Can we all admit the Emblem System is a failure?

In my opinion, the emblem system is a failure. As survivor it completely contradicts what you should be doing to actually win. It forces you to purposely get chased by the killer and punishes you for making non-altruistic decisions. It feels near impossible to get out of low ranks only because killers are so bad you can't get Benevolence or Evader, forcing you to race other survivors to do gens (and if you don't do at least 2 against a bad killer there is 0 chance you can pip). You are also forced to race other survivors for unhooks, leading to people that exclusively run We'll Make It and bum rushing every hook.

I am constantly getting safety pips in games where I do all the gens and escape untouched only to not get any points in Evader (which is a highly inconsistent emblem BTW) and none for Benevolence despite the fact that the killer camp the guy and I literally have no option but to let him die because any attempt to save him would result in his death and likely also mine (oh and people that kill themselves on the hook are basically say "If I don't rank up neither do you"). There is also the fact it's impossible to get benevolence due to everyone having Self Care and for some reason refusing to let you heal them so they can get the measly 100 BP or whatever you get. It's just insane how you can outplay a killer and escape a game with +12k BP only to not pip by 1 single point since you choose to let the guy die in the basement with Insidious LF standing there waiting for you. NOTE: These are just some examples of how you can be screwed out of pips as survivor. And while you can play in a way that you pip, my point is that it's not at ALL consistent, rewarding, or enjoyable to play this way.

And it's not to say the game is any better as killer. The emblem system has merely been a mild dab of antiseptic on the festering open wound that is this game's core dynamics. Sure it's easier to pip, but the game is no more enjoyable than it was before. You still have to deal with the same BS game after game. And the inability to pip as survivor has had some serious impacts on killers as well. It takes longer to fill lobbies at higher ranks. And with it being more difficult to rank up as survivor, it makes survivors even saltier than before.

In short the game isn't actually better after the emblem update. It just more convoluted and frustrating, but everyone seems to just grit their teeth and say to themselves "This is working" because they desperately want that to be the case. No, emblems failed. What this game NEEDED was an overhaul of the core mechanics. Pallets, maps, killers, perks, add-ons. EVERYTHING needed to go into overhaul mode. The results of this would have been 1000 times more effective than the emblem system.

With the benefit of hindsight, I honestly feel like the old rank system was just fine, it was THE GAME ITSELF that needed to change. Also that's not to say that the old rank system was perfect either, it had flaws. But the issues in the game ultimately come down to what happens during the game. Not what comes before or after.

Maybe the devs will come around and see how bogus the emblems really are. FIX GAMEPLAY FIRST. Everything else is an afterthought.



  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055
    edited June 2018

    Why can't we have like. The OLD system back, I thought that it was just fine.

    And I am talking about the one before the killer cube.
    Maybe that cube wouldn't have been so bad if the survivors had gotten their part of it to, but no they just put out half, then this Emblem System. The Emblem System is more obnoxious than anything else

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117
    I completely agree. I'll be the first to admit, I SUCK at killer. Terrible. Played today for a daily (probably the 4/5th time I've played killer) and even the survivors took pity on me..... anyway I PIPPED. I couldn't believe it, I only hooked one of them after finding them in a locker and managed to hit them 3 times (each time I lost them and they healed).

    It's so difficult to get good emblems as a survivor, and seems insanely easy as killer.

    I can't stress enough how bad I suck at killer 

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    Devs do have another opinion on the subject when it comes to pipping, simply.
    For devs, simply repairing and escaping isn't enough to prove you're worthy of a pip.

    I do not fully support the emblem system, has it has its flaws, but :

    • You can totally pip decently easily without being altruistic. It's just a choice. I personally very oftenly pip without saving or healing anyone. I usually get no emblem/bronze benevolence (the basis) and it proves enough to pip
    • The Gen competition system is a good system. Survivors aren't teammates, they're cooperative that fight also each others for their own survival. In that regards, it also makes people to tryhard to do gens as fast as possible not to get their emblem points "stolen" by others, and it's definitely fine this way, as the original concept isn't "We're all friends, we share everything", but rather "we work together, but the ultimate objective I have is my own escape". Playing solo has no downsides except...
    • ... The benevolence, which is quite logical ? If you want to score altruism points, you gotta save your teammates, but it's not necessary to pip still.
    • About killers, the pips aren't easier to earn. You can actually safety/eventually even depip by getting 3k, and you can eventually pip by getting 0-1k, depending on how you performed in the round. (And no, @RemoveSWF , looping doesn't give you points in chaser. It's actually the opposite, the SHORTER the chase, the more points you score. If you stay in chases for extended durations, you actually get VERY POOR chaser points, so you're wrong about that. You actually score way more points/the same amount of point by downing a single guy under 15s, and by downing 3 over 300s.)

