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How does the Entity Find it's victims? (To go to the fog)

AliveBySunrise Member Posts: 12
edited October 2018 in Lore

It's kind of been bugging me for a while now, is it like a saw situation, maybe they did something in their pass, and The Entity, sort of changes their fate so they'll end up in the fog, all of the survivors' backstories have something to do with the forest. For example: Dwight passing out in the forest, or Meg taking jogs in the forest, or Nea tagging the abandoned hospital and hiding in the forest, or Kate going into the forest to write her songs, or Jake hiding in the forest instead of going to college? The list goes on,

~ Tell me what you think.
P.S. ~ Where IS the fog anyways? Is it still on earth, or another dimension? IDK :P


  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited October 2018

    I think it just chooses people who can stay hopeful long enough so it can feed off them, as well as people who have certain skills to help them in a survival situation. As well as a degree in mechanical engineering, I guess.
    As for the fog, I think it's its own realm made by the entity.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @AliveBySunrise @ShrimpTwiggs

    I believe the Entity takes survivors based on strong emotional feelings or trauma since every survivor in some way has either a sad story with their lives or high hopes for the future.

    As for Killers I don't truly believe it matters. The Entity seems to take people based on their lust to kill, emotional trauma and to add some sort of celebrity status for selling video games so I'm still up in the air on this one. ;)

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,211

    As you said, most of the survivors have something to do with the forest (I can name a few exceptions, but I'll get into that in a second). But i think each Survivor did have a troubled past, so the Entity came by in a very John Kramer-like way.

    Dwight - The nerd that no one liked, just took his beatings rather than fight back. I mean, that seems like something Hoffman or Amanda would punish you for.
    Meg - Her father left her when she was a girl, and she gave up her only chance to go to college to care for her mother. I don't know though, this one's and Claudette are a stretch.
    Claudette - Like I said with Meg, a stretch, since I don't see anything troubling in her backstory.
    Jake - He was a survivalist with an amazing chance at college, but he gave it up because he couldn't handle the pressure.
    Nea - You don't have to read too much of her backstory to realize she has a rap-sheet. No mention of forests, unless the asylum was in the forest.
    Laurie - Does she even have a backstory? (Sarcasm, but it might as well not exist). And since I've never seen Halloween, I don't even know where she would have been picked up from. First movie? Second movie? Comics?
    Ace - The guy has a serious gambling issue.
    Min - She gave up everything for video games. I mean everything. Including her own well being. She might as well have been trying to kill herself.
    David K. - He got banned from rugby for ASSAULTING THE REF!!! Plus, he was a debt collector and spent most of his fortune on drinking.
    Bill - Never played Left for Dead, but I would guess that he had a temper.
    Quentin - Yeah, I got nothing. Other than he was in a dream boiler room, no a forest. Until he got brought over, anyway.
    David T. - He was seriously obsessed with the Jigsaw case. I mean, it even got him killed. He also wasn't in a forest until he actually died.
    Kate - At first, I saw nothing wrong with her. But someone I know said that she could be hiding depression by making others happy (don't really want to bring this up, but Robin Williams is the perfect example). Maybe while she was in that forest, she just couldn't handle it anymore.
    Adam - Once again, I'm at a loss. But I want to bring how he got into the fog up for my final point.
    The Killers - Most of them are pretty self explanatory.

    My final point is that it seems that all of the Survivors and Killers are dead. David Tapp was shot in the chest. Amanda Young was shot in the neck. Both of them died in the movies. Freddy is already basically undead. Lisa Sherwood shouldn't be alive. Rin Yamaoka basically made a deal with the Entity to live long enough to kill her father (as I interpret it), but you have seen her, right? No one could survive that. But Adam Francis, in my opinion, takes the cake. The door, of what I would suppose to be the bullet train, flew off and hit him. He is DEAD! I think that is very clear.
    In my opinion, the Fog is Purgatory. And looking at this, I gave far more questions than answers. Oh well, I tried.

  • notthebasement
    notthebasement Member Posts: 19

    They said in the lore stream that they're not chosen, they just were at the wrong place in the wrong time, some of those places are places in which the Entity has already opened a portal so it can go there easier or something awful has happened there.

    Unless they decide to randomly change their own lore again... solved! :p

  • AnthonyC2014
    AnthonyC2014 Member Posts: 91

    @AliveBySunrise said:
    It's kind of been bugging me for a while now, is it like a saw situation, maybe they did something in their pass, and The Entity, sort of changes their fate so they'll end up in the fog, all of the survivors' backstories have something to do with the forest. For example: Dwight passing out in the forest, or Meg taking jogs in the forest, or Nea tagging the abandoned hospital and hiding in the forest, or Kate going into the forest to write her songs, or Jake hiding in the forest instead of going to college? The list goes on,

    ~ Tell me what you think.
    P.S. ~ Where IS the fog anyways? Is it still on earth, or another dimension? IDK :P

    Kate is the only person who had an in depth explanation of getting taken.
    She was not chosen. She went into the forest to write a song, and the entity had control of that place. It came in, and it's spider-like tentacles snatched her away while she was fighting back via Boil Over.
    Claudette took a stroll and the same thing happened to her.
    Jake got taken while he was in the woods... Living.
    Meg got taken while on a jog.
    Dwight got taken when he was dared to go into the Forest by his friends.
    But here's the thing, none of them did anything to provoke the entity. They were just in the worst place possible at the time.

    Also, it is another dimension.

  • fisher8257
    fisher8257 Member Posts: 7

    Yeah, Kate’s lore is the only one that explains the disappearance. All I believe is that the Entity has a pattern. A girl, a boy. For example Kate than Adam and the Entity tends to choose the opposite gender Killer aswell. I believe that the Entity preys on them when they feel extreme emotion. For example, Nea’s may have an adrenaline rush while tagging AN ABANDONED ASYLUM like who does that and Kate feeling melodramatic while the Entity takes over the song. Even Adam who wasn’t alone was finally feeling proud and accepted in Japan. Just a suggestion, feel free to add.