: Using The Brute's power, Burrow, a total of 100 times.
- Punishing Speed: While in a match, The Brute must pull 3 survivors total off generators while using Burrow.
- Adept Veronica: Escape as Veronica Morris using only her unique 3 perks.
- The Elevator of The Damned: Repair the generator at the elevator last also open the elevator gate to escape and live to tell the tale.
- Steaming Bloody Summer: Use the Brute's Mori on all Survivors in a single match.
Killer: Gordon Nathaniel Thompson a.k.a. "The Brute"
"I swore to myself not to vomit when I came across the gruesome bloody corpse by this vileness being which had drilled through their abdomen. Though I swore I still couldn't help myself from vomiting, for I saw the entire inner cavity of their chest with blood and gore everywhere including the pulverized missing head. Wait! I swore I heard the revving of some sort of engine. I see him! I HAVE TO RUN! IF THIS SO BE MY FINAL TAPE PLEASE TELL JENA I LOVE….. *Roaring engine and heavy fast stomps preceded by blood curdling screams and gargling*.” - Unknown Tape of Trial 47.
Lore: Gordon "The Brute" Nathaniel Thompson was once a well respected and hard working miner for the Roosevelt Silver Mine. Gordon was also a bit of a tinkerer and inventor which the company he worked for loved since he helped increase work efficiency. Though Gordon was respected by a lot of people, although some resented him out of pride and fear that he would make those people lose their jobs. One day in the Spring of 1910, some of the disgruntled workers devised a plan to get rid of Gordon. They lured Gordon into a part of the mine and proceeded to pummel him near to death and entrapped him into a cave in with dynamite. When the cave in had occurred his right arm was torn off by the explosions and his ears scorched with the rest of his head. Chunks of silver rocks embedded into the back of his head and body as well had occurred too. Gordon now lying on the ground near death heard an eerie, ominous and strange voice come to him. The voice called out if Gordon wanted to live and seek vengeance upon those who wrong him. Gordon replied yes while spitting out blood he was choking on. The voice gave him materials and tools to save himself only in exchange to work for this voice. Gordon agreed and was partially healed enough to save himself and replaced his right arm with a large drill. A few hours later Gordon had freed himself from his tomb. Gordon barely standing and in extreme pain finally found those who tried to murder him earlier. Filled with the rage of unholy vengeance began killing them all one by one with all who would stand in his way. After that Gordon retreated back into the mine once the Pinkertons the mine owner hired to kill Gordon. A black shroud began covering the sky and the mine only to disappear as quickly as it came once Gordon reentered the mine. The Pinkertons had searched for Gordon in the mine but couldn't find him. One more month after the incident the mine would be closed forever with Gordon to never be seen again.
Killer's Description:
Physical Appearance:
The Brute has a large dented drill for a right arm and an oxygen tank embedded into his back with a gas mask sewed to his face. His ears are scorched due to dynamite explosion with the back of his head scorched as well and chunks of silver rocks protruding from all around his body. He is in an tattered insulated brown likeness old diving suit with iron boots. His left arm covered in slabs of metal with pressure valves to monitor his fuel intake for his right arm. His abdomen is protruding half of a minecart wheel with a bandolier belt filled with vials of mysterious liquids.
Old time insulated tattered brown diving suit, gas mask, iron boots, and a bandolier.
Alternate Clothing:
1. Old Mining suit with a broken pickaxe embedded into The Brute's back with a set of welding goggles sunken into his eye sockets while having a oxygen tank tube melted to his mouth and a hard hat with a flashlight attached on top.
2. A rusty set of knight armor and an antique divers helmet.
3. Torn Hazmat Suit, WWI Doughboy helmet, Bronze leaded boots, and a Chrome metal left arm.
Killer's Base Stats:
Movement Speed: 4.6 m/s(115%)
Terror Radius: 32 m
Height: Tall
Difficulty: Hard
Playstyle: Map Pressure/ Heavy Fast Roamer
Main Weapon: Large Heavy Dented Arm Drill.
Alternate Weapons: Large Rusted Circular Saw, Large Blunted Jackhammer, 4 Bloody Small Grinder Blades, Large Barbed Harpoon, and 2 Large Bloody and Gory Railroad Spikes.
Disclaimer: Alternate Weapons don't give any advantages at all just purely cosmetic purposes.
Mori: Survivor trips and falls to the ground when suddenly The Brute burrows from underground and grabs ahold of the Survivor. The Brute with his drill arm begins to rev the drill up and violently impales them through the stomach and out their back while the drill is going. With gore and blood splattered everywhere The Brute finishes the Mori by smashing the Survivor's head in with the drill arm.