    Overall tho, I ultimately agree with the main point of your thread :
    They should consider to BALANCE THE GAME before actually trying to ######### a pseudo-ranking system out of a broken gameplay system and trying to make it fit like if it's gonna solve anything.
    Not to mention the ranks are still irrelevant and most people just prefer to stay low ranks anyway since it gives everyone easier games, which is definitely stupid (Aka still no rewards)

    P.S.: most of my survivor round rewards look like this :
    I usually don't help anyone, eventually leech points from camping killer at times when you can afford it, but ultimately, repairing and being around the killer for a few seconds to get a free bronze evader is not hard to achieve, at all, and is usually enough to pip.

  • darthbabymaker
    darthbabymaker Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2018

    Emblems suck, I totally agree. How is it that you can escape with 22,000 points and not pip? I've done it more than once and its total garbage. How can this be a thing. Stop trying to fix things that aren't broken. improve on the game you made don't undermine what you've created. If you get a bad killer or a bad team, which happens everyother game, you can throw piping out the window. Come on already.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @darthbabymaker said:
    Emblems suck, I totally agree. How is it that you can escape with 22,000 points and not pip? I've done it more than once and its total garbage. How can this be a thing. Stop trying to fix things that aren't broken. improve on the game you made don't undermine what you've created. If you get a bad killer or a bad team, which happens everyother game, you can throw piping out the window. Come on already.

    Newsflash: Emblems don't give a damn about BPs.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @DocOctober said:
    I have no trouble with Emblems on either side and Survivor Emblems got noticeably easier in the PTB.

    Seems to me, it's more of a personal problem.

    Doesn't change the fact that the gameplay still needs to be fixed.

    Doesn't change the fact that Emblems are inconsistent with your actual goals in the game.

    Doesn't change the fact that your success is dependent on how other people play.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @DocOctober said:
    I have no trouble with Emblems on either side and Survivor Emblems got noticeably easier in the PTB.

    Seems to me, it's more of a personal problem.

    Doesn't change the fact that the gameplay still needs to be fixed.

    Doesn't change the fact that Emblems are inconsistent with your actual goals in the game.

    Doesn't change the fact that your success is dependent on how other people play.

    If you believe that, then I suggest you actually look up how Emblems work. I'm stealthy and rather egoistic as a Survivor, yet I usually pip with the Emblem System, because I know what they expect me to do during the game. If I know I won't get a good Quality in Emblem A, I'll try to substitute with a good Quality in Emblem B, I constantly adapt my playstyle and it has worked very well for me so far.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @DocOctober said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @DocOctober said:
    I have no trouble with Emblems on either side and Survivor Emblems got noticeably easier in the PTB.

    Seems to me, it's more of a personal problem.

    Doesn't change the fact that the gameplay still needs to be fixed.

    Doesn't change the fact that Emblems are inconsistent with your actual goals in the game.

    Doesn't change the fact that your success is dependent on how other people play.

    If you believe that, then I suggest you actually look up how Emblems work. I'm stealthy and rather egoistic as a Survivor, yet I usually pip with the Emblem System, because I know what they expect me to do during the game. If I know I won't get a good Quality in Emblem A, I'll try to substitute with a good Quality in Emblem B, I constantly adapt my playstyle and it has worked very well for me so far.

    People do not want to "adapt", they want to be rewarded for playing like they want to play, whatever they do. Which is hilarious in a sense, like : "DUN TELL ME WUT I NEED TO DO" behavior is always hilarious.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    yes the emblem system is dumb
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2018
    I really have 0 problems getting a pip as a Survivor.

    If you are unable to pip in the new system, you've probably found your actual rank. It's still insanely easy to pip if you know what you're doing. To prove my point, who wants to make a bet I can get from Rank 16 to Rank 1 starting today before the reset?

