Tunneling, camping, they don't have actual definitions.

CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

I've talked a little bit about this subject in the past, but I never actually made a forum in order to prove my point and explain my view on this matter....so here we are.

Tunneling and camping in particular, don't actually have clear definitions. Let me explain.

How many times have you played killer, and at least one survivor called you a camper or a tunneler? Most of you will say a lot of times. Now please recall the times where you didn't tunnel and camp, but they still called you that regardless. The list is smaller, but still, there were many situations where the survivors did call you either a camper of a tunneler. And that's because of one of these three reasons:

1. Om their perspective, you were camping/tunneling.

2. Salt/can't admit that they lost, it's the killer that played dirty.

3. Unclear definition of both.

The first two are self-explanatory, so let's go with the third one: unclear definition of both.

Have you ever talked with a survivor in the post game chat? If you have, then you probably have argued if you've camped/tunneled or not. In these arguments, it's really unclear on who's correct in this situation, since both sides have different objectives and perspectives on the game. For example, if you play killer and have 2 people just unhooked, it's really hard to remember which one was hooked and which one wasn't, that's why most of the times killers just go and chase whoever is infront of them/ are more vulnerable. From the survivor perspective, it is a clear tunnel. But, what's actually the definition of both?

I'll give my definitions, since there isn't an official definition by the devs, or the community.

Tunneling is when a killer intentionally targets a survivor and keeps chasing them after getting unhooked, with little counterplay from the survivor side, if they don't have perks. They keep doing it till they get sacrificed.

Camping is when a killer intentionally stays close to a hook in order to secure a kill.

For other people, tunneling and camping are more generic, like going for the unhooked survivor in the first situation, and staying close (32 or less meters away) from the hook. It's really up to the player, and their experience with the game.

That's my point of view in that matter, I also wanna add that calling someone a camper or a tunneler is a bit stupid. The killers job is to kill, and must do everything in their power to kill all 4 survivors. If a killer believes that they should camp and tunnel, they can do that. Is it a dirty move? Yes. But I personally believe that playing dirty is also part of the game.

That's all folks.


  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    I get accused of camping and tunnelling all the time.

    Only way to convince them is to upload the video from my point of view. Which I did.

    And have them watch it, which they did. And 1 person replied saying that I didn't camp or tunneled. Said gg and went on his way.

    Other survivors stayed silent.

    But I'm not uploading videos every time though. Those entitled survivors can go be butthurt.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I'd argue most people have a pretty clear understanding of the general scenarios the words refer to. Camping is sticking close to the hook, tunneling is tunnelvisioning on a single survivor. Pretty clear and overall neutral terms on their own.

    Of course, it's when people define "close to the hook" and "tunnelvisioning" you get wildly different answers from different people. Two people can discuss the terms with one reserving them genuine hard camping and the sort of game-losing tunneling where they abandon an almost won chase to go look for someone that got unhooked on the other side of the map, while the other might consider following scratchmarks to a hook or hitting an unhooked survivor that ran into the killer's face to be camping/tunneling.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    If there are two gens left and 4 living survivors stop assuming the killer gonna play nice. They need someone gone. I grasp super early tunneling sucks but for the love of god try and give the tunneled survivor a chance by blocking a hit. Im so sick of the the davids/megs calling tunnel on my behalf when he was healthy close by and unwilling to take a hit to let me reach the next looping zone.

  • XXXPrinnyGodXXX
    XXXPrinnyGodXXX Member Posts: 31

    Best is when they are all hanging around trying to rush in and you clearly know this, if none of them are doing gens why would I wander off. Camping Tunneling is just what they say when you did something the didnt like.