The Rift is way too grindy

I like the challenges (sure, some could use work or encourage bad gameplay/poor teamwork, but overall I think they're fun and give people a push to switch up perks and play differently than their default style).
What I don't like is that I've finished all four tiers of the Tome and I'm still only at level 61 in the Rift.
It's not like I'm racing through the challenges, either -- I'm not MLG pro at this game, or anything. I play a few nights a week with friends and sometimes make no progress on my challenges. I played 4 hours this afternoon as killer before I finally finished the challenge for hitting 7 people with Billy's chainsaw in a single round.
According to Steam I've played 55.3 hours in the past 2 weeks. If anything, that's probably a little less than average, what with the holidays and end-of-year stuff for work, etc.
A game mechanic that requires a person to play more than 275 hours over ten weeks -- an average of 4 hours per day -- AND maintain focus on specific challenges is way, way too grindy.
the rift is made to be grindy and force people to buy the premium track + rift tiers.
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People think the rift is way too grindy? Really? I didn't play for weeks when the rift opened and I still managed to finish with 20 days left.
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Not everybody has other people paying their bills and a completely wide-open calendar. Some of us have full-time jobs, families, friends, pets, hobbies other than DBD, etc.
I don't mind things that take effort. I like a challenge. I mind things that demand to be treated like a full-time job.
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You can definitely say that it encourages people to buy tiers, but there is nothing that forces you to do so.
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I do other things as well. I don't play DBD 24/7. Again, I didn't play for weeks and I still finished it. Wasn't that hard...
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I don't think anyone is saying it is hard, it is just a LOT of hours you need to play. I can always finish all of the challenges but still only be around tier 60 to 65. Without any challenges those last tiers take forever.
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It doesn't really take that long. I didn't play for weeks after the rift started and I finished it.
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I'm aware.
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Yeah... I kind of just completely ignore the rift anymore. I was fully on board with the first rift estimate they gave of it requiring "around an hour a day" for the duration of the rift. It easily has to take at least 2-3 times as long as that estimate to hit lvl 70, even if you've done all the challenges.
I like the game but I don't have the time or desire to drop 800+ ######### hours into it in a given year. I have never played another game that was half as grindy as DBD is in general
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The whole game is. I want to play other killers and I can't because without like, certain perks low tier characters at red ranks are just a miserable time.
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I personally don't find completing the rift too hard, but the lackluster of "decent" items in the rift makes the rift somewhat grind for me. I don't want to play 5 hours straight just to receive three charms in a row that aren't noticeable. Not to mention so many cosmetics in the rift are re-colors... yes there are new cosmetics, but they roughly make up 15 tiers out of 70. If the rift had better items, then the grind would be worth it. I suggest the devs add perhaps lobby emotes, lobby background items, in-game emotes, etc. to make the rift much better.
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The rift is ridiculously grindy. Before they gave the free rift fragments this rift was about as grindy as the first rift that everyone complained was too grindy so they made rift 2 and 3 better only to go backwards on rift 4 and 5. According to their first year stats only something like 16% of players completed rifts. If 16% was too high a completion rate by end of tome 4 stats for them to increase the grind for tome 5 it really makes me wonder how low of a completion rate they want for the rifts.
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Well that is the point of this gifts or season passes in other game. To bait the customer with the free track and as soon as you buy the premium you get in the mindset that you have to finish it to get everything for your money and boom they tied you done to play more of their game. Same for every free game.or game with an additional thing like the rift, for example rocket league, dauntless, fortnite, league of legends and other f2p games but also dbd and even rainbow six siege (which has a base game price, skins, every year a 50 bucks season pass and a rift like thing with premium track).
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It is way too grindy if you're trying to get all perks on every character. I feel bad for new players... The Rift? I'm completely fine with that.
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Not really something to brag about
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Wasn't bragging. Was just saying the grind isn't that bad... lol
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And like he said, people have other things to do besides play dbd 24/7. Stop thinking you’re entitled because YOU got to tier 70. Tons of other people simply have other things to do. The rift is definitely way too grindy. Just because you sit on your ass 2 days a week doesn’t mean other people do also
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For real lmfaoo probably some 16 year old who plays for hours every day and loves to brag about it lmfaoo
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Go back and read my posts... It's not too grindy.
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Kid idc about “your” posts. I play the game also. Along with tons of people I talk to. I can tell for myself and see that the rift is grindy. It requires you to play for hours everyday, while having to go for challenges every game and not just play to have fun. It’s exhausting and way too grindy. It’s the reason why many people quit, including myself
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I didn't play for weeks when the rift opened and I still finished it. I don't play 24/7, lol. You just need to do the challenges and play whenever you get time. It's not as grindy as you guys are making it out to be.
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Well bhvr has clearly chosen the route of grinding us to death. Outside of noobs, I think it turns people off from playing imo (even if they still do)
If you look at a game like Clash of Clans, you can earn a set number of points daily just for playing. You then have challenges they pop up every 7 days. If you play daily and complete the challenges presented (which are easy, not grindy), you’ll finish the rift 7-10 days+ before it’s over. If you want to pay to unlock it earlier, you can. But even if you came in with a week to go, you could still finish it if you played enough.
