You Win SWF

You Win. I am uninstalling this game. First game of the night. You where a team on comms telling each other where you where and where I was. You where using BT and waiting until I got into range with my terror radius. You where body blocking. You all had Balanced Landing and where on Coal Tower with a hill. You used them perfectly. You utterly destroyed me as a killer, and as a player. You succeded at making me have no fun, so well done. I hope you enjoyed crushing a person in such a way. You deserve it for how well you used a program the game was never intended to use to bully a human individual trying to have a good time. Just playing some Legion. But I am now uninstalling this game. I want to like this game. I want to love this game. But as killer it is just too frustrating for me, and I would rather not have anything to do with a game that lets me be abused in such a manner. I hope someday this is fixed. Goodbye.


  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Coal Tower isn't even a very survivor sided map. Not sure how much "abuse" there can be other than bad matchmaking

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I think mate you've just had a bad day, played dbd and it made you feel worse. Just from what you've texted it doesnt sound like they were toxic in anyway.

    Here's why I think this:

    The map was Coal Tower with them all having Balanced Landing? If this was 4 man toxic swf they wouldn't have all had BL. Also if they brought the map they were taking a huge risk since 1 map is useless with balanced and 2 others require a lot of rng (hills).

    I feel really bad for you but sometimes you have to admit you just had a bad day. We all have those games (I did a few days ago) where we get destroyed just have to accept it happened and move on to the next game.

    If your fully done with the game I hope you enjoy any later game you play.

  • Xayrlen
    Xayrlen Member Posts: 329

    What are you talking about? Literally none of them are encouraging it in any way. It's people like you, who assume every bit of action as toxicity.

    Doing your objective? Toxic.

    Performed really well against killer? Toxic.

    Trying to take killer's attention to give your team time? Toxic.

    Using perks/items designed in the way to be used? Toxic.

    So, yeah, if you expect people to fall over intentionally for your own entertainment, you should rethink why you are even playing multiplayer games, since there are more people on the other side of the screen besides of you.

  • TheStabbiNAngeL
    TheStabbiNAngeL Member Posts: 1,264

    Yeah it sucks it can be so demeaning watching your favorite icon become helpless ,but don't give up sometimes you get those matches where survivor's know how to abuse perks abuse the mechanics itself,just try to be mindful when facing swfs usually their little bully squads.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    Okay! See you in a week!

    By the way, what's my prize? Not truly a winner without a prize

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Based on the things you refer to as destroying you and how you seem opposed to the use of voice chat in a modern multiplayer game for any reason (opinion harshly incompatible with the standards of the modern gaming industry no matter the genre or game in question), I doubt the game will ever be "fixed" in a way you're happy with.

    So I hope you find some other game that you can enjoy more in that case.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    For a moment I thought I somehow accidentally quoted you or something.

    But yeah same, I've had enough times where I think running it might be fun and it immediately summons Shelter Woods just to make me regret my decision 😄

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    oh ######### i quoted the wrong person my bad!! im so sorry

    I meant to quote this one ^^

    And yeah, I never use balanced ever, so no it wasn't me

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Voice comms are standard for the modern age of multiplayer, yes. But dbd by now is nearly the last relic of the asymmetrical 1vs many genre where one side benefits in any way and the other has to be balanced for the potential impact.

    Dbd is not balanced for outside voice coms since they are optional and not 100% used.

    Most modern multiplayer games like lol, r6s, rocket league, overwatch and others either provide a substitute in form of pings or an own directly build-in voice chat.

    Dbd is outdated in this regard. Even league of legends, for example, improved their ping system in the last year's to compensate. Dbd did nothing from it's realese to my knowledge except maybe patchwork via additional perks.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Stop crying and play the game.

  • Starshadw
    Starshadw Member Posts: 266

    Survivors are awarded points for protection shots, so I don't see how Killers can complain about it. We're supposed to do it. Actual body-blocking is when one survivor pins another so that they can't move or leave a room/area. I wish people would stop confusing the two.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    Uninstall and take a break. Or maybe just don’t come back. This community sucks. So toxic it’s unhealthy. Not worth it. So many better games out there with. Best of luck.

  • LeleLP
    LeleLP Member Posts: 153

    Just gonna throw it out there that it ain’t their fault that you’re uninstalling. That’s entirely on you. Using comms for swf was never not intended. It was never taken into consideration. Cant get mad that others playing with their friends is their way of having fun. That’s one this game is though. If one side is having fun the other is not. Welcome to dead by daylight. If you can’t handle that then this game ain’t for you. You win some you lose some.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    It does suck. I've had those games before (and I've uninstalled the game twice after a few particularly awful rounds) so I 100% feel you on this OP. Good luck out there. I hope to see you back one day but if you are gone and done forever, I'd completely understand why.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    You know whats funny? Instead of offering words of encouragement. Telling him how not all survivors are like that. Or giving him advice to improve his gameplay, some people just wanna be dicks. And they probably are the same people that wonders why surv queue is so long.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    You can't give advice when there's nothing to critique. All they've said is "I got beaten as Legion on coal tower and I'm now uninstalling". If they had a video or showed a desire to actually learn how to improve me and others will definitely point them in the right direction and give some constructive feedback.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    I mea yea maybe but idk the negativity isnt needed sometimes i guess cause we all been where op has been at one point.

