Reverse Bear Trap...

IndianaDadGuy Member Posts: 32
edited December 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Removing these shouldn't fail. At least, not if you pass all skill checks during removal. It's bad enough wasting time removing them to begin with.. but for it to fail to remove it after having passed all skill checks several times in a row is ridiculous. If nothing else, reset the timer on the trap if you pass all skill checks, but it fails to remove it.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Nosferatu3145
    Nosferatu3145 Member Posts: 542

    Wait, so you always want to remove the RBT on your first try? Cause no one that has played this game for more than 10 hours actually misses skill checks unless is distracted with something.

    Nerf 🐷 btw

  • IndianaDadGuy
    IndianaDadGuy Member Posts: 32

    I didn't say anything about missing skill checks.. I said it shouldn't fail when you GET all the skill checks. Having to go to 3-4 spots to remove the trap only to die after NOT missing any skill checks is ridiculous. Even if it eventually comes off, that is a lot of wasted time not doing generators, because you can't just leave it on.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    But you know that hitting like the 3 Skill Checks you get is not really an achievement? I fail to see how this should mean that the Beartrap should be removed.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    It's bad enough wasting time removing them to begin with..

    That's the point of the RBT's. They waste time. I'm not a Pig main, but it's pretty common knowledge that that Pig's traps aren't for lethality, they're to slow the game down. This would be a pretty big nerf to Pig, who could actually use some buffs. Her Game Stall is the only thing she has compared to the other stealth killers, because it definitely isn't her Stealth, which in my opinion is the worst in the game.

    I thought when people said "Nerf Piggy" it was a joke.

  • IndianaDadGuy
    IndianaDadGuy Member Posts: 32

    My suggestion was to reset the kill timer, honestly. You're penalized by RNG rather than failed skill attempts currently. If it resets the timer after passing skill checks, then fine - it just wastes time. It shouldn't kill you after passing every skill check thrown at you, multiple times.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    That'd still be a very silly change. Survivors are supposed to feel pressured if they don't get it off on the first try. Making it reset would completely remove any pressure her traps give. I can count how many times I've died to a Pig's RBT on one hand. They don't need to be nerfed at all.


    • Pause during chase
    • Pause if you're downed.
    • Pause if you're hooked
    • Don't activate until a generator is completed after it's put on, so you can easily search a few boxes before your generator is complete.
    • Don't activate during EGC unless it was already on before the last gen was completed, which means during the EGC, her power is basically useless.

    You're asking to make Pig's main power pretty useless and non threatening. Imagine if you got out of Trapper's traps first try? It'd remove all the pressure he could ever have.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    I suggest the opposite change the requirements to escape a trap to be at least two boxes with add ons that increase the number of keys required.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    That is kind of the point of the traps though. If you've ever seen the Saw films, it highlights this very point. Someone who is trying to get a trap off their head who is about to die from it will panic. Panic = mistakes. Of course this is a game, so that logic doesn't fully apply since you don't die for real. But, a survivor who's timer is getting low WILL begin to panic and abandon gens for a box. This is Pigs power. She passivly forces you from gens to get a trap off, while she can also track you at the boxes meaning she's pressuring survivors more and more. Having her traps just fall off because you managed to hit a skill check or 2 is such a insane nerf, you might as well have her hold your hand to the door every match.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Even that means nothing to a determined survivor, ive popped gens with an active trap on my head and didnt even feel pressured.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,774

    Such a change would basically squash her power, which is a hopefully annoying slowdown in gameplay.

    Getting an actual kill with the traps is quite rare in my experience, mainly newer players I'd say. So many times the head trap is removed by first box searched, regardless of the skill checks being hit or not. Very fustrating when that occurs.

  • Teacyn
    Teacyn Member Posts: 93

    Pig is one of the weakest killers in the game already. If anything I wish her traps were a bit faster/activated off more things to pressure survivors even more. Her power is almost completely RNG and has so many stop conditions that if you get unlucky it can literally do absolutely nothing for you.