I hate Leatherface

This is a true story and happened just last night.
I played dbd. Round 1 against Leatherface. He sees me and tunnels me. No matter how hard I try to escape, no matter how many sharp turns around objects I do or pallets I drop because he goes through them like butter, as soon as he revs up that saw, I go down.
“Goddamn sunovabitch mothereffer I can’t stand this bleeping killer!!!”
Round 2: Coldwind Farm map. Another Leatherface, only this time it’s worse because now he is closing off windows by stepping over them. He tunnels me, shreds through pallets like butter, and no matter how I try to keep objects between me and him he is able to gracefully swing his saw avoiding hitting anything and I go down.
I get off the game, call it a night. I notice a present under the tree that was overlooked. It’s for me. I unwrap it and it’s a NECA Leatherface action figure.
I hate his hoppy walk. It bugs me that he is a 115% movement speed when he looks like he is moving slow. :)
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Leather Face can be pretty fun to play, especially for a new player like me. Give him a go.
You can dodge the chainsaw by the way. People dodge mine all the time.
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Loved that Last part it caughtme by suprise haha.
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In the original movie he briefly kept up with a truck even though his leg was injured by his own chainsaw so be glad he's only 115% ! 😛
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At least they didn’t give us this injured Bubba from Texas Chainsaw III with his squeaky leg brace, limping around the realms
...survivors would be running circles around him all night
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They made a third film?
How have I never seen this?
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Round 1: It sounds like you tried to make him bump into things with his saw, and he didn't. Meaning he played better than you did. Not sure what the issue is. Also - what is "tunneling" to you?
Round 2: If you're whining about Bamboozle, you need to learn how to run tiles properly. Also, again, what is "tunneling" to you? By the sounds of it, you're labelling it as tunneling when you're simply just being chased. As for him going between objects with his saw, that's just him playing better than you.
Also that Xmas present is awesome.
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He's so miserable to play against. His rework amped up all the things that make him a frustrating, camp-happy killer, and addressed exactly zero of the issues with him.
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Probably one of their worst designed killers. Anyone who lobbies for Twins or Hag nerfs cause they can camp should want this crap removed from existing. Yes, the player can play nice/fair, but his kit makes him the easiest and most effective anti-save killer to ever exist. Most will hug your rear end to saw you or you'll wind up hit through pallets anyways.
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There are 8 Texas Chainsaw movies total
The 9th releases everywhere in 2021
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Also... this is part 3
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Wow, that’s insane that so many of these movies have come out without me noticing.
I have definitely seen the first one, and the 2000’s remake (which I hated).
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Is this trailer for real? Because I have never been more excited for a film that was released twenty years ago.
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I actually enjoyed the remake and thought the follow up was decent, but Texas Chainsaw 3D from 2013 was the absolute worst of all the films, imo.
I haven’t seen the 2017 Leatherface version tho
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Lolz, yeah, that’s one of my favs of the franchise, got some comedic dialogue happening in-between the horror (kinda like part 2) that feels purposeful and satisfactory😌
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You may be good at this game, but you’re not very good at understanding a humorous story.
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They have to do something about him. Completely rework him idk but do something about his ultimate ability to facecamp to death anyone, I mean what the hell since when does it requires skill to hold M2 in front of a hooked person while nodding your head like a [BAD WORD] cause of course he knows you're not gonna get out of there, or at best if your mates have BT there can be some 1 for 1s but even then it's not fair and makes the killer hella unhealthy. Honestly imo the problem mostly comes from his chainsaw being able to down as many people as he wants in 1 sweep but if they nerf that they'll have to do something else on him to make him more fair and i'm affraid he would end up being too much like Billy, or stay the same, but still so unhealthy
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That trailer is definitely real. I’m old enough to remember when it was used as a teaser on a lot of New Line Cinema tapes that year (30 years ago!). About the only thing I remember about it was that it wasn’t nearly as good as Part 2.
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I love it. It's taken 100% directly from the movie. Looks funny as hell when hes running with something blocking view of his legs.
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He is balanced.
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I rather deal with bubba over the gremlin twins.
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He is a strong licensed killer that just got buffed. It'll be at least a year before they think to look at him. Gotta sell them meta perks and cosmetics.
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Never speak I'll of my beautiful Bubba. He's just misunderstood.
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Take that back! :o
At least you get satisfaction out of stomping the little gremlin. And at least they can't 100% deny saves like Bubba.
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Leatherface is a chef, of course he goes through pallets and survivors like butter-- He needs it for the cornbread with that BBQ chili
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If he is balanced that means he has weaknesses as well as strengths. List the weaknesses.
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I will say that it is very satisfying to dodge the little turds launch and proceeding to crush him, but that is it.
