Babies First Hacker

Welp after playing since 2016, I have finally encountered my first hacker, and on Christmas Day no less lol. I was waiting for some friends to get online so I decided to do my Demogorgon daily, I ended up getting sent to the swamp map and at first it seemed like I had a survivor that was afk, turns out she wanted out of the game because another survivor was doing some form of lag switching. Every time I got near her she would suddenly disappear. After finally downing her I tried to hook but it wouldn't let me so she wiggled out. It seemed at least one other person was a SWF with them because every time I would hit him, he would run to a dead corner on the map where there were no hooks for quite a ways away and every time I picked him up, the Kate(the one lagging about) would body block for him but when I hit her she would instantly be healed again. I was able to get 2 kills near the end and actually able to down the Kate and I decided to just let her bleed out. However she had unbreakable and teleported to the exit gate and left.
I'm honestly surprised that it took this long to get a hacker in a game. I did report them in the endgame chat while talking to the one other PC player who noticed what the Kate was doing. Sadly I wasn't streaming or recording and the Kate was a console player so I doubt much will happen in the end.
Edit: I wanted to add on a question, have you ever dealt with a hacker in the game? What happened and how did it go?
I've only ever run into two, and I made a post here on the forum when I ran into the second one not too long ago. They had speed hacks, instant heals, could instantly 99% all gens on the map, and they escaped while they were on my shoulder when I finally downed them. I don't record my games either so they got away with it and might still be messing with people.
As for my first one, there was a hacked legacy Dwight with obvious speed hacks that I faced in 2016. I was playing Myers and 99'd my Tier 3 to down him one of the times he was teabagging. It was a very satisfying facecamp, and the other survivors even came and pointed at him. He got banned like two days after that game so I guess someone got footage of him at some point.
We really need to get a new anti-cheat software. EAC isn't doing anything to these newer hackers, and they have so much stuff they can use now.