Deathslinger is the most boring killer to go against, try to convince me otherwise (try but u wont)

title. he is not stupidly strong in the 4 v 1 but he is so boring and no interactive that id rather just kill on hook so i die on the hook fast and look for anotehr game, so i also dont die of boredom.

try to prove me you can have fun in the 1 v 1 against him, you cant try u will misserably fail but u can try, id rather get spammed by snare freddy or go against nurse than him so is not about the strenght of the killer is about how boring and not interactive he is.


  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    The Wraith and the Hag still exist.


  • Chilli_man2400
    Chilli_man2400 Member Posts: 2,893

    You think Slinger is bad? Go against Spirit, Hag and Twins then come back and talk

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2020

    how is wraith annoying what?.... no, hag is annoying if she is very good wich usually is not the case you barely see her at all, and i play her as long as you dint die near bassement or dont play on her trap zone wich means dont create 3 gen zones you should be fine. but slinger has realisticaly no counterplay, putting stuff between you and him is not realistic counterplay if he is good you are death and thats extremely boring, also you dotn always have lots of structures to use to lose LOS and stil extremeleby boring interaction.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    I find deathslinger to be the 3rd most enjoyable to face myself as knowing when he can and cannot make a shot by knowing the odd collisions of some terrain makes it an enjoyable counterplay where you get to use your knowledge against him, but I also find Oni to be the most boring to play as or against, (I dont own Hag,Freddy, Demo or PH, so cant take them into account for the play as).

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613


  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Well better then saying he's OP.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Twins. At least with Slinger I can kill myself on the hook after he wins the chase for free. With Twins I have to sit there and wait on the ground while Victor pretends to be a good Killer.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    have you ever encountered an Forever Freddy?

    THAT is boring.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,407

    In my opinion chases where i could go down every second are more enjoyable. Where gaining every second is hard work.

    But thats only when i have a good team. When i know i need to loop the killer for a very long time, bc my team is slower then a snail glued to the ground, its frustrating.

    Its the same with bloodlust. I dont like it that a killer gets me because he waits for 1 minute. But it wouldnt be so a problem, when my team would use the time.

  • Claudette_Baguette
    Claudette_Baguette Member Posts: 567

    Pyramid Head is way more annoying since they tunnel you out of the game and BT and DS won't even counter it. It's just a really badly designer killer in my opinion. I mean they designed BT and DS to counter camping and tunneling and they just make a killer whose power completely negates that.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Why do you need to be convinced otherwise? You are allowed an opinion you know

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Oh wait no I forgot this is dead by daylight

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Generally if a Hag teleports you have a chance to react. However if you play on pc you can bind the teleport button so you teleport immediately. It basically removes any chance of reaction on the survivors part.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    He's incredibly boring to play against in chase.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
    edited December 2020

    Okay but you gotta admit his chase theme is a banger

  • mynameisaaaaa
    mynameisaaaaa Member Posts: 22

    he's fun to play against. for once i don't have to loop 24 7 and i actually have to mindgame him

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2020

    so pretty much every one who responded agrees on him being extremely unhealthy and unfun for the game, wich is not surprise at all. is not about being strong, because an strong killer can potentially be decently fun to go agaisnt with the proper counterplay wich deathslinger doesnt have, placing stuff in front is not counterplay, unless you have a building (not a loop, a building) to use wich is most likely situational to make him lose LOS, thats HIS only counterplay try to make him lose los but he can shoot from 18 mts so you need to have AN EXTREME distance on him to make it work so... no, he shouyld get huntress treatment in order to shoot he should need to cahrge or something, quickscoping is stupid as #########.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Learn to make a read...

    All of these posts literally read to me as "x killer doesn't give me all of the information I need and ample warning to absolutely negate what they're doing, therefore killer boring, no counter play"

    Meanwhile survivors that know what they're doing know how to force shots they can predict and dodge preemptively, making the Slinger miss. It becomes a mind game where the Slinger player needs to predict how the survivor is going to move so he lands his shot, and the survivor needs to be very mindful of their positioning and then make reads on when Slinger is going to have to shoot in order to try and make him miss. However, the skill of the killer actually makes a difference because it matters how good they are at making the shot, it's not just up to the survivor to dodge.