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Windows, lockers, close objects, indoor maps, head on, pre throwing pallets isn't really weakness but it can apply to all killers, zero map pressure, etc etc.. More?
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Yeah, leatherface is annoying, the only reason how to somehow counter his face camping and tunneling is bringing decesive strike and borrowed time.
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They're also really bad in the way I described. And Deathslinger.
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I find Mr Cowboy fun to face. I'm bad at chases, but it's fun to zig zag around and try and make him miss. You have more of a chance to survive a chase with him than you do a bubba. Like with all killers, it just sucks when the player decides they're gonna camp, slug and tunnel. I can't hate them though, the devs refuse to make big changes to the core of the game and would rather poorly fix things through perks.
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Yes please. Things that apply specifically to him. He doesn’t have much in the way of map pressure but neither do many others. As I’ve said, pre throwing pallets doesn’t work against a guy that can shred right through them and barely miss a beat. He has a massive strength in being able to down people, multiple people even, without add ons. You would think that being balanced would mean also having a massive weakness and he really doesn’t. Not even map pressure is all that important when he is capable of downing half the lobby within seconds. And it doesn’t help that most of the time people spawn together even without burning an offering.
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I spawned between two Neas last night. Was a terrifying start.
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First of, if he downs half of the lobby that on you, you know it Bubba and that he is coming, if you stay close that on you. Windows destroys him, there literally nothing he can do about it. Locker also, there is timing when jumping out if locker so he won't grab you. Pre throwing pallets isn't a counter but it takes time from him, you shouldn't have be able to complete counter the killer, but you do it with and lockers I Bubba's case, also, close object and wall hugging can be nightmare for him. Even half decent teams won't have a real problem against him.
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LOL. Downing half the lobby isn’t “on me”. I have zero control over how others play, and 95% of the time I witness these things going down from a distance. Be real.
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I didn't mean specifically you, i meant you and your team, if it happens that fault from all of you. And even if you are on the same gen you can split up and he won't be able to do it, don't run in the straight line like a sheep
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Sure, jump into a closet and hope you can hit space faster than he can. Vault a window and hope hit validation doesn't bone you. Just keep running and hope he's not using add-ons that increase his chainsaw tantrum for longer than you can dodge.
He's an absolutely ridiculous killer. He's easy to play, easy to abuse, and awful to deal with if you aren't on a coordinated team with discord. At least then, they have a chance to maximize the time they have while Bubba's staring their hooked team member in the face for 45 seconds. People here love to ######### about Unbreakable, but after enough matches with slugging Bubbas who just run their chainsaw out as long as possible to get as many survs as they can, I'm seriously thinking about putting it on all my characters. I'm tired of getting dunked on by a stupid [BAD WORD] character that should be easy to handle because people play him to troll and ruin the game for other players.
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Me and you both he requires no skill at all, So easy to rank up with him, Absolute joke 😑
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The only thing useful is BBQ and chilli and Franklins Demise.
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Actually there is a timing when you can get out and when he can't get you, if you even tried to look it up you would know. You don't vault the window when he is right behind you, like with every other killer, windows destroys him.
Actually no, you don't need full coordinated team, just people who know how to loop. I never saw good survivor complaining about Bubba, he is high mid tier at best.
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You're wasting your time. People who can't loop will always complain about Bubba no matter what you say.
Just today I faced one. He got a 0k against random solos (full red rank lobby including the killer). Neither me nor the other survivors even brought any items or meta builds and that (prestige-)Bubba had Ruin+Undying.
He is still countered by distance (unlike stronger killers like Nurse/Spirit), "difficult" objects (i.e. loops with pointy corners), pallets and windows.
Good players know he's mechanically fair and fine. Bad players don't want to improve so they'll demand nerfs. Simple as.
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Also countered by random hanging vines that for some reason stop a chainsaw, and unexpected tree branches.
I think he’s fine, if survivors are going down early enough he can camp out a win that is their own problem.
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He doesn't have crazy antiloop potential, he doesn't have map pressure, he does have instadown that is easy to avoid, i don't know what else they want.
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So you just sit around windowed tiles doing absolutely nothing so that you are always in a perfect position for a chase?
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No, you shouldn't be able to counter the killer 100% of the time, that's why this game is fun, you are doing risky stuff, it's dangerous but rewarding, putting yourself at risk for your team.
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There's some risks I don't really wanna take, like trying to get someone off the hook while Bubba's staring them in the face.
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Shift + W.
If Leatherface bump his chainsaw into objects you can make like 8 seconds worth of distance if not even more.
Leatherface is one of the most loop-friendly killers in the game next to Wraith, Ghostface and Legion.
Watch this video if you fully don't understand what I am talking about:
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He really does mow through pallets. Combine his ability with Bamboozle and spirit fury + enduring and he can quickly create deadzones.