  • SocialDistomancy
    SocialDistomancy Member Posts: 1,319

    not everybody, survivor only probably haven't been or went straight back to survivor if their first match or one of the first few was like that lol

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    "Maybe you're just burnt out. Try playing some survivor, you know? Or-or maybe play another game for a change, go play Civilization or something"

    Pretty good job so far

  • Chaotyx
    Chaotyx Member Posts: 31

    On the rare chance all four survivors are solos but performing in synchronicity without any comms always feels amazing, but it's hilarious to have a killer go all toxic and spazzing about swf and how we suck and refuses to believe we're solos makes me laugh. Especially when none of us are playing toxic or being flashlight clicking tea-bagging dillholes. This guy strikes me as this kind of killer, sometimes you just get rolled and you gotta deal with it.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I'm reading this as jerkwad dbd players no matter the side they play normally are saying "you suck..." and the others, the ones that want to have fun and wish others to also have fun are saying "we hope you find better matches, but don't run away because of one day, just take a short break.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Fair point. No doubt anyone picking on this guy, regardless of sides is awful

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Why let them win? I wasn't there so I can't comment on whether they were a SWF or not, but I'm willing to defer to your judgement on it. My point is, why let them win? All games get hard, and can be very frustrating. The best revenge is served cold. Buckle down, hone your skills, and make them pay during the eventual rematch. Don't get me wrong, I've been where you are now. For a long time I was inappropriately matched against SWF and people far out of my league. You accept that you are going to get curb-stomped and don't have any expectations for the match. That way you won't get tilted and you can just play however you want, experiment and learn.

    You will improve faster against that kind of garbage. In fact, my favorite thing in the world is to pull an "actual" Bully Squad these days. I live for it. I have my fingers crossed. I keep hoping and praying that at the last second everyone will change look identical in the Lobby and have Flashlights. I consider that like winning the lottery. Payback is a Myers.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    My point is that while being burnt out COULD be an issue, it's completely overlooking the fact that, well, the game has issues. Saying "you're just burnt out" is basically saying "everything you are complaining about is irrelevant"

    SWF IS an issue. Playing like a douche IS an issue. Not saying either of those fit OP's issue, or whether or not they are valid arguments in that situation, but saying "just switch to survivor" is basically saying "I don't care about your issues, just stop bitching already, just ignore the glaring issues and just abuse them instead"

    Then again, SoloQ is it's own issue in and of itself, so nothing really gets solved.

  • diverse394
    diverse394 Member Posts: 10

    This is why survivor que times are like 20 mins. Keep being toxic to others in the community guys! 👍

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426
    edited December 2020

    Sorry OP... the mob has spoken.

    Its actually your fault that you don't like going up against all those matches where the other side is unreasonably boosted by something as extreme as instant information exchange and coordination in a game entirely designed and balanced assuming that players can't even ######### TYPE messages to each other at their own peril to express something as mundane as "TRAP RIGHT THERE".

    I mean hey, the devs say its okay. Who cares how 500 bits of information adds up even with the most casual usage to result in players of any given skill level better than their actual abilities? Who cares if that makes it DE FACTO cheating?

    I mean, sure, the players feel it and the frustrations there, but sure is fun for (those) survivors! Who cares if the killer playbase is radically drying up with people switching to survivor only or leaving this game enitrely? Who cares if killer queues are shorter when it only takes 1 killer for every 4 people playing survivor? Who cares if they've got to crunch the timing difference so much that literally half the skill rankings in this game are deemed irrelevant for matchmaking? Who cares if that amplifies the problem with even more frustrating matches and runs even more of the people left in a vicious cycle?

    So... it's, like, good that you're leaving and stuff, because, like, you're just a snowflake and stuff. Surely nothing systemic here.

    Clearly this game will thrive in popularity for all time, coasting on infinite goodwill.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Only the survivor Fog Whisperers are encouraging this type of game play.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    or leave the game it is not fun. I play this game because 95% of the time I play with friends. when the group as a whole is sick of the game we will move on. THis game is flawed. It can be unfun to play alone or as the killer.

    leaving is a smart move if you are not having fun.

  • sonia_delos
    sonia_delos Member Posts: 13

    Not all SWF are toxic like this. My siblings and I play together, not always all four of us but we like playing together. And 3 of us play killer pretty often too, so we get some of the toxicity from survivors too. We're only toxic if the killer is a.... jerk. We know the rules, and we just like to have a good time. And yes, while our chat includes us telling each other where the killer is, a lot of times we're still looking in the wrong direction. :) as I've said many times, and will continue to say, as a 4 man SWF we are not as good as we should be. It's definitely a bummer when either side is toxic, but you gotta remember how much better it is when the other side is there to have a good time too!