Why am I getting such low rank killers

Admittedly I have gone down to rank 6 due to lack of playing the last 2 resets, but I still feel I shouldnt consistently be getting killers below rank 10 often even as low as 15, Ive started to go perkless to try to balance it out a bit, but why am I getting matchmaking like this so consistently.
You mean you’re getting killers below your rank?
...wanna swap places?
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I guess your teammates are determining that for you? I've been running into what feels like new players recently so maybe you're just getting stuck with rank 10,11,12 teammates... Like me!
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That could be it, I dont usually keep track but today its usually been 1 other red or purple and then 2 yellows
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Also, longer queue times relax the matchmaking ranks.
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Are you playing on PC and those are Console-Killers?
Lately I have quite a bunch of games with bad MM, and always are Console-players involved. Stuff like my friend and myself (both Rank 1) against a green Rank Killer with two brown Rank Survivors.
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If queue times are long enough, the matchmaking will put you in more uneven match ups. Killer queues are instant at pretty much all hours of the day for me now and survivor queues are long. So if it’s the same for you, that’s probably why. There just aren’t enough people playing killer.
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I have seen even with crossplay on recently that my matches as a killer are instant and as a survivor, 5 minutes or longer.
This is at most times of the day. I think there are not enough killers playing (which makes sense, since they keep making it more difficult + the 20% toxic SWF teams in the reds).
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playing on pc yes, but a mix of both console and pc killers
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yeah instant killer queues and longer survivor queues have been my experience recently too.