If it was up to you to decide which perk is added to killers/survivors as base kit, what would it be

konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

You can also make changes. So it doesn't have to be the perk exactly it could for example have a similar affect. And of course the perk would be removed, so you don't need to worry about stacking. And finally make a case as to why you feel it should be base kit.


  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Decisive Strike: Honestly, I'm just done explaining what the rework would be, so if you want to know, hunt through my comments, cuz it's not worth my time. As for why, well, we need anti-tunneling measures that are actually anti-tunnel but not have to waste a perk slot.

    Barbeque And Chili: The grind is dumb and Killers kind of need incentive to not camp.

    We're Gonna Live Forever: Again, the grind is dumb but make it to where you don't have to be heavily altruistic to get 4 stacks

    Kindred: Just remove the Killer portion and it would be an incredible buff to SoloQ.

    Corrupt Intervention: Until they add the Trial Warmup type thing they are doing (eventually), maybe make Corrupt slow all gen speeds by 50% for 80 seconds, just so that the Killer can get a head start. Only reason I wouldn't want regular Corrupt as base is because some Killers, like Hag, Legion, and Hillbilly are actually worse with it than without

  • Mozzie
    Mozzie Member Posts: 618

    All good points. Survivor perks that are meant to stop slugging/camping/tunneling shouldn't be used as aggressive features. Honestly I think if they made lvl 2 of Kindred base for at least 4 seconds that would help a lot. I certainly wouldn't mind them buff kindred to 20 meters for killer either

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    Someone didn't bother to read the part where I said list one change. Please don't use this to create paragraph long wish lists for changes in the game.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Mine would be buckle up's down survivor aura intensity but not its killer reveal aura.

    SWF can tell eachother how much recovery % they are at but solos can't without this perk so why not let solos have that as well.

    Also SWFs don't need more baseline killer knowledge which is why I excluded the killer reveal aura.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Kindred or BT for survivor less time so people won't abuse body blocking with it.

    Corrupt or whispers (I know whispers is really strong) but if I'm complete honest, just corrupt.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    It says nothing about "one change". Someone didn't bother to read their own post.

    Come on dude. Seriously? At least proofread your post before you talk ######### about someone not bothering to read it

  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356

    NOED and DS because I honestly just want the world to burn

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921

    WGLF and BBQ's point multipliers should be base-kit. WGLF's dying healing speed increase and BBQ's aura reveal would just be the new WGLF/BBQ.

    Would reduce grind a bit.

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481
    edited December 2020

    For killers, I think a 'mini-pop' combined with the BP boost could make a good base kit addition to both create a 'carrot' for not camping (as the devs have said many times, the game LITERALLY can't get more anti-camp than it is now or else the game utterly breaks: the killer ALREADY isn't rewarded for having one person watch the hook without repairing, they need 2 for it to be worth it) so that killers feel a desire to be more active. Regression needs to be stronger in base kit. Killers often compain about gen times, but that is more about how killers can't out-pressure survivors just tapping gens and running over and over, which is kinda dumb. The killer doing like an instant 5%-10% regression would help discourage those moments and make them feel good about landing hooks (which honestly don't feel very good atm) without seriously affecting gen time: That is an extra 4 seconds in reality.

    Obviously there is a problem where some tri-gens can be too strong (Ormond has one where all 3 gens are in direct LOS of each other) but I think gens don't need to so much be slower as much as there being more cost to the killer interrupting your gen to reward good killer pressure.

    Another option is the movespeed boost from DH could also be base kit. So the killer is a bit faster, wants to hit a gen, and gets BP for hooking everyone once. REALLY strongly encouraged to try to find another chase instead of being territorial unless the survivors make it SUPER clear they will punish that.

    That said camping at this point is an entirely survivor behavior created problem. So I am not sure how much this would help, but it would make playing around the hook incorrectly as a killer feel less devastating (Because you get so many inherent rewards for a hook that aren't related to player elimination) and might stop the 'mindless' campers who camp as policy rather than a tactic.

    On the survivor side: Team aura read perks were a good idea before SWF was added to the game, but honestly don't make a ton of sense and just exist to allow a gap between SWF and solos to exist. I actually really LIKE that gap myself, I enjoy having to try to track not just the killer but my teammates, but it probably makes sense from a game design standpoint to either make 4 man SWF its own special thing where you get baked in downsides and then a solo/duo Q, or try to elevate solos, and that would mean stuff like giving team wide aura read either all the time (reworking bond, empathy, kindred, ect) to emulate callouts, or just during 'critical' situations like when you get hit, when you are doing a gen, when your healing, ect. Also would involve making bead on map base kit.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Bt: works for 10 seconds and mending takes longer

    Ds: 30 second timer that stops during chase or halfed when slugged

    corrupt: 3 farthest gens repair at 75% speed

    barbeque: everyone uses it so it might as well be basekit

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Killers should get Tinkerer and Bitter Murmur for free to avoid genrushing and snowballing.

