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Finished the rift. I'm glad that's over for now.

Member Posts: 1,503

I'm looking forward to any positive changes in the future that make it less annoying to get through.

I have one survivor master challenge left and I think it's just mean on both survivors and killers. Stunning them 4 times in one match is tough but it also makes you look like a jerk to the killer.

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  • Member Posts: 1,050

    I got it done last night, too. It was a longer slog than usual because of the killer challenges. I don’t own Clown at all and all of the Billy ones are repetitive and ridiculous. I’m lucky if I hit one person with the saw in a match, no way I’m going to do 5 or 6. Lol

    I did somehow manage 4 stuns in a round against a Legion player. Not sure how that happened either because pallet stuns are still one of my weak skills as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    I have 5 killer challenges I can't complete because I suck at Billy and Blight. And survivors are never nice enough to help me lol. I'd gladly let them flashlight blind me 6 times if i could chainsaw them a few times or hit them with the lethal rush.

  • Member Posts: 682

    If you treat it more like a side-quest instead of an obstacle, you'll find you'll enjoy the rift a lot more. I love it, because it gets me to use different perks, different survivors/killers, and on longer challenges I can just play whatever and even if I get face camped or have a bad match - hey I still made some progress on the challenge.

  • Member Posts: 1,198

    I don't find the rift challenges hard in any sense but grinding the rift fragments i don't earn is tedious. Takes well over 100 hours to fully complete it with doing all challenges.

  • Member Posts: 266

    For me, there are certain challenges I won't complete because I find the gameplay is toxic and I don't want to perpetuate it. I don't like hooking survivors in the basement, period. The only time I do so is if there is no other hook outside nearby. I won't use Killers with one-shot mechanics like chainsaws, so that leaves any challenges related to those two Killers out. I also don't want to use Killers that work (or are bugged) in a way that is disadvantageous to survivors - like Deathslinger and Huntress, whose ranged weapons literally go through obstacles.

  • Member Posts: 811

    Does really playing Billy is that hard? Like getting 5-6 chainsaw hits are hard? I'm really not flexing or anything, but I find it very strange how much people struggle with him. How much hours do you have in DBD?

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    1 level away myself. Don't think I'll bother with the lore challenges. The last few rifts stories have been kind of uninteresting.

  • Member Posts: 474

    '4 stuns in a match' was the only one I had difficulty with, luckily ran into a Pyramidhead that already won the match and I was the last one left, so I just asked them if I could get it. Tried for quite awhile using ds (which I don't like using) and head on, but that usually lead to being hard tunneledand camped. Most Killers know how to play around pallets in higher ranks and makes it harder to do

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    For that one, I just ran a DS/Head-on build. Felt awful for running it, because I don't like to use DS unless every game in a session has been hard tunneling so far, and even then I avoid it, but it was pretty easy using head-on.

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    I have no idea how many hours I have. The important question is how many hours I have playing Billy and the answer is clearly not enough. I don’t particularly enjoy playing ANY killer, but Billy is pretty easy to dodge if you know how.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    yeah, I've run a billy around for a good 2 mins because I knew to dodge the chainsaw. I thought his story in the rift was the best one, Nea's was boring, the blight who cares.

    But Billy's man he went nuts killed his whole family and a bunch of dirty cops. that was crazy and good.

    I haven't even read the least one yet. I still need the final lore piece.

    I'm really hoping that some time in the future they make some changes to the rift. sure you want it to be rewarding but don't make it feel like a chore to do.

  • Member Posts: 254
    edited December 2020

    I'm at 64 right now so I should have plenty of time to finish it. But yeah what a long and tedious grind its been. BE saying they will reduce the grind reminds me of when DE said the same thing about Warframe. Its never going to happen. But the difference is DE has a legitimate reason for Warframe being grindy.

  • Member Posts: 1,920

    I only got that one done because a killer was farming, otherwise I never would have. Most killers are terrified of pallets and you can only Head On someone as a solo so many times.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Devs expect you to no life this game to complete the rift. No respect for your time.

  • Member Posts: 1,198

    sure does feel like that. a 70 tier rift SHOULD take 70ish hours but it actually takes well over 100 hours to complete. I enjoy the game and such but i don't really think playing that much is really worth the skins they have on the pass.

  • Member Posts: 747

    They need to implement some rift shards on the daily challenges. Or at least lower the amount of grind.