    GG EZ
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    When I originally made this post I got some weird browser error. It seems to have made this post 4 times. I marked them for mods to delete, but this is the original thread please to not delete this one.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @thesuicidefox said:
    When I originally made this post I got some weird browser error. It seems to have made this post 4 times. I marked them for mods to delete, but this is the original thread please to not delete this one.

    Okay, I'll remove my flags then!
    Good luck with your browser

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited June 2018

    @Runiver said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    When I originally made this post I got some weird browser error. It seems to have made this post 4 times. I marked them for mods to delete, but this is the original thread please to not delete this one.

    Okay, I'll remove my flags then!
    Good luck with your browser

    LOL you don't believe me? Why would I make a thread 3 more times if it has 16 replies and 100 views? SMH Not to mention I wasn't even visiting this site at the times 2 of them got posted. I made the post it didn't show, I refreshed a few times. It didn't show. Close browser went back didn't show. Took about 15 minutes to actually show up.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Runiver said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    When I originally made this post I got some weird browser error. It seems to have made this post 4 times. I marked them for mods to delete, but this is the original thread please to not delete this one.

    Okay, I'll remove my flags then!
    Good luck with your browser

    LOL you don't believe me? Why would I make a thread 3 more times if it has 16 replies and 100 views? SMH

    It wasn't Irony. I did remove my Flag and I'm just wishing you a good luck lol.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Runiver said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Runiver said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    When I originally made this post I got some weird browser error. It seems to have made this post 4 times. I marked them for mods to delete, but this is the original thread please to not delete this one.

    Okay, I'll remove my flags then!
    Good luck with your browser

    LOL you don't believe me? Why would I make a thread 3 more times if it has 16 replies and 100 views? SMH

    It wasn't Irony. I did remove my Flag and I'm just wishing you a good luck lol.

    LOL ok cool, your post came off a bit like you were trying to be sarcastic. My bad. I don't think the issue was my browser though, the site just wouldn't load but YT was working just fine (was watching e3).

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Runiver said:

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Runiver said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    When I originally made this post I got some weird browser error. It seems to have made this post 4 times. I marked them for mods to delete, but this is the original thread please to not delete this one.

    Okay, I'll remove my flags then!
    Good luck with your browser

    LOL you don't believe me? Why would I make a thread 3 more times if it has 16 replies and 100 views? SMH

    It wasn't Irony. I did remove my Flag and I'm just wishing you a good luck lol.

    LOL ok cool, your post came off a bit like you were trying to be sarcastic. My bad. I don't think the issue was my browser though, the site just wouldn't load but YT was working just fine (was watching e3).

    It seems like several people do have similar issues in other sections. So yeah, possibly some forum issues. Anyway back on topic I guess.

  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    @thesuicidefox I do agree, but for different reasons infact. I find as survivor it is now pathetically too easy to pip, even easier than with bp for pips. I run No Mithers, without DS or exhaustion perks, no items, just bp offerings, and even if I die first I can safety pip at least. Safety pips are rare, depips even rarer. I constantly feel that my team and I played like #########, and I still pip with room to spare. I do agree that bad Killers make it harder, but if a Killer is so bad he can't hook anyone for benevolence, you can definitely make up for it in Evader. Estimate 45 seconds or so in a chase, then lose him. Easy peasy, do that twice and you have iridescent.
    Playing as Killer has in fact made it harder to pip than before depending on your playstyle. Now, Killers that tunnel, camp, run NOED and are general asshats can now pip with ease. Basement LeatherFace with 2 kills? near a 2 pip. But if you try and play Killer for fun, keeping in mind that the survivors are actual people(survivors should keep this in mind about the Killer, but that is another topic), then pipping is even more difficult. If you go for fresh hooks and struggle hooks, not focusing down the same guy to kill him, then GateKeeper will be harder because 3 on gens is faster than 2 or 1, you will get bronze or nothing in Devout, and Chaser will be a bit harder because instead of focusing down the weakest link for fast chases, you are taking a chance by chasing the person who just unhooked him, who happens to have 3,000 hours of t bagging under his belt. Also with chaser, people who camp a lot get better scores in it because hitting a survivor near a hook counts as a 2 second or less chase, giving massive points. When playing Killer for fun, you rely on Malicious to carry you, but because of how that is done you cannot get iridescent unless you Kill everyone, 3 hooks each.
    Funnily enough, the second Emblems PTB was actually a huge success. It was nearly perfect. just hard enough for survivors so that you could still pip without meta perks as a solo, and just right for Killer where if you played good, you were thoroughly rewarded.
    This is a duplicate comment of one I posted on an accidental duplicate thread of this one

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Runiver said:
    Playing solo has no downsides except...

