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General Discussions

Tips for facing off against the legion?

Member Posts: 6
edited December 2020 in General Discussions

Seriously my least favorite killer by far

Just played against one who moved faster than usual while holding someone and had basically no cooldown when trying to hit me. I mean like she swiped three times in the span of ten seconds it was ridiculous.

Any tips for facing off against the legion? I almost want to hook suicide every time I figure out that they're my killer, and I probably would if it wasn't so unfair to the rest of my team. It's so frustrating because the survivor queue is pretty long after a certain hour and I sit in the queue for 20 minutes just to get put against a tunneling, camping legion, and an entire team suicide.

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  • Member Posts: 868

    Do you know this is a killer forum? Expect answers like git gud, do gens, he’s the worst killer in this game, play civilization ...

  • Member Posts: 5,784

    Thats not a legion thing thats killer perks

    Base killer carrying speed is about 92% or 3.68 m/s

    Base killer missed attack cooldown is about 2 seconds

    Agitation increases carrying speed by 18% to 110% or 4.4 m/s

    Mad grit makes missed attack cooldown 0% so instant except for the swing

    any killer can use those perks and do the same thing

  • Member Posts: 6

    I know it is ;; But there are a few sweet souls out there and I have faith they might come to the rescue in my time of need lol

  • Member Posts: 6

    I know they were perks! I just wanted to share an experience that frustrated me.

    Thank you for the input though.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Don't hide. Run.

    Legion has a very high chance of running the perk Discordance. Be wary of teaming up with other survivors on a generator unless you're ready for an attack.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    He probably had Agitation and Mad Grit. You need to learn to identify killer perks in match to know how to play against them. On tips vs legion specifically:

    1-Avoid healing vs a good legion as they can easily put several people in the injured state again. Many survivors repeatedly waste time healing and healing only for legion to stab and run away.

    2-Watch out for Discordance, Mad Grit and Iron Maiden on lower ranks. The latter 2 are not commonly used by legions, but the first is good on any killer.

    3-Don't go into lockers during feral frenzy, it's useless.

    4-After ending the feral frenzy, Legion goes into a 4 sec CD. Use it for distance or to reach a safe tile instead of camping pallets.

    5-During Feral Frenzy, Legion players tend to respect pallets a lot but that doesn't mean you will be able to make another loop.

    6- Legion cannot see pools of blood or scratch marks during frenzy. This is quite aggravating before they land the first hit as they don't have access to killer instinct too. A good legion will make sure they start their power when they can hit you, but avoiding Line of Sight is strong in the first few seconds of activation.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    never stay close to someone,

    never heal unless you need to unhook the basement

    do gens alone

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    in general, do NOT stick in a group with your friends.

    always seperate from each other.

    if you are close together, a single frenzy can bring 3, sometimes all 4 into the injured state.

    for chases, it really depends on the killers skill level. a really good killer can be a really frightening legion (their shorter model makes mindgaming a lot easier with em aswell), though you can mostly play against them the way you would also play against a Wraith, as they dont really have anything in their power to help them chase.

    now the big question: should you heal? with the new Legion i do think so, especially when they have Thanatophobia. being injured against a 4.6 m/s killer is not exactly what you want, though if the Legion keeps putting the freshly healed into the Deep Wound status faster than you can heal them, not healing can also be the better option.

    if you have a team that seperates and is decent in chases, i think healing is actually the right call.

  • Member Posts: 1,624
    edited December 2020

    There was a time when Legion was broken as heck with exploits. That's a time long gone.

    Legion is one of the easier killers to verse, because he focuses on disrupting survivors by easily finding them instead of being lethal. He's basically an M1 killer so all you need to do is loop him good. Easier said than done, but more than doable.

    While you're working your loop game, some tips:

    • When he uses feral frenzy let yourself get hit asap then break line of sight. Don't waste your time running and mending go back to doing what you were, usually a gen while he's off chasing other survivors. Mend when you're about to die. Don't waste time running away to the other side of the map just get back to doing your business.
    • Don't hide in lockers. Absolutely no need to do so against Legion.
    • Don't selfcare. Legion is not as dangerous as other killers you can afford to be injured most of the game. Selfcare against Legion = autoloss.
  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Legion is a killer who punishes players who have no idea how to loop.

    Things the Legion does well:

    • They can keep you injured the whole game.
    • They can find you pretty easily after hitting another survivor with their power.
    • Short so on some loops you won't be able to see them over it.

    Here's what you need to do:

    • Don't heal and rush gens. If your a self care user then nows the time to learn to play without it. The Legion injures people easily so you healing wastes time that could be spent doing gens.
    • If they miss they're ability or the time runs out they're stunned for 4 seconds. This is good to know since you can run away to a loop or vain distance.
    • Try and stay separated from other teammates. The farther apart youse are, the harder it is for Legion to injure everyone.
    • They CANNOT down you in their power. If your injured or in deep wound and the Legion wants to hit you with their power then let them. It'll give you a speed boost to gain distance so don't waste a pallet when there's no reason to.
    • You need to learn how to loop. Looping isn't easy but when you master it then this killer is one of the weakest in the game.

    I hope this helped mate.

  • Member Posts: 207

    I usually play as Legion when I play as killer. It's always easiest when survivors group up (easy to chain frenzy hits), are working on the same gen (discordance is a really good Legion perk) and hide in the lockers (I can see them during frenzy).

    I think the best tip against the Legion is to split up. Also, missing a frenzy hit ends the power and stuns the killer, so maybe try to spin to dodge it.

    One thing new survivors do is dropping pallets to Legion while still healthy. Legion can vault the pallets with frenzy and injure you, which is a bad use of pallets. Avoid that too

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