Killer's Power: Burrow
Description: In your previous life Gordon had an unfortunate event costing of his right arm so he gets revenge with his new mechanical drill arm. Burrow uses the right arm of the Killer to dig underground and tunnel through the map with full control, also increases movement speed up to 135% but increases terror radius up to 48 meters while Burrow is in use. Burrow takes up to 0.5 second to go in and out of tunneling while its cooldown timer is 30 seconds after each use. While Burrow is used the Killer can see outliers of survivors and objects within a 16 meter radius but able to track generators normally.
Disclaimer: Burrow can only rip survivors off generations while they are working on them, but can't hurt survivors while normal tunneling.
Fatigued Animation:
"The Brute" looks at his drill arm and refills it with a vile of liquid and proceeds to close the small circular hatch.
New Status Effect: Dazed
Dazed: While a Survivor is hit with Burrow, all action speeds are reduced by 5% for 15 seconds.
Killer Addons:
Rusty Minecart: Gains 200% in Deviousness while using Burrow.
Torn Gas Mask: Gains additional 2 meters visibility while using Burrow. Stacks
Rusty Mine Rail: Gains additional 2% movement speed while using Burrow. Stacks
Broken Lamplight: Decreased cooldown with Burrow by 5 seconds. Stacks
Rusty Lever: Gains additional 4 meters visibility while using Burrow. Stacks
Busted Minecart Wheel: Gains additional 5% movement speed while using Burrow. Stacks
Broken Sledgehammer: Removes 2 meters of visibility while using Burrow while decreasing terror radius by 12 meters. Stacks
Shattered Vial: Decreases cooldown with Burrow by 10 seconds. Stacks
Moldy Support Beam: Decreases terror radius by 4 meters while using Burrow and increasing Burrow movement speed by 3%. Stacks
New Lamplights: Gains additional 6 meters to visibility while using Burrow. Stacks
Partial Cave-in: Decreases terror radius by 8 meters while using Burrow and increasing Burrow movement speed by 5%. Stacks
Worn-out Brakes: Gains additional 10% movement speed while using Burrow. Stacks
Cracked Hardhat: Removes 4 meters of visibility while using Burrow while increasing movement speed by 15%.
Dented Latch: Decreases cooldown with Burrow by 10 seconds.
Cracked Flashlight Lens: Gains additional 20% movement speed while using Burrow while reducing base movement speed by 1%.
New Mine Rails: Gains additional movement speed by 5% for 15 seconds after exiting Burrow while decreasing movement speed by 10% while using Burrow.
New Formula: Cooldown for Burrow is reduced by 15 seconds.
New Gas Mask: Gains additional 16 meters visibility while using Burrow.
Tremors: Allows Burrow to break downed pallets.
New Drill Bit: Allows Burrow to attack from underground. Cooldown for Burrow is increased by 15 seconds.
Killer Perks:
Fresh Meat: The unquenchable thirst for revenge is so insatiable you can smell blood in the air. When a survivor is hit the auras of all nearby survivors in a 8 meter radius are revealed to you for 4/6/8 seconds with the perk cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
Dark Forces: When dark forces are upon you, your mastery of deception is heightened. At the start of the match, all totems appear as dull totems for 60/120/180 seconds. After the last generator is completed, all remaining survivors become afflicted with Oblivious status effect.
Blood Rush: The fear of punishment angers you to unbelievable cruelty. You gain Bloodlust 10/15/20% faster. After ending a chase, you still maintain Bloodlust for 20 seconds.
"God almighty! I've seen things here that are stuff of nightmares made of here. Though 2 tours of Afghanistan and USMC training has prepared me for when the $#!+ hits the fan like this. Where I'm at sure seems like a good time compared to civilian life, just need some way to bring the fight to them freaks! - Veronica Morris
Survivor: Veronica Morris
Lore: Since birth, Veronica has always been a fighter. Through life Veronica had traveled from one U.S. Marine Corps military base to another as a child and through her teen years. She was always told to try and stay out of trouble but never back down from a fight. That lesson that her father instilled into her was something she would never forget; even though, it caused Veronica to get into a lot of trouble. When Veronica enlisted at 18 she couldn't help herself from following in her father's footsteps as a Marine. During Veronica's training she was harassed nonstop until she proved herself to not be messed with and could dish out the pain as any man could. She completed training at the top of her class and was instantly promoted to First Sergeant due to her immense leadership, tactical, strategic, and shooting skills that proved to be beyond average. When Veronica had turned 19 her company was called up to arms for a tour in Afghanistan where she would see unspeakable and barbaric sights that would change her forever. During her first tour she would receive two Purple Hearts and one Marine Corps Expeditionary Medal from two different instances while protecting her squad mates from ambushes. On her second and final tour when she was 21 in Afghanistan. Veronica would receive her Afghanistan Campaign Military Medal, Battle Participation Ribbon, Global War On Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Bronze Star for Valor, Distinguished Service Medal, and Honorable Discharge Lapel Pin after returning home. She would go on to run her grandfather's mechanics shop until one night when a bizarre intense storm would come around. That night would be the last night anyone would ever see her again. Now Veronica had been pulled into the Entity's game to test her mettle to survive. Veronica now can't wait for her chance to battle the beasts unleashed upon her and others to feel like a Marine again.