    • ... The benevolence, which is quite logical ? If you want to score altruism points, you gotta save your teammates, but it's not necessary to pip still.

    The problem isn't that you are not Benevolent and don't get an emblem. That's logical because you didn't DO anything to earn it. My point is that you can LOSE your Benevolence because a killer camps or a survivor kills themselves on the hook (or worse, runs to the killer after you unhook them). You could be sitting pretty on Iridescent Benevolence while opening the gate, all set for a pip, when the bonehead survivor decides to try and get more Evader points and ends up getting whacked with NOED and hooked before you can actually escape. I can't tell you how many games I leave before the killer gets that hook just because staying will mean I lose my emblem and my pip.

    In the previous ranking system I wouldn't have to save the guy either, but I'm also not punished for staying to make an attempt. With emblems I am because if the killer is just that defensive you can't save them and have to just eat those -10 points. In one situation I've pipped and now saving the guy is just me being greedy for BP, which indirectly benefits the killer because I stay in the game. In the other situation I'm just kinda getting screwed for someone ELSE'S mistake in a way I can't recover.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Runiver said:
    Playing solo has no downsides except...

    • ... The benevolence, which is quite logical ? If you want to score altruism points, you gotta save your teammates, but it's not necessary to pip still.

    The problem isn't that you are not Benevolent and don't get an emblem. That's logical because you didn't DO anything to earn it. My point is that you can LOSE your Benevolence because a killer camps or a survivor kills themselves on the hook (or worse, runs to the killer after you unhook them). You could be sitting pretty on Iridescent Benevolence while opening the gate, all set for a pip, when the bonehead survivor decides to try and get more Evader points and ends up getting whacked with NOED and hooked before you can actually escape. I can't tell you how many games I leave before the killer gets that hook just because staying will mean I lose my emblem and my pip.

    In the previous ranking system I wouldn't have to save the guy either, but I'm also not punished for staying to make an attempt. With emblems I am because if the killer is just that defensive you can't save them and have to just eat those -10 points. In one situation I've pipped and now saving the guy is just me being greedy for BP, which indirectly benefits the killer because I stay in the game. In the other situation I'm just kinda getting screwed for someone ELSE'S mistake in a way I can't recover.

    Well, I think that, according to their choice, you possibly sorta "failed" to protect your teammates (even tho it's pretty hard to protect some individuals from their own stupidity), and if you choose to escape while they get hooked (and very possibly still saveable), you possibly deserve that loss of point.
    It's discutable, obviously.
    Similarly, it's also discutable for a killer to lose points for letting survivors to heal under the hook because you chose not to camp.

    The previous system (BP based) was kinda ######### tho. Basically wondering 30s in the realm with a map in hand, doing half a gen and a save was already enough to safety.
    I actually had really rare occurence of finding myself to actually depip/safety when I think I earned a pip. Most of the time, when I safety, I'm just thinking like "Yeah, that's true, I should have done X better"
    At least in my opinion that is, but yeah, the emblem system isn't perfect. I guess the easier emblems, next patch (tomorrow, or in a few hours depending where you live) will partially fix the issues.

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I really like the Emblem system, I think it needs tweaking (it is still pretty brand new) and I think it's a system we'll get more used to adapting too.

    I think the emblems encourage a more active game, I've been saved so much more often since the patch, personally I think the teamwork aspect has gone up, people seem more confident with getting chased to enable the team mate to get away, a bit more altruistic gameplay generally.

    I found at the higher ranks everyone was a lot more selfish and just all about farming points where now they are more about completing the objectives and that includes not just leaving someone to die on a hook from start to end.

