They need to do something about Survivor Breathing

Just finished a game where a Deathslinger made a beeline straight for me twice after unhooking and trying to patch myself up with a Medikit.

I waited for endgame to ask him how he found me. He said he heard my breathing. Once I was hiding behind some hay. Second time I made sure to hide on top of the tractor. He still headed straight for me.

The big issue here is I was using both Iron Will AND Off the Record. He also had no aura reading perks and he didn't have Stridor anyway. But how can he hear me breathing when I have both Iron Will 100% and Off the Record?

Seriously, I know Stealth has been given the big FU by the developers for the last two years but this is ridiculous.


  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    To be fair when I'm playing killer I try as hard as I can to make the survivors stop breathing as soon as possible.

    To give a serious answer, he probably heard you moving through grass or your footsteps. Yeah he said he heard you breathing, but...I don't think so. I really think he must have heard something else. (Like his own breath.)

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Was using Urban Evasion to slink away in the corn. I was not breathing at all on my side, not that I could hear anyway. Build was Iron Will, Urban Evasion, Off the Record and Lucky Break. Entire build dedicated to stealth, can't even hide from a killer while completely out of his line of sight.

    That is just wrong.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    If this is how it's "supposed to be" then it's ridiculous. He was about 10 meters away and still heard me? While I was sneaking, not leaving any blood trails, no aura, no grunts? And he was even in a chase while I was healing up the tractor, yet he still heard me and made a beeline for me.

    That's completely absurd and ridiculous.

    If he heard me in the grass (there was no grass) why would he lie about the breathing? Still there was no grass and I was in the tractor healing, he came by chasing a Nea when I was about 70% done healing and he still broke chase with Nea to head straight at me. He heard me and he was pretty far away. Think I'm in the middle of the tractor top and he wasn't hugging the bales or the railing on the side. If a killer can hear your breathin from that distance no wonder stealth doesn't work.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,189

    probably heard you healing. You can hear healing noises from a long way away.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096
    edited December 2020

    The healing noises are one of those noises that can be heard during a chase. Which would explain why you got found on the tractor. However there could have been multiple reasons why you got found. The killer might not have giving you the full reason on how he found you or he might have confused you with another survivor (I know that happens to me allot). But I might have misunderstood the complete story, my apologies

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Never understood WHY killers get actively hindered audio-wise during a chase, but yeah, sounds like breathing and footsteps stand out SOOOOO much when outta chase

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,300
    edited December 2020

    One of the devs said that chase music is loud on purpose and the reason for that is "to give survivors a chance to escape" (if that's not verbatim it's close).

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Were you playing Jane or Elodie? They are loud as hell and I can hear them from miles away as killer. ALso, you breathe heavily for a few seconds after running.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Survs don't have a chance to escape. Killer is easy as hell

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    When I play Legion I often look back because Julie's breath sounds like survivor.

    Survivors have very silent breathing. Footsteps and grass moving are little bit louder.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,173

    IDK, the only time I lose a Killer is when he is actually smart and abandons a chase. Otherwise it is basically impossible to lose a Killer, even with Iron Will.


    Breathing sounds are fine, they are one way of tracking. If you want to play stealthy, there are Survivors which have a quiet breathing, you can see this here:

    Note - this video is over a year old.

    But I can totally imagine that at some point the Devs will release a Perk which lowers the volume of breathing sounds.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I mean im trying to do something about survivor breathing, but mori's got nerfed so it takes a bit longer :(

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,323
    edited December 2020

    With a good enough headset and equalizer, you'd be shocked at how loud normal breathing is. You can crank the mid frequencies to make survivor breathing stand out. It's about 700-2600hz. That's not even getting into stretched res and audio proximity.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    It is easier to hear breathing on different Killer's as well.

    Huntress is noisy as f**k but Deathslinger just lets out sighs.

    I recall this being a big problem for OG Leatherface who would hear the chainsaw idling at all times (I think you still do but it is much quieter) There even were (still are?) Add-ons to reduce this noise.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    ''Healing up the tractor'' That pretty much says everything. Healing is a LOUD action that can be hear from a pretty long distance if u have decent headphones

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    I found a Feng yesterday wearing all green and hiding in the bamboo because I was walking past and I heard a little gasp for air. I never would have seen her otherwise. Like, I literally couldn't see her because it's impossible to see through the bamboo, so holy crap, I'd say audio cues are less overpowered than that.