    It's actually kinda both funny and depressing seeing how many people absolutely hate killers that don't chase normally and who require different considerations and strategies from the survivor.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited December 2020

    if u read what i said, i said that rather go against nurse, wich is the ultimate adapt to go against so no man, he is extremely unfun to go against and none of that will work agiasnt a good slinger. just dead hard to make him lose LOS thats all you have, but the next time you are dead. unless he mess up, but thats on him not on you-. nurse is kinda the same if she is good or very good you are screwed but she is more rewarding for making reads since she is slower she is forced to blink thats were simple loops can come in crutch, simple loops sucks agaisnt deathslinger, he is weak at 4 v 1 dont get me wrong i never said he is OP or anything he is jsut extremely unfun.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778
    edited December 2020

    For what it's worth I'd rather face a Slinger than a Hillbilly or a Trapper, because I find those two killers to be extremely annoying to me as a player, but it has no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the killers should be reworked, cuz I don't pretend like my disliking of a killer in the roster is more important than the countless people that enjoy them, nor do I pretend that the fact I don't like facing them, means anything regarding their actual balance.

    A killer being "unfun" literally means absolutely nothing, because "fun" is not a metric. Does he have counter play or not? I argue yes, you argue no, we fundamentally disagree on what constitutes counter play, but at the very least we have grounds to argue from, we have a definition we can contest and we have factual elements to take into consideration. "fun" is a nothing word that is useless for any argument.

    Someone else already said they enjoy going against Slinger in this thread alone, and I have read countless of these threads complaining about one killer or another and have always found a pretty sizeable chunk of people who actually enjoy playing against the killer that's said to be "unfun", because "unfun" doesn't mean anything, it's the single most subjective thing you can try to argue and is useless when it comes to balance or what changes need to be made and for what reason.

    I argue that you, as a survivor, actually make the Slinger player miss. It's up to him to land the shot and it's up to you to make the shot as hard as possible, and good survivors know this, and good survivors make damn sure that no shot the Slinger takes is easy. A Slinger that knows how to play does not miss unless survivors make every shot as hard as possible, because go figure, hard shots are hard to land, and inconsistent to land, which then create pressure on the Slinger player, which makes them miss more easily. Anyone who has ever played Slinger against good survivors can tell the massive difference between a survivor that doesn't know what they're doing and a survivor that is seasoned against Slinger, because their plays matter, despite some people pretending survivor plays don't matter against Slinger, and the Slinger player needs to constantly make reads on their target based on how they played previously.

    But whatever...I've seen and argued countless times, with other people that both agree and disagree with me on so many threads about Deathslinger, Hag, Spirit and every other killer survivors like to pretend there's no counter play against. To be honest it doesn't matter... I don't even know why the hell I decided to engage with this if it would matter this time. I just hope the devs are sensible enough to see this matter with more clarity than any of us, whatever their ultimate decision may be.

    Edit: Grammar

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Facts. Everything about him is amazing except being generally boring to face in a chase

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117
    edited December 2020

    You can't dodge or react to a shot. A human can't react fast enough to flat out dodge a shot from a Slinger. The only thing you can do is hope the Slinger misses. And yes, you can make your odds better of him missing and force yourself into better positions, but he isn't like Huntress where she has a punishment for holding a hatchet. He can zone by just existing and can ads spam to force distance loss or get speared. I've put an ungodly amount of hours into him, and there isn't much a survivor can do against a Slinger who is good.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Yeah, Slinger, Hag, Freddy and Spirit are the most boring killers to go against. The problem with these killers is that they are all oppressive in their own way. Wanna play Slinger and Spirit? Okay, you zone with your mere presence which is completely unfair. Wanna just spam dream snares on a 115 percent movement speed killer? Just play Freddy who's the easiest killer in the game with the lowest skill floor and a low skill cap since anyone with basic knowledge of killer fundamentals can 4k with him at Rank 1. Hag, I dislike since she provides no chase interaction. She waits for you to step in a trap, hits you, re-traps and leaves as well as the fact that she is very campy. We need more killers like Billy, Blight and Demo. Fun killers to play as and against (although I wish old Billy was back).

    Before anyone calls me an entitled survivor main, I play both sides and have for almost 3 years now. There's a reason I will never touch Slinger, Hag or Spirit again and that's because they are brain-dead and cheap to win with.

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    Whats the point in discussing this with you if you aren't even open to other ideas?