    One comment I do have about it though is this whole "I got 20,000 BP but I didn't even pit wth" and I think this connotation between BP and Rank Pips needs to be either linked or completed separated because I think people are linking them together and they really shouldn't

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    Runiver said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    When I originally made this post I got some weird browser error. It seems to have made this post 4 times. I marked them for mods to delete, but this is the original thread please to not delete this one.

    Okay, I'll remove my flags then!
    Good luck with your browser

    i am not sure what some people would do without the ability to flag but i suspect they wouldn't be here.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    edited June 2018
    the original post brings up some good points and i can't help but laugh at some of the standard issue "if anything, i'm just too good at this game" replies.  i think the system needs work. 

    i have a pretty grim prognosis for this game though.  i have only played one game more than this one and that is cod-mw2.  so...i'm saying i really love this game.  the growing necessity of swf to counter camping and the growing necessity of camping to counter swf are what will be the unfortunate death of this game.  being on the other side of either is not fun at all and i suspect if that goes on long enough, people will move on.  also, the killer tweaks that screw solo players are no help-this ia also needed because of swf.  sad to see.
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Devs dont understand what happens if the survivors play their objective as effectively as possible (i.e. genrush)
    They balance their game around rank 20, and to be honest, everythign is fine at that rank. However, if you genrush, then you make the killer depip or blackpip at max and survivor will blackpip and only pip if lucky

    That is not a problem with the emblem system though, its the core game mechanics that are flawed and desperately need a rework. Sadly we only get band aid instead of curing the disease

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    I cant say the emblem system is a failure or not for a very simple reason, I do not care. I figured out a while ago in various games, rankings tell two stories, how good you are and how much you play. I have a bad habit of being ultra competitive when a game first comes out and play a lot and get up in rank. Then I realize how much time I spend, slow down my play time, and my rankings drop dramatically. I did the same with DBD. I know solely play to enjoy myself, and have fun.

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    When it first came out, I was very confused about people claiming it's difficult to pip, as I hadn't had any trouble pipping in most games. I still don't get it. Some games I easily pip without a save, though there are only a few reasons I don't go for a save. Killer is camping or patrolling, or if gens literally will not get done unless I'm doing them. But aside from those, why aren't you going for a save? And as well, you dont need to be chased to earn evader, just be in the killers terror radius without being found.

    It's not a perfect system but it's so much better than the old system. So much so, I would question anyone that prefers the old system, as to why they want survivor to be so braindead? It was so easy to pip that I am genuinely in disbelief they considered it a good system in the first place. I suspect a lot of the issues with pipping relates to people just not understanding what is required, and altruism definitely isn't required. Hell, if you don't go down at all, you essentially get a free 4 points towards pipping. That's about halfway and you only need a gold and silver. Do 3 gens and its a gold, then all you need is a silver evader. You just may get that by stealthing when the killer comes around.

    I never struggle to pip as most games with some exceptions, I can do 3 gens, save a person and heal them, run the killer around when he finds me, if not I get points in evader anyway. If you can't pip, maybe it's cause you're at the rank you should be. That's how pretty much every other ranking system works. 
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Adeloo said:
    I have to agree the Emblems system is to harsh on survivor and to easy on killer.
    As you said what bother me the most is the fact that as a survivor you are forced to loop the killer as long as possible to get some chase point and if you play stealthy you are actually punished.
    So basically you are rewarded for getting found and failure of hiding.

    Don't you get points for stealthing within the killer radius? Points towards emblem?

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @thesuicidefox said:

    I am constantly getting safety pips in games where I do all the gens and escape untouched only to not get any points in Evader (which is a highly inconsistent emblem BTW) and none for Benevolence despite the fact that the killer camp the guy and I literally have no option but to let him die because any attempt to save him would result in his death and likely also mine (oh and people that kill themselves on the hook are basically say "If I don't rank up neither do you").

    The way around it for me was to go for Iridescent in Gens and Escape, run empathy and get off 1 or 2 heals on teammates (no need to unhook anyone), here comes the gross part that I hate, stand in the exit gates for the killer to show up and run out to get your 1 chase / escape. Should give you 2 Iri and 2 bronze and your pip. I did this to get out of the lower level issues I was facing.

  • m3dicookie
    m3dicookie Member Posts: 74

    its not broken its not its just an odd system that just doesn't work right now but their trying to fix it what was in the ptb was not what we need survivor go to ez i could just not get hit and fix all gens pip ez

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    It's not really a failure though...

