Which survivors do you see in a relation ship?

Self explanitory title
Zarina and Adam.
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Claudette and Adam because they're the ones that always hide in a bush.
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David and Yui maybe. Both have this competitive drive.
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None, as they are probably to mentally strained to think of things like love.
Although, some might have respect for each other, like Yui and David, Bill and David, and more. Everybody probably respects Bill because of his self sacrificing nature. Things like that.
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Yeah I mean they're ghosts, right? They don't have to eat or sleep or shower, apparently, since they're all filthy. You'd think at least in some corner the Entity would have conceptualized a bathtub or something. And if you want me to play along, it's probably more like "whoever spawned at the campfire for this brief interlude" to have a few moments with before another killer comes.
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Kate and Jeff
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They're stuck in a loop meaning that they don't get/feel hungry/sleepy/thirsty they don't age too they're all stuck in the same age but the world continues to grow and not just be frozen the only ones that will probably smell like ######### are jake and david
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Quentin and Laurie
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Quentin and Claudette.
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Assuming they could be in a relationship in the first place I’d say Jane and Jeff. They are both kind people who didn’t have much family interaction( Jane having a divorced mother and Jeff leaving his family for a roadie job). They both seem to care for other people judging by their perk descriptions and Jeff quiet nature contrasts with janes extroverted nature which is a good thing.
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I could see that working but Quentin seemed to really care about Nancy considering he was willing to send himself to the entitles realm to save her
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David and Dwight.
Something about the dynamics of Dwight being a major Nerd and David being more of a hands on athletic type just works. Plus, they just super cute together.
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Anytime a survivor is teamed with themselves. Selfcest.
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I don’t care what anyone else says. It will always be Dwight x David for me!