My Argument for Voice Chat

I'm sure there's countless threads discussing voice chat in DBD. So let's make another.
Post game voice chat should be added because it allows survivors and killers to hash out any frustration they could have then and there. No going to the forums and crying, no seething reddit posts, just good ol fashioned online voice chat. Why would this help? From experience, the frustration I feel after hard games comes from the fact I can't communicate with anybody after it's all said and done. So I'm left with my emotions which simmer and boil, they don't have a healthy means of expression, making me usually quit for the night and play something else. I'd rather keep playing the game but if my negative emotions hinder my ability, then there's no point. It would be much more fun for both sides if a post game voice chat were an option and you could say about anything to the other side. Shame them for camping, congratulate them for a hard fun game, make new friends, make fun of them or make fun of yourselves.
People can learn to have fun again if you let them.
If I wanted to socialize I wouldn't be at home playing video games.
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Uh... They already vent out their frustrations there and still go to Reddit, or the forums. This is even before cross play was a thing.
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You mean something like this:
No thanks, I don't want to hear little Jimmy crying at me! 😅
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Worst case scenario yes.
Best case scenario this
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Ahhh you know what I mean.
I'm just saying it'd be easier to find other people who play this game as well, making it more enjoyable probably on your end assuming you wouldn't have many friends to play with to start.
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Toxicity doesn't bother me for the most part, but I know some people will not like to hear little Jimmy! 😅
Imagine there's cuss words and all kinds of ugly words mixed into my scenario! 😁
Killer: "Ah, you're so toxic, bringing a key!"
Survivor: "Too easy, baby killer gets rekt!
Killer: "You think you're so good because you have a key and t-bag! You're so bad!"
Of course there's probably more scenarios I can see with NOED, DS, "Genrushing" and Slugging. All are no good! 😅
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"No going to the forums and crying, no seething reddit posts, just good ol fashioned online voice chat. "
Yeah, then they will insult the other side before opening a Forum Thread.
I mean, look at Postgame Chats now, you cannot be serious thinking that Voice Communication should be a thing.
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All I know is, this would significantly increase reports and bans. I'm in favor of in game proximity chat
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I never get the funny text box stuff you guys seem to always come across. Yes absolutely add post game voice chat.
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The salt mines, it'd be glorious.
Getting face camped wouldn't be so bad if you could trash talk the killer at the same time MW2 style.
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Hey man sometimes little Jimmy pops off and says something hella funny it would be gold.
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As long as I can put it off in the settings, I'm fine with it. You can have your voice chat, I don't want to participate in it.
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Please don't
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Literally the worst idea for this game.
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Because then people would just rage and shriek on the voice chat and I most definitely don't want to hear any disgusting russian mumbling from anybody as I'm playing. It would just increase toxicity. Forums are the right place for people to complain about game issues.
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Mate, if they added this you'd have no eardrums left.
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Im going to stop at "survivors and killer can hash out frustrations after the match"
The killer should really never win against a sfw if they just do gens. If the killer does win its because they pulled some bullshit.
Now on to reading the rest of your post i can see you...actually understand this and what it would mean for the game and that's exactly what you want? Its a pretty confusing stance to take because no one is going to give a ######### that you're "shaming them" theyre going to busy mocking you for dying. The fact that by your own admission you rage out to point of not being able to play it means the LAST thing you should be asking for is voice chat lol. Screaming at the killer is not going to make you feel better and don't even get me started on playing killer! You'd have an aneurysm man lol
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Having a open voice chat during in game on a game like this is the dumbest idea ever.
It will not decrease negative emotions, it will only increase it.
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I don't want to hear kids using the n-word over voice chat. This is dbd, not dbduty underage rage edition...
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I mean if you want to say I'm raging when I take a break from a game after a string of rough matches then go ahead lol. I know when to fold.
Shaming them, badgering them, if I could swear, ######### with them, etc. Whatever synonym for antagonize you'd like to use, I want to do it. Making funny noises, telling dumb jokes, hell if I wanna sing what should stop me? What's wrong with a that? Don't like the hypothetical post game chat? Mute it. Done deal. I'm saying there could be a set of players who would probably enjoy this more than you'd think.
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You can turn voices lower in most games which feature a voice chat.
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What's wrong with disgusting filthy dirty nogood Russians and their putrid rotting voices?
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No i know exactly who would enjoy it, you are not one of them. You literally described how you rage out and want the voice chat so you can get your anger ######### not even your own teammates are gonna back you up this is dbd, what you need to do is give this game a long break when its ######### with you to the point you can make a post like this seriously.
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Exactly. It's so good putting the headphones on and shutting out people.
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Yeah, the last thing I want when I play dead by daylight is to hear 12 year olds scream and cry because I killed them. No. Thanks.
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As if a written death threats wasn't enough, Nope...and end game chat should be removed too, there is no reason to even have it as it is only a way for someone to flame you. Use discord with your friends...
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Voice Chat in dbd is like Poker where a person goes around telling you what cards everyone has.