  • Zombiella
    Zombiella Member Posts: 53

    I think the emblem system is fine. Just fine. Not great, not horrible, but fine.

    I'll admit that it's hard to get Benevolence with so many killers camping. Even if they aren't camping, you have to race other survivors to the hook. It's also hard to get Lightbringer because you have to race your teammates and afk gen rushing is boring af. As an example, I did 1 and 1/2 gens on my own and the other 1 with someone else and opened a gate and still got Silver Lightbringer---despite participating in half of the objectives. Logic???
    Evader can be hard if the killer is just bad or heavily focusing on someone else. It seems like you get punished for playing stealthily and escaping unscathed rather than rewarded.
    All that being said, it's a huge improvement on the killer side, imo.

    Good news is: this is all pointless because they have addressed most of those issues and tweaked the numbers in the upcoming patch and it should help balance out the scoring values, making it a little easier to PIP---especially for survivors. I'm excited about it because I'm tired of seeing a 17k score with a +0 rank...

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    This sounds like more of a personal problem than an overall problem

    On the PTB they actually reduced the thresholds significantly, so pipping should be even easier. Personally never had issues for both sides.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Zanfer said:
    This sounds like more of a personal problem than an overall problem

    On the PTB they actually reduced the thresholds significantly, so pipping should be even easier. Personally never had issues for both sides.

    LOL Clearly everyone has no issue pipping because you are all so amazing. SMH

    You guys miss the point entirely. It's not that I have trouble pipping. I can pip. The problems are that 1) it's incredibly inconsistent with your actual performance in the game, leading to instances where you SHOULD pip but don't; but more importantly 2) playing to pip as survivor IS NOT FUN OR REWARDING.

    I want to play less survivor because pipping is frustrating and unfun. And I don't want to play more killer because you still deal with the same BS as before, only now you get a shiney participation trophy at the end. The net gain is that I just want to play the game LESS overall. There is nothing enjoyable about the game anymore.

    The point of the thread is that the game's mechanics should be fixed before we get a new ranking system. It honestly doesn't matter how easy it is to pip or what the system actually is, if the game itself is still a broken pile of shhh then none of that matters.

  • lopezradio
    lopezradio Member Posts: 9

    Nope. I think the system is great. It keeps you where your skillset works. It should be really hard to get into the higher ranks. If you're pipping every time, you're clearly OP for your rank. Forces better team play.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Zanfer said:
    This sounds like more of a personal problem than an overall problem

    On the PTB they actually reduced the thresholds significantly, so pipping should be even easier. Personally never had issues for both sides.

    LOL Clearly everyone has no issue pipping because you are all so amazing. SMH

    You guys miss the point entirely. It's not that I have trouble pipping. I can pip. The problems are that 1) it's incredibly inconsistent with your actual performance in the game, leading to instances where you SHOULD pip but don't; but more importantly 2) playing to pip as survivor IS NOT FUN OR REWARDING.

    I want to play less survivor because pipping is frustrating and unfun. And I don't want to play more killer because you still deal with the same BS as before, only now you get a shiney participation trophy at the end. The net gain is that I just want to play the game LESS overall. There is nothing enjoyable about the game anymore.

    The point of the thread is that the game's mechanics should be fixed before we get a new ranking system. It honestly doesn't matter how easy it is to pip or what the system actually is, if the game itself is still a broken pile of shhh then none of that matters.

    All I got to say is if you are unhappy than just don't play. Playing and feeling not great is not great for your health as an individual.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Zanfer said:

    All I got to say is if you are unhappy than just don't play. Playing and feeling not great is not great for your health as an individual.

    You don't get it. The emblem system just makes me not want to play DBD. I will just go play something else. Enough people do this and there wouldn't be enough people playing. That is slowly still happening because they didn't actually fix the problems with the game. You can't pretend like the emblem system is a success when the game itself is still broken.

  • CurseYou
    CurseYou Member Posts: 7

    I think the Emblem system is a step in the right direction for rewarding players for completing meaningful objectives.

    Is the system complete and balanced? Not yet, but it's definitely on the right track. Prior to the emblem system, it was trivial to pip as a survivor and at least now it feels like a little bit more work to achieve it and I still frequently pip with the emblem system in place.

