The Nurse is terrible on consoles now compared to Pre-Nerf Nurse.

Can anyone please try to explain to me why this "good" for the health of this game?
Because either she's weak on console and balanced on PC or she's decent on console and broken as hell on PC. Makes sense that PC game health always takes priority, especially considering that's where tournaments are run and majority of the playerbase are.
Also nurse is still playable on console, it's just really hard. I have still seen a few decent console nurses since the change, so it's still possible to be good with her.
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Every time I face off a Nurse in the Red Ranks or any rank in general she can't even get a kill. So I don't understand why nerfed her to the ground when all she need was addon rework like Bubba and Billy. Billy's change was not need again except for addons.
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Go watch a tournament nurse game and tell me if you still think she's weak.
There are quite a few nurses out there who will skew her balance because they don't know how to play her but once you learn her, it's a completely different story.
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So you're argument is if only a handful can play her so what "decent" then anyone can play her? That is a fallacy to the point of ignorance and exaggerated arrogance. That is the same thinking that ruins games.
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She used to be fun on PC but unfun on console before her rework and now she's unfun on PC AND console.
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No not anyone should be able to play her well, only good people who invest time into her to learn her. That's her tradeoff. Hard to learn but an incredeibly rewarding power. Sure go and advocate for her power to be easier to use like 80% of other killers in this game but shes' gonna need some heavy nerfs if you make her noob friendly.
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Good console nurses still exist, I just chatted with one the other day. Helped me confirm my belief that she's not as bad now as most think, you just can't use op addons on her anymore which seems to upset a lot. The blink cooldown hardly makes a difference, if you can land most hits.
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She's actually so awesome on PS5. I played Nurse on PS4, but all the frame rate drops, and unstable FPS made her very challenging to play. On PS5, she plays like a dream with constant 60fps.
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She's definetely still fun and rewarding to play on console.
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I know a couple console nurses that play just like they're on pc, I promise you if they get good enough you can't tell the difference
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Supalf wants to have a word with you, he is probably the best console nurse out there and probably not just on console he is great but also he is on pair with the best pc nurses out there and he plays on ps4.
He dedicated a lot of time to learn her and now that is how he got paid, being one of the best nurses out there.
I also used to play nurse on ps4 after the change and most of the time I did decent, don't give up learning and keep on trying.
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stop the theatrics. First off, nurse has always been more difficult on console. You have to be more precise with a less precise tool at your disposal. Nerf didn’t change her blink distance, time to charge a blink, etc.
you must be playing on the Switch if you face rank 1 nurses, on any major platform, and they “don’t even get a kill.” Not knocking the Switch itself, just the horrible frames/graphics/controls given to it
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No I play on Xbox and everytime I face off against a Nurse they suck so badly that all I can do is just laugh. I just wish that they didn't add the stupid recharge mechanic. I'm fine with the addon rework even though it's most of the addons suck again. So how about you stop being a condescending ***** and politely gfy.
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Well good for him and thanks for the encouragement but I'm mostly a Survivor main. I just want a real challenge against a Nurse like I use too.
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If you are a survivor main, the best thing you can do is ask the devs to fix her bugs, mainly that is the reason why she is not used as much, there are too many bugs for her that limit her a lot.
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I dont think it's a good idea to have a killer that is both easy to play and ignores game mechanics. And with cross play, balancing pc and console separately is a no go
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She's definitely still arguably first or second strongest killer on next gen consoles, at least (last gen FPS makes her MUCH more difficult though)
That said, most people don't stop playing her because she's weak. Her rework just sucked all the fun out of her. Better to play a weak killer and have fun than to 4k stomp and have a miserable time doing it
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That’s called projection. You project your thoughts and feelings on to me (saying I’m condescending) while being childish and condescending to me. Seems being theatrical has a lot to do with your personality, which makes sense. Cheers