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Texas BBQ Achievement Bug on Xbox One

imrsd007 Member Posts: 1

There seems to be a bug with the Texas BBQ achievement. Mine is stuck at 88% and the last 2 games I hooked at least 3/4 survivors in the basement so 6/8 in total. That should be more than enough to get the achievement from 88% to 100% but it’s still not unlocked. These games were in public lobbies as well.

It seemed to be tracking fine until the Twins update was added

For reference the achievement is: In public matches, hook 25 Survivors in the Basement. Once per Survivor per match.

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  • mealexs
    mealexs Member Posts: 2

    Same but im on ps5 ive been putting people in the basement and it won't track. Been trying to get all the trophies again since ps5 has a whole different trophy list than the ps4 so this is annoying. The new update today didn't fix it at all.

  • erecenaa
    erecenaa Member Posts: 2

    Same on PC. I also just noticed that the Milk n' Cookies doesn't work anymore either (the one where you have to take stuff from the basement chest). Mine's stuck on 19, and my basement hook progress is stuck on 13. It's very annoying, since it's kind of easy achievments to get otherwise and I want to have them "done" and not in the progress-list.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Mine’s been stuck at 12 on PS5 for a couple of weeks now.

    I think you have to escape with the item from the basement chest. Unless you’ve done that and it’s still not updating?

  • Liqhtninq
    Liqhtninq Member Posts: 94

    Yeah it seems everything basement related is bugged. Milk n Cookies achievement included.

  • erecenaa
    erecenaa Member Posts: 2

    Yeah, same for me with the hooks (a couple of weeks now). But the chest thing is kind of new, a couple of days (for me at least). I've tried both just getting the things and escaping with them, neither seems to count. I also noticed that tomes/challenges doesn't work either. I tried to do some old tomes/challenges for blood points, since I've done all för killers on the most recent chapter, and one is to hook 2 survivors in the basement with the perk agitated on, but it didn't work and I know they changed out one of the new challenges that had basement hooks to something else. So they do seem to know that there's an issue with the basement, not sure when/if it'll be fixed though.

  • starkeclipse
    starkeclipse Member Posts: 1

    I am also struggling with this issue, however, I play on a PC through Steam. My Texas BBQ has been stagnant despite numerous basement hooks. I saw somewhere else on the forum where this achievement was referred to in terms of grabbing someone out of a trapper's trap? Did it possibly get mislabeled?

  • MorbidCuriosity
    MorbidCuriosity Member Posts: 18


    Basement trophies/challenges/achievements can only be done on 2 maps at the moment. Dead Dawg Saloon and Silent Hill. 👍