  • Member Posts: 2,340
    edited December 2020

    The "Stun The Killer 4 Times" while in a single trial is awfully hard.

    Not only do Killers respect pallets, but when you actually bring head-on, DS and or stun the killer 4 times with a pallet, it'll most likely get you camped/tunneled because the Killer thinks you're a douchebag.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    The most I ever got was 3, by the forth try the killer was on to me and just started messing with me to get on my nerves. honestly If I stun a killer 4 times in a match because the game wants me too I'd give them the kill because I know it looks like I'm being a dick.

  • Member Posts: 2,135

    You absolute madman. I'm around tier 40 or so. Honestly I've mentally checked out from the constant grind, and I feel free because of it. Congratulations though! Gotta respect the dedication.

  • Member Posts: 1,241
  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I have four tiers left, so I think I'll get there, but the last 20 feel brutal because I don't really want any of the stuff -- I just want to finish and get my auric cells.

    I agree that ti would be better if you could do at least a couple challenges at the same time -- especially ones where you need a huge amount of luck and circumstance to make them happen. You could load into 10-15 matches and not have it work out, and meanwhile you can't make progress on anything else.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Same here, was able to pull off 3 before being killed for it. It really sucks and I too wouldn’t mind giving the killer the kill after I’ve pulled it off. The only reason I got the other stun challenge done is because a Trapper allowed me to stun him multiple times when he saw I was willing to walk into his traps for his daily.

  • Member Posts: 239

    As much as I agree that I'd love to do multiple challenges at once, this actually has the negative side effect of making the rift take even longer. By forcing us to do 1 challenge at a time, we pay more games, and therefore progress in the rift more. The moment you allow multiple challenges to be done at once, you'll finish the archives much quicker, and then be left with a ton of vanilla tiers to grind in the rift (assuming you are looking to complete it).

  • Member Posts: 38

    This is my first rift do you need to complete literally every challenge or do you just need to reach the end to receive your auric cells? I only do challenges I know I have time and patience for so I hope I'm not screwing myself.

  • Member Posts: 328

    You can just level your rift up by playing without doing challenges if you want. The challenges are supposed to help you to reach it, but they have been nerfed hard the last 2 tomes, so they made it way harder to reach 70 with challenges alone.

  • Member Posts: 328

    And I lost all my respect for these devs in return in the past one and a half year.

    • Rift fragment nerfs at least the 2 last tomes (tome 4 and 5)
    • Trash log in rewards for this so called "celebration", even at Christmas the rewards are trash, at least on the 26th
    • Grind is WAY too long/hard. I'm a veteran player and I started fresh the other day. Then it hit me how bad the grind is for the tomes and bloodwebs. I can imagine the grind will scare away new players. And nothing is being done about it.
    • Cashgrab "event" during Halloween. If there wasn't such a backlash for this, they didn't change anything about it. All they did was damage control when they got the backlash.
  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Wow they Nerfed the rift fragments for 4 and 5.

    I came back to the game after a long break and they were already on tome 4. so I didn't see what they used to be.

  • Member Posts: 278

    Around 195 hours for me and I still need 2 more tiers. And yeah I finished every challenge for both killer and survivor. They REALLY need to change this

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    The only change you should expect is that stuff from the paid track is removed and replaced with experience boosters, to make people buy the battlepass early instead of waiting to finish it and then buying it.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I don't see why that should matter they're still getting the money for the 1000 auric cells it costs to unlock the paid rift, it shouldn't matter when it's done.

  • Member Posts: 2,509

    Because that way they can scam people who buy it early, thinking they can finish it, but then don't complete it because they don't have enough time / don't want to play.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I did the math, it's not hard; you need 700 fragments to complete the rift it takes a lot of time and I can understand why people don't want to or can't finish it.

  • Member Posts: 378

    It wouldn't be a problem if they didn't do everything possible to make it feel awful. Huge grind, no retroactivity, one challenge at a time, "in a single trial", "during end game collapse", Do X task Y times that realistically will take 5+ games, do X task and then face Y killers who you will never get X on, 3/5 rift fragments. These tasks aren't even fun and make you go out of your way to do tasks that detracts from your game experience and will cause you to die or perform poorly.

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    I agree with that. I had to stun the killer 4 times in one match and it took me two days and a lot of luck. I was promptly called a potato at the end of the match. I just said blame the devs for that. If they didn't make some of the challenges annoying and unrealistic for someone trying to actually play the game it wouldn't be as bad.

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