The Rift in dbd should be easy and doable. It should also allow to complete the rift by completing the challenges. as it is now, the rift is 2 new outfits, 3 outfits with new colors, a bunch of charms nobody cares about. There’s not a ton of value in the rift imo
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Hey, I care about the charms, lol! I hate the recolored outfits, tho. Those should be in the free pass, not the paid one.
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Curious - are you capable of thinking outside of your self? (Space between the two intended)
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Yep. I wouldn't mind if the rift was made easier to level up! I just don't think it's as grindy as some people say.
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Congrats. you didn’t play for weeks, and then you found yourself being able to play for 6 hours a day for weeks. Not everybody is able to do that. Nor does everybody want to be forced to do a challenge every game. It would be different if you could try to complete every challenge at once, but they were harder and different. Like “heal 40 survivors”, “do 30 gens”, “escape 25 times”, “blind the killer 30 times”, “stun the killer 30 times”, “open 30 exit gates”, but you were able to just play the game and do them at while playing. Instead, they force us to do a challenge like “open an exit gate” and you could try for 5 games and verse a try hard killer for 3 games, be chased by the killer a soon as the exit gates are powered for 1 game, and then have somebody else open the exit gates the 5th game. Only to switch that challenge to “stun the killer 3 times in one game” and make it to the end and open an exit gate yourself. It’s stupid, too grindy, and too exhausting.
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Not even close to six hours a day... I just did all of the challenges and played when I had time.
Edit: You have like 2 weeks (correct me if I'm wrong) to complete 1 page of challenges before the next one unlocks.
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yeah, but when games take forever to find it’s hard to even do that. Like right now it’s literally taking me 15-25 minutes to find a match. In between every game. If I was pushed for time (like a lot of people are) I would be screwed. A lot of people can only play for 2-3 hours a couple days a week. And if I’m spending an average of 20 minutes just waiting to find a game, it’s not realistic to do the grindy rift. 5 games in 3 hours.
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Honestly, while I definitely agree that the grind is particularly brutal for new players, I feel like getting all perks/P3ing your characters isn't as bad as the grind of the rift. With the BP grind, your performance actually has an impact, and there's no time limit on it. With the rift, after the challenges are done, it's purely based on how much time you cram into the 70 day period, since emblems/BP have virtually no impact
I guess I'm not a particularly big fan of the amount of grind to either, but the BP grind feels much more forgiving to me personally since I don't prestige survivors and I pretty much only play a rotation of 6 or so killers anymore. Still outrageous, but to a lesser degree than the rift imo
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I'm sorry but this annoys me the most just because you have a full-time job doesn't mean others do as well. Some of us (including me) are really not in the position to be working atm or cannot find a job(s) that are hiring so I have a lot of time on my hands. I understand it sucks for those that don't really have the time to be playing and have families to take care of as do we all but it irritates me when "9 to 5 workers" start complaining about how they don't have enough time to play for rift rewards and then go onto the forums to ask the devs to fix it and make it less "grindy" when you NEED to fix your time management.
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Funnily enough they make you do this grind to earn 25 charms that only a hand full are even used.
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Not sure if serious.
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I experienced the same with this rift. Its similar to the first rift. I do every challenge and im only at level 61. I really dont like grinding this last 9 levels, when this continues in future rifts i will stop playing the rift. (I buy the rift only after i reached max level)
I have no intention to start to grind every last week for max level. I did it before for other games and i stopped playing this games bc of it.
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Literally just play the game you can spend a few minutes out of your schedule to play it's not that hard...
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Well then go on about your day boo thank you.
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I actually did complete the rift, like, the whole thing, and I probably took longer to do my challenges or something, but it only got me to tier 65. Getting to 70 was just me playing normally and earning fragments one at a time. That's definitely not right. I get that they probably thought between the challenge fragments and the ones earned just by playing, you'd get to 70 no problem, but I think it's not metered out correctly if the experience of hitting 60-65 with the challenges alone is common.
And even though I play often and I completed the whole thing, I feel it's too grindy for the average person to be expected to do. Even if you're not a person that has a lot of regular life responsibilities, if you just have other things you like spending time on, the rift is excessive as it's currently structured.
Also, if you're ever waffling on whether to unlock the premium rift tier, I personally will only do it if I get all the way to 70. I won't if I don't complete the whole thing. That basically gives you back all the cells you used unlocking, plus all the weird items. If this one hadn't had stuff for Nea, and an amusing, if disturbing Billy skin, I probably wouldn't have bothered at all, though.
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I get that they probably thought between the challenge fragments and the ones earned just by playing, you'd get to 70 no problem, but I think it's not metered out correctly if the experience of hitting 60-65 with the challenges alone is common.
No, it's definitely intentional. They intentionally created a problem so they can sell the solution (buying tiers). The entire thing is set up in such a way that it baits people who do not buy the battlepass to buy it and for everyone else to buy tiers to finish it.
Also, if you're ever waffling on whether to unlock the premium rift tier, I personally will only do it if I get all the way to 70. I won't if I don't complete the whole thing. That basically gives you back all the cells you used unlocking, plus all the weird