Ghost Face is a weird Killer

He's supposed to be stealthy but on most maps (aside from a couple indoor ones like Midwhich, Hawkins, Lerys and the Game). the way you have to play him like everyone knows exactly what you're doing... because they can see you from 30 miles away.
It's funny how the make or break of the one of the stealth killers isn't whether they see you, but whether you can avoid being broken out of stealth and landing stalks while they're trying to look at you.
On a survivor side, he is broken. Not OP, broken. Sometimes you stand directly looking at him for several seconds to no avail, especially when he is not facing you.
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thats because its a bunch of funny numbers at play 20% of his body in the center 26% of you're screen
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The way he is meant to be played which is marking people isn't the most efficient way. It's more sneaking up with no terror radius to hit them and using the ability to mindgame.
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If you can stalk a guy enough to 99% and pop It right when you're in his face he goes down.
If you play the way you described you'll hit that guy and he'll just get a speed boost and will make It to a loop, now you are left with a killer that has 0 chase potential.
+ Why would you use stealth mid chase when you can moonwalk?
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i'm not saying thats how i play ghostface i'm just saying how i have seen others play him. i usually just expose people for the insta down mostly because i use him to farm bloodpoints. I still have gateaus on him from a year ago when he was released.
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Sometimes the red stain can be seen through walls, so popping stealth at some loops isn't that bad of an idea, also it gives you bonus points for hitting someone in stealth.
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Eh, it makes sense to pop stealth for chases if you're running cooldown add-ons since it recharges very quickly with them. Forcing a 50/50 at long walls (not the jungle gym, just long walls on general) or forcing a survivor to camp a pallet at tiles on a 15 second cooldown isn't that bad. Your power will be back by the time you've carried them to a hook.
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I had an experience where a team mate was working in the slaughterhouse gen and GF was stalking him from the window. I was directly behind him, really close, no obstacles in between us, not even the corn, and I could not reveal him.
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Something similar happen to me. I was in Mother's Dwelling, the GF hooked someone in the basement of the main building and stayed on the little step in the stairs and I couldn't reveal him at all.
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When im ghost face and I get in those stalk standoff and I keep leaning around corners while they try to block LOS, I imagine I'm the ghost face from scary movie and I keep popping out saying "wazzzzaaaaahhhhh"
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Yeah, these kind events are the main reason I dislike playing against him. The counterplay that uncommonly fails when criteria where met. It's like if Wraith uncloaking bell sound effect didn't play 10-20%, but instead someone gets exposed.
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Thats very much also a thing sadly :/ Its super inconsistent, you either get revealed super duper easily or they stare into your soul and nothing happens