    Things should be better/easier now for survivor after the Circus update.

  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    I think the problem with the emblem system is that I pip and don't pip in the wrong situations... When I have a game where the killer doesn't down anyone and we all escape, me with, let's say, a gold gen emblem and a iridescent escape; I don't pip!! But since nobody got hooked and there was 1 hit the entire match there's no way for me to pip!!!! Nothing I can do other than meaninglessly try and make the killer chase me... And another thing, the emblem that is supposed to be rewarding stealth? Nonsense. I have so many games where I'm crouched behind rocks keeping unseen by the killer so hard it's not possible to that any harder unless your killer is a rank 20 first time nurse >< and then have got a bronze or silver in that emblem? >< I agree the system is a step in the right direction, but executed pretty poorly tbh...

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Survivor is so ridiculous easy to pip now.
    Just equip BT and throw yourself at them hooks, pip basically guaranteed unless your are caught first and camped^^

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @thesuicidefox said:

    @Zanfer said:

    All I got to say is if you are unhappy than just don't play. Playing and feeling not great is not great for your health as an individual.

    You don't get it. The emblem system just makes me not want to play DBD. I will just go play something else. Enough people do this and there wouldn't be enough people playing. That is slowly still happening because they didn't actually fix the problems with the game. You can't pretend like the emblem system is a success when the game itself is still broken.

    Apparently you didn't read my comment even though you quoted it. I said "if you are unhappy than just don't play".

    The emblem system versus the game mechanics it self have no correlation to each other at all. For example: Hag running at a certain movement speed is not affected by how the emblem system works.

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @BlondeMegPls said:
    I think the problem with the emblem system is that I pip and don't pip in the wrong situations... When I have a game where the killer doesn't down anyone and we all escape, me with, let's say, a gold gen emblem and a iridescent escape; I don't pip!! But since nobody got hooked and there was 1 hit the entire match there's no way for me to pip!!!! Nothing I can do other than meaninglessly try and make the killer chase me... And another thing, the emblem that is supposed to be rewarding stealth? Nonsense. I have so many games where I'm crouched behind rocks keeping unseen by the killer so hard it's not possible to that any harder unless your killer is a rank 20 first time nurse >< and then have got a bronze or silver in that emblem? >< I agree the system is a step in the right direction, but executed pretty poorly tbh...

    You shouldn't pip because you only did the generators. Even if that is all you could do it means the killer was not that great and you shouldn't be rewarded for going against a terrible killer...

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @Master said:
    Survivor is so ridiculous easy to pip now.
    Just equip BT and throw yourself at them hooks, pip basically guaranteed unless your are caught first and camped^^

    Yupp and if you body block the teammate as well to make sure they don't go down until the bleedout timer ends than you will guarantee your points.

  • BlondeMegPls
    BlondeMegPls Member Posts: 66

    @Zanfer said:
    You shouldn't pip because you only did the generators. Even if that is all you could do it means the killer was not that great and you shouldn't be rewarded for going against a terrible killer...

    What's the aim of the game? If a survivor plays perfectly, what happens? They remain undetected by the killer, are never hit and they do gens and escape. Let's imagine all 4 survivors play perfectly, no one hurt, no one to heal. No one pips under this system. Despite playing perfectly and following the aim of the game exactly...

  • Zanfer
    Zanfer Member Posts: 647

    @BlondeMegPls said:

    @Zanfer said:
    You shouldn't pip because you only did the generators. Even if that is all you could do it means the killer was not that great and you shouldn't be rewarded for going against a terrible killer...

    What's the aim of the game? If a survivor plays perfectly, what happens? They remain undetected by the killer, are never hit and they do gens and escape. Let's imagine all 4 survivors play perfectly, no one hurt, no one to heal. No one pips under this system. Despite playing perfectly and following the aim of the game exactly...

    Well if the killer couldn't catch even one survivor against all 4 than why should you be rewarded for having an easy game. Getting rewarded for having a more intense close game where all survivors are struggling to even make it to the gate is better than never seeing the killer once and leaving out the exit gate. It means the killer was playing really well against the 4 others and the 4 others should be rewarded for great team play under an intense situation.