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First Hook Suicide at Two Gens

Member Posts: 105

Is this a thing now? I've been playing for the last five hours and every single game I've had a teammate let go on their first hook when we're at two gens left. Each time everyone is still alive and the killer has barely gotten any hooks, but then a teammate does this and suddenly we've lost.

I just need eight escapes to finish this rift and this is making it super annoying.

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  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Had lots of those weird teammates that like to throw a potential 4 man escape, too.

    Not sure what's going on in their heads. I like to think they're in a rush because they forgot their pizza in the oven or something like that.

  • Member Posts: 105

    Guess a lot of people are making pizza tonight then. Seriously though, I've had to have played at least twelve games tonight and it's happened in every single one. I was already baffled the first time it happened but this is ridiculous.

  • Member Posts: 651

    ive played killer and this happens a lot

  • Member Posts: 152

    This is unironically something i did during the middle of a match once, i got up and had to take the pizza out the oven came back to an endgame chat of people who wouldnt understand that my pepperoni pizza needed to be cooked at exactly 380* for 20 minutes

  • Member Posts: 767

    I dont know why people are so surprised by this.

    Some players play for fun not to win, if someone is not having fun he won't care if he's gonna win that game.

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    I mean it happens from time to time but I wouldn't call it a thing.

  • Member Posts: 105

    It is perfectly understandable that ensuring your pizza is cooked to perfection takes precedence over playing this game. If all of the people that I've faced tonight had pizza then I'd understand, but they didn't stay for the endgame chat like you did.

    But what's making these matches unfun for them? It usually goes that I get chased first and last long enough for each person to pop a gen, then they get chased second or third and just let go instantly. Sometimes they last decently long in the chase but still let go. I just don't get it.

  • Member Posts: 767

    You cant know, sometimes i get bored even if i am having long chases but just because the killer is not good, sometimes because i dont like that killer, sometimes because my teammates did something outrageous and you as a killer will never know, sometimes i just have to go out quickly.

    Everyone has its reason and unless you ask them you'll never know

  • Member Posts: 1,054

    This happens a lot whenever I play killer, and it'll be multiple of them. Usually it's when I destroy them. Multiple people will just opt out on hook. It happens almost every game, because my win rate is super high, but I won't even be running meta for it to happen either, which is unfortunate. I try to run off meta builds, but it just seems like if you are good people still will opt out. I don't understand it, but maybe it's the fun factor. I don't generally see it happen when like 2 gens are left though. If the same people finish all gens they usually sit at gate teabagging. That's when I hit them with the blood warden on one of their downed team mate.

  • Member Posts: 789

    How about running Kindred and being left to die on first hook?

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