Is Ruin Undying Op?

Yesterday I took off undying off the killers I was playing and nearly all my matches started off with ruin being gone in 2 minutes. I couldn't defend gens with no gen defense so the games usually were about 7 minutes. No matter how fast the chases ended those gens went flying.
Survivors never talk about how its unfair that ruin can go just like that but when the killer uses undying it's suddenly op
Its not op. You get rid of ruin and undying, killer legit has two perks rest of the game.
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Ruin was considered a niche but good perk before undying. But you're saying that without undying that ruin is complete garbage. Aren't you answering your own question?
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Never said ruin was garbage lol and I never answered my own question
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Not OP but can be overwhelmingly strong against non coordinated groups. Against a good billy or blight its borderline unfair.
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It's OP vs survivors who refuse to do bones.
It's weak vs players like me who can get rid of bones in the first 3 mins.
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do totems
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I only played survivor this weekend and only seen undying/ruin twice. I play solo and sometimes will have a 2nd party member. When we notice ruin I tell him to stay on gens I get the totems. Both games it was cleansed with 3 gens left. No perks to help with it just awareness for the possibility of it. It's not OP when you spawn in and touch that gen that you crank in the first 30 seconds just double tap to see if there is ruin that way you can check for bones (as a team) as you move through the map rest of game.
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Within the ecosystem its being used no. Against average builds yes. Its not something id run on every killer tho. Blight, spirit, freddy is all extremely powerful. But it is in the ecosystem of swf teams and second chance perk loadouts so acknowleding its strength without also stating its antagonists absurd advantages comes across as disingenuous.
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IDK if OP is the right word. It can be really strong. I have had games where it lasts all game, and usually they end in a 4k. I have also spawned in, seen a survivor on my totems, and by the time I crossed the map, both were gone.
So it has the potential to be really strong, but at the same time can be destroyed very early in the game. The higher the ranks of the competitors, the higher the odds it will be destroyed quickly.
I think the only thing that needs to go is the aura being shown.
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Mine is broke I never see aura's. So this wouldn't effect me anyway. lol
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doesnt matter hex in general is still broken even with undying. the fact it only really works with non stack hex sucks too. It was a poor way to fix a bigger issue as is Behaviors way.
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Ruin+Undying is really good I assume. At my skill level (rank 10 around), I haven't played against it much, but I can see how it would be annoying if you're actively looking for hex totems.
It's not like ruin actively hinders you from doing gens now, so I just do them. Technically speaking, if you just do dull totems when you see them, you prevent Undying from respawning the Hex totem.
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Stop calling them bones dumbass, you sound like a 5 year old
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Totems than ...
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yes if you are facing a solo survivor team
no if its an SWF
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Nah screw that. Its bones.
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Ruin has helped me control gens while I'm out keeping survivors busy. I don't know what my luck is with ruin spawns but I normally get decent hiding spots for my hex. There have been the comically obvious placements but I can't think of any notable times it's screwed me. I like to run Ruin with Pop in case it is found early.
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It's a good combo for a player that isn't the best, sort of balances things out for them. But if good players run this, it makes the games incredibly easy for them. I've stopped watching channels of streamers who are good players but run this combo. One of them who has a lot of "talent" has been running this non-stop, people even pay him to run it and it's boring as all hell. I appreciate close games that are challenging for both sides. This combo takes that away most of the time. It's only OP in the hands of players who don't need it in the first place. Pretty much like all meta perks.
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Ah buddy i m guessing you havent been around long. Its game terminology. Every community has there own joke phrase on an element or chatacter. When you stop and think about it camping is kind of statement that reeks of scout boy terminology.
Booping the snoot an affectionate term to define poking the pig head. Is a ridiculous childish action. But people love it because some people arent gonna use the direct terms. Some people shockingly like to treat dbd as a place to blow off steam and have a laugh. Stop policing someones fun.
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aura reading is op on undying. the combo is very rng. sometimes yes/others no.
I like pop/corrupt better.
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You're wrong im a great pyramid and I need this for going against swfs. I get rewarded for actually pressuring gens instead of the match being 5 minutes.
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It literally wins trials just by existing and requires either extreme luck or co-ordination to disable before the killer has snowballed so much the game is unwinnable. It is extremely easy to defend generators using these two perks, and mobility killers can slap on a gen info perk and make it a complete breeze to 4k.
If that's OP, it's OP. Personally, I think so. But it's not like survivors don't also have their own small pp build, so my only hope is that the two get magnetically drawn to one another and let me have fun in peace.
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The combo has shown just how bad most solo survivor players are at game management.
We wouldn't be talking about this combo so often if every survivor cleansed totems on sight. But at least half of survivors seem to ignore totems until they confirm a hex is up, and then they hunt for the lit ones only. How often do you spawn on a dull? Almost every other game.
Beyond that, survivors don't have a good feel for which killers need to be urgently cleansed. I see so many survivors try to ignore totems and gen slam Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer Freddys and Blights. Wut?