    Survivors should get Bond and Any Means Necessary for free. Bond because knowing where your CLOSE allies is should be a basic feature and it is one of those things SWF kinda get already by virtue of comms. Any Means Necessary would be a compromise to these new maps with few pallets that punish Killers for not respecting pallets. If you are not gonna kick it, be prepared to get whacked with it again.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990


  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    BBQ and WGLF. The current grind is horrible for new players

  • Bwsted
    Bwsted Member Posts: 3,452

    Kindred and BBQ.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2020

    For survivors probably DS but if it was base it would have to have a proper catch as opposed to its current version.

    Maybe something like this:

    It only stuns the killer for 2 seconds instead of 5 seconds but the survivor gets an additional 3 second sprint burst and leaves no scratch marks during those 3 seconds. This allows the killer to quickly get back to the gens to defend them and the tunneled survivor gets a chance to get away.

    For killers probably Corrupt Intervention but with a slight buff.

    The location of all survivors gets revealed after the first minute of Corrupt Intervention. Otherwise people would just wait it out all the time in the long run.

    Right now they merely don't wait it out as they don't know what the other survivors are doing (unless they're a 4 man SWF) and some people spawn on non-blocked gens some survivors don't even realize the killer has Corrupt.

    If the current version of Corrupt was baseline it would eventually become pointless as everyone would know the killer has corrupt before the match even starts. So basically 2 minutes of doing nothing every match unless you play a preparation/trap-based killer.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    For Survivor: Kindred sans the Killer aure reveal, Bond/Empathy mix

    For Killer: BBQ sans the aura reading (would remain on the perk with maybe a smaller minimum distance), Corrupt Intervention(maybe)

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238


    A small default regression on kicking (<5%) and a skillcheck on removing regression ( or a kicked generator, small gameplay relevant difference) , will make kicking gens less bland/useless and will remove midchase gen tapping.

    The bloodpoint boosts of certain perks could really do well as basic mechanisms, but we could also just adjust all bloodpoint scores. Slightly off topic, but Bp events should differ between solo and swf groups, for example an swf person unhooking a solo doesnt get y unhook and x save unhook points, but ONLY y+x save unhook points.

    As for giving survivors kindred or bond/ empathy... Aura reading is the strongest information buff thats possible in this game. Kindred might be barely okay, but other aura reads will break the game.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Depends on the day. Right now to be edgy, no mither and stridor :^)

    Tomorrow detectives hunch and haunted grounds.

    But in reality, brutal str or enduring and any means necessary or windows of opportunity

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    Sorta like the idea of Buckle Up and Shadowborn as default.

    Running to someone that has been laying still for 30 seconds just to see they haven't recovered at all sucks, and a wider field of view is always nice especially in 1st person view.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Hell no. IT would make solo unplayable, because everyone would rush for an unhook to get the multipliers in addition to the points. A lot of games would boild down to some hooktrading and no gen being done. I had games like that, i dont need it permanently.

  • the_trashman
    the_trashman Member Posts: 4

    "Kindred: Just remove the Killer portion and it would be an incredible buff to SoloQ."

    True, it would be really nice. And then Kindred could just keep the functionality it has now but add the killer aura. Maybe with a longer distance. Even then it probably wouldn't get used though.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Not gonna say Survivor Perks, in my own opinion i don't know Survivor well enough to make suggestions on them.

    Not even gonna say obvious ones, as those have probably already been listed.

    Shadowborn, unaltered, with a FOV slider in the options menu that can slide from the current standard FOV to Shadowborn III's FOV, just in case anyone dislikes it.

    Barbecue & Chili, make the Aura thing its own Perk, make the BP thing standard, more BP will surely incentivize some people to switch some targets sometimes.

    Franklin's Demise, not the damage-Items part, just the make-them-drop-it part.

    Mad Grit, with the wiggle cooldown now lasting only as long as the Killer's successful attack animation. (Idk the exact duration of that animation, so forgive me if Mad Grit III is already like that.)

    Zanshin Tactics, for ranks 20-16 only.

    Additionally, i just want to say that in my opinion anyone suggesting any Hex Perk isn't suggesting a good idea.

    It'll always put all other Hex Perks at immediate risk, considering all Survivors would now know that there's at least 1 Hex in the trial.

    There's already risks with them, like an immediate find, or spawning in an open space, so we don't need the added risk of everyone immediately knowing that hunting for one WILL (eventually) result in at least 1 successful find.

    Hex: Haunted Ground might be the sole exception.