Survivor Description:
Difficulty: Intermediate
Race: Caucasian/White
Birth Location: Iowa, U.S.A.
Age: 29 years old
Height: 5 foot 4 inches/(1.6 meters)
Hair Color: Ginger
Clothing description: Blue jeans with a Brown baseball cap, Red flannel shirt with grease stains, and steel toe boots.
Alternative Clothing:
- U.S.M.C. MARPAT Fatigue Uniform.
- Greasy worn-out Mechanics Jumpsuit with Combat Boots.
- Black torn up Metal band Shirt, Black studded Wrist bands, Dark Brown Shorts, Tied up Hair with Black highlights, and Black Steel-toe Boots
Survivor Perks:
Semper Fidelis: Through all the intensive training and preparation has taught you to always be faithful and never leave your fellow brothers and sisters in arms behind no matter what. Each time you heal a Survivor from the Dying or Injured state or Safe Unhooking Gains 1 token up to a maximum of 4 tokens. Upon being unhooked you use 2 tokens and Gains one full health state. Gains Endurance for 10/15/20 seconds.
Fighting Spirit: War is in your blood and soul while losing is never an option to you. Upon freeing yourself or being freed from a bear trap, or hook, break into a sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for 3 seconds if you are freed within the Killer's Terror Radius or enter it within 3/5/7 seconds of being freed. Fighting Spirit ignores Exhaustion. Causes Exhaustion for 60/50/40 seconds outside of the Killer's terror radius.
Intense Experience: Through the mud, blood, sweat, and tears you have learned to instinctively ignore pain and fight with all your might. While hooked and in the Killer's terror radius, the Entity progression is slowed by 10/15/20%.
You have put a lot of work into your ideas, Well done.
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Thank you.
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I really like this idea, it had a lot of care put into it.
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Thank you
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I love how much detail is put into this, I dont think I've ever seen someone put achievements to go with their chapter on here before. Not to mention how much detail you put into this with the cosmetics and add-ons.
I like the concept behind the Brute. Gameplay wise, he sounds kinda like a wraith alternative to me. While the wraith isn't completely invisible, but has his terror radius repressed, The Brute is essentially completely invisible, but has a larger terror radius. When he's traveling underground, what does his vision look like? Is it similar to the demogorgon, or would the camera be right above the ground. I do have a couple balance suggestions. I think he should either take longer to exit the ground, or have reduced movement speed temporarily afterwards. Cause wile the increased terror radius would still give people more time to react, at 135% movement speed, you could catch up to them no problem pretty quickly. To compensate for that though, I think it could be fair to reduce the cooldown of the ability a little.
As far as perks go, Fresh Meat sounds a little to similar to infectious fright, especially on killers with instadown abilities where a hit is also a down. Dark forces I like, it seems like a good way to protect your totems while also making you more dangerous in the end game, especially with The Brute's unique ability. Could make survivors think twice about 99ing gates. Blood rush I also like, but I think the extended duration should be shorter. I feel like in 20 seconds after ending a chase, you could run off, find someone else and still have bloodlust. And now that you're in a chase again, you're still maintaining it.
Semper Fidelis really only needs to do one of those two things. Endurance only effects you if you would be put into the dying state, which if you're healthy, you wouldn't be unless the killer has instadowns. There's also really no point in Fighting Spirit ignoring exhaustion since being hooked instantly cures exhaustion. Also ignoring exhaustion for escaping from a bear trap is just kinda a slap in the face to a killer with an already fairly weak ability. The exhaustion should also just trigger regardless of if youre in the terror radius. Being able to potentially use two exhaustion perks back to back is kinda whack, ngl. Intense Experience though, I take no issue with, that's just pretty useful.
Overall, I do really like this chapter and the amount of effort you put into this is amazing. I would love to see more work with this much love put into it from you.
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Well thanks for the comments. The FOV would be underground like the Demogorgon's tunnel ability while can see outliers of survivors and objects within a 16 meter radius but able to track generators normally.
I also wrote this before the Plague came out.
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I didn't realize that, I guess you were ahead of the curve on that one, sweet!
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How would the power work on two story maps like Lampkin lane, the game and Midwich?
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Good question. I never thought about that until now really.