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    because i wanted the debate, not you trying to convince what is fun for me or not if i say is broing, is boring but for me and you cant convince me otherwise because you cant, is my own opinion. so i was waiting for ideas from others wich exactly as i expected most of them agree with what i said (what a surprise S/) deathslinger is just a pain in the ass.

    id rather go against spirit or nurse all day than slinger tbh unless im on a 4 man, then he just cant take the pressure but still, the 1 v 1 against him is misserable,

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    It certainly is fashionable to call everything "boring." I don't know if I would apply that term to many things in DBD, but Deathslinger is definitely the killer that I feel I have the least chance of outplaying, outside of getting lucky with my dodges.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I bet you have 20 hours. You don't understand how fun it is to be quickscoped after being zoned to high hell. Like gosh man get good or something.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Hmm. No Healing Plague? M1 101 Legion? Doc on a tiny map? MYC Mint Rag Hag? Spirit? OHKO Huntress? #1 Camper Leatherface?

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    He has the best chase Music. This should be convincing enough.

  • Saltjar34
    Saltjar34 Member Posts: 766

    Fine, I'll try this. You know what makes Spirit OP? Because she doesn't give any indication on whether or not she's using her power. Slinger has a loud "clank" when he reloads and his character model changes when he's aiming. Isn't that enough indication to know when to use Dead Hard?

    But the most important thing is, every killer is designed to work differently (I'm going to use TF2 to describe this since I don't know any other way to describe this). Imagine if every class in TF2 other than Heavy is removed. Most of Heavy's mind games exist because other classes exist so imagine that. No more mind games, no more out plays, just a battle of who can outlast the other. At least Heavy still has a variety of weapons and playstyles, all survivors would do is juke and loop the killer until the latter disconnects.

    That's what would happen if every "boring" killer is butchered into being literally worthless. It happened to Nurse and it happened to Billy and did it make them any better for survivors? No! It just made them frustrating to play! I don't want to lose another.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    See the issue i have here is you basically said force him to ads. Now if you played him you know his adsing is clunky. I played a lot of fps and its movement does not correct well hence instant ads is preferable.

    He has one shot for an injure with a down time reloading after every shot. Unlike humtress his shot can land but if the survivor positions well the chain will break. 18 meters is actually a god awful range. Espicially considering the terrain that can break the chain and at max ranges of about 15 meters a survivor has time to evade.

    He has terrible mobility with limited range that makes a lot of large maps misrable to traverse and hunt in. Even with instant adsing he is still a b tier killer simce his snowball and mobility issue horribly screws any chance of him having competitive value. We arent even addressing the fact that maps with large amounts of terrain is gonna mess with him.

    As a survivor digging in your heels and saying no counterplay staying out of los dosent count no counterplay is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. During nurses stronger days los blocking was my means of beating many nurses they always were a hairs breath away from killing me but always an inch off. This tactic I took against many deathslingers. Which wprks obscenly well.

    A deathslinger cant just keep waiting till the shots is perfect often whilst playing well they need to turn a corner and fire immediately. Because they have significantly less time to play with due to mobility issues and range limitations position accordingly. I hate how many contrarian slinger have no slinger experiance there are fundamental underlying problems with his kit. But all a survivor players sees is instant ads op op.

    Let me remind you many individuals who have called out his supposed unfin mechanics have no suggestiins on how to improve his underlying issues which is how we ended up with current legion. An underwhelming bad killer who was gutted to satisfy a playerbase who has no desire to see killers get adjusted just outright nerfed.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Being able to dodge a shot doesn't matter with reaction times, it matters on what you can do in that situation. If you're vaulting a window in front of him or going down a narrow corridor like a dum dum, you can't dodge the shot. Out in the open, you can, you just need to know when he'll shoot. You can strafe by the time the spear leaves his gun and comes to your location unless you're literally in lunge range.

    In fact in my eyes as long as you predict correctly, almost every single shot you can make is dodgeable, there's just so many shots you can take it comes down to taking a guess and not wanting to zone yourself. Just because there's no warning, doesn't mean you shouldn't dodge.

    Plus, there is a lot a good survivor can do against a good slinger. Mainly having good positioning and using good buildings.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Fun is subjective so trying to change your mind indeed a pointless endeavour.

    That said personally i find him fun. I like the change if pace he brings and in my experience stuff like LoS blockers and prethrowing pallets is working just fine.

    Sure i won't last minutes against a good slinger but you don't need to. Every second wasted for slinger is almost double as bad as other killers

  • MrGimmsYouTube
    MrGimmsYouTube Member Posts: 47

    I bet you DC on a lot of killer games... White knighting for forum purposes. Hope you don't get bored reading this..

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Slinger? Freddy? would much rather play them then the Insidius Mike, and Bubba, Silent trap hag, Camping wraith, fathers glasses/Stridor spirit, all of which I got this weekend.