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    I actually had a similar game a few weeks ago except for the fact that I played Deathslinger. Closer to the end of the game there was a situation when I heard someone breathing and started looking around. And there was indeed a survivor hiding nearby. The thing is that before that game I couldn't remember the last time I found someone by their breathing and the survivor was surprised as well. Were breathing sounds buffed or is Deathslinger just with sounds?

  • thorsman33
    thorsman33 Member Posts: 5

    No, no they don't. I've had survivors that I injure and they vanished right after turning behind a tree and they didn't even have iron will. So if you know how to get away you can. Survivors constantly complain about things needing to be nerfed but honestly, survivors can gen rush 4 gens even before you get to 1 person and stay well hidden to where they get all 5 without you seeing one survivor period. So nah you don't need to nerf more things to make it harder on the killer.

  • Erasox
    Erasox Member Posts: 231

    The funny thing is for me i can hear the breath in the windows store version so easily on steam i struggle with the same headset..

    For me i avoid every lobby with David king because i have only with him the random breathing bug. So annoying.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2020

    Iron Will, Off the Record, and Urban Evasion + a Medkit?

    Wow. Not enough stealth.

    What was your last perk? Also, were you P3 Claudette?

  • mynameisaaaaa
    mynameisaaaaa Member Posts: 22

    he just has a better gaming chair

  • TheExpert
    TheExpert Member Posts: 2

    I know this isn't a really popular opinion, but honestly it is the truth. If your playstyle in general is to be stealthy and hide all the time then this isn't the game for you. You are only hurting the rest of your teammates by even attempting to play this way. I mean sure, hiding can be used sometimes to juke the killer, and escape chases, but you need great map and general game knowledge for this. Like at least 500-600 hours (I'm not kidding). Basically if you're hiding and in the same time wasting the killer's time it's ok, but if you hide and the killer doesn't even know you're somewhere around him, or hasn't seen or heard you at all you're hurting your team in ways I can't describe. If you try to constantly hide and avoid any chase every match, than you should find another game to play, cuz this is clearly not for you. You may argue saying that the game has stealth mechanics (crouching) and stealth perks (iron will etc.). But those are still only meant for chases. Iron will is great when you're looping at a tile with a lot of walls so the killer doesn't have visibility on you and for instance, you can trick him, make him think you're still at that tile when in fact you left, giving yourself more timd to get to the next lool/tile. Crouching is mostly used for the same thing, avoiding visual contact while in chases, and dodging certain killers' powers, like the huntress. Stealth isn't a thing in this game and it was never intended to be. Iron will is meant to not hide your breathing, because if a survivor could be completely hidden it would completely break the game. If you're not planning on changing your playstyle and continue being a complete pain in the ass for the other survivors by hiding all the time (even if you don't get found it's still an incredible waste of time in which you could've done smth productive), please kindly uninstall and find something else to do.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    Sad to say but he could have 100% been cheating. I’ve ran into a few players with absolutely no aura perks and come exactly and I mean exactly to where I was, no scratch marks no nothing and found me. I hate to jump to conclusions without all the details but do keep in mind there are some very strong addons that will reveal your location too. Crows are also a good indication of where people are. Very good killers will use crows for info. But personally I don’t buy the “I heard you breathing” crap. It is possible to hear breathing but making a beeline to your location kinda seems sus especially with no perks or addons to locate you. You said he did this twice which makes it very suspicious imo. I can understand once and getting lucky but twice?

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,218

    What breathing? Oh you mean the thing that's supposed to be there but isn't most of the time, either because of Iron Will or sound bugs? And get off that high horse of "Stealth is dead!" because it is literally the best way to play. A killer comes to a gen y'all are working on, you hide, he can either get lucky and find you or waste 1 minute and leave not knowing if you're there or not. If he finds you, it's not as if stealth makes the player a bad looper, and you can waste even more of his time that way. And with Blendette you're invisible on most maps.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    Within the last 6 months there have been changes to the sounds survivors are putting out and did get a decent amount louder in foot steps, breathing, grunts etc. It does kinda suck. Iron Will also got the nerf so no matter what you are making some sound, it used to be that at purple tier you made no sound while injured. I quit running it after the change because it is a wasted perk slot if you are just whining all over the place anyway.