If you can cleanse up to 5 totems between 4 survivors, there's a problem, and it's not with the perks.
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For something to be overpowered it has to be able to be used to its full effect in any situation imo.
Ruin and Undying doesn't fit the bill. It can only be used to its full effect when the killer is good at keeping survivors off gens, and this means it's not too strong. Plus it really depends on the survivors how long the combo is in play.
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Ruin-Undying is what a 2 perk combo with one of those perks doing nothing but supporting another perk should do by default. It is also probably the gold standard in 'fair regression.'
Ruin undying kinda... fixes a major problem with killer. Killers are very poorly rewarded for correctly pressuring the map and doing well. Ruin fixes that, but its very unreliable. Ruin undying is very 'stable' in that while its upper bound of effectiveness gets no better than plain old ruin (the best case scenario is still just 'they never break ruin and spend lots of time trying to do so') the lower bound does get better (You force 2 survivors to spend about a gen's worth of time on ruin and undying, meaning you effectively are in a 7 gen game at least). So it allows ruin's 'You did good, have a cookie' effect to be run without allowing the mega-lowroll of ruin going away only adding about 30 seconds to the game, which is a worse effect than most semi-stall perks like sloppy.
Ruin undying does nothing if the killer can't pressure, or survivors keep someone on gens at all times. It can be removed, though its harder than just ruin. It doesn't work with scaling killer totems which tend to REQUIRE removal to play around like DH or Lullaby, and it means the killer can only run one other strong perk-combo. It is a bit too good on Freddy who already has so much innate stall it becomes oppressive, but Freddy is low key a problem in that domain already. It combos well with Tinkerer, but I wouldn't even say that is oppressive because that only is a problem if your silly and stack on gens rather than grinding down 3 at a time at least anyway.
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Need it for what? Getting a 4K every time? If you are great, this combo is overkill and you are probably hindering yourself in the long run if you are running it all the time. What did you do before undying came out, lose every match? Now if you are just average, this combo can help even the playing field against great players.
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Which actually just shows you how powerful Undying is. Thanks for proving the point.
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In practice survivors running gunk fun builds run into Undying Tinker Ruin, while killers running stupid builds run into DS Unbreakable DH.
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Truth be told, my PREFERENCE would be that Generators start regressing (base kit) at 25% speed when kicked. Ruin should take it to 50% at Level-1, 75% at Level-2, and 100% at Level-3. That way not everyone would even feel the NEED to run the Perk but if they do they don't lose anything. If I were to change Undying I would have it work thus:
Undying is not a Hex Perk. It is a Perk that modifies Hexes.
Level-1: The Aura of Survivors cleansing a Totem will be shown to the Killer, and continue to be shown for up to 3 second after stopping. *Thus just being close to one will NOT reveal the Survivor's aura unless they start to cleanse.
Level-2: A single lit Hex Perk will move to an unlit Totem if cleansed. It cannot be moved more than once.
Level-3: Two Hex Perks will move to an unlit Totem if cleansed. Neither can be moved more than once.
*These changes would slightly slow down the Generator Rush with our without Perks and thus make Ruin less of a go to option. The changes to Undying means Ruin would only move once. It would only show those Auras if someone stops to cleanse. And thus you could run two different Hex Totems and they each could move once once you max the Perk out.
In fairness, I don't think I agree with you about the power of the combo, BUT I have to admit since I rarely run anything but slow Spooky Myers, I don't get the same kind of benefit a high mobility Killer would have.
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You Didn't say anything about my ruin being gone in 2 minutes of almost every match lol
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I ran corrupt pop but found this combo annoying as I would have to stop chasing so I can go pop a gen or go to a gen see a survivor running from it then kick it and finally chase
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So this combo bought you 2 minutes, or 2.5 ( probably more ) gens, while doing nothing. Yeah thats very good value for 2 perks.
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No, it's fine
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You didn't read the conversation I was only using ruin and 2 minutes isn't a lot of time for ruin to be up
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2 minutes is a gigantic amount of time.
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Las time i reply to you because you don't understand how the game works. Start of the match, you have to find a survivor down them pick them up put them on a hook then go see what gems are about to be done meanwhile ruin is about to be gone soon. Come back here when you at least get to purple ranks as killer then you'll understand
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I am. And good thing undying shows you survivors working on totems, so you don't have to search.
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Not OP. Very strong combination, sure, but the price you pay for it is also high. Ruin + undying takes half of your perk slots and can be destroyed.
Sometimes gens pop so fast that new killers can't get much done without slowing the game down somehow. Still, those perks won't do anything without some map pressure, so it's not a free win either.
I'm survivor main.
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Guy, with DS+ub you pay a high price too? Because it's only a 3 secs. stun and you lost 2 perks.
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Well, exactly. The situations you need to have both DS and UB are rare and you need two perks for it. It's not OP either
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you are asking if a a combo that you can (lose) be lost in the first 30 seconds of a match and then be left with only 2 perks left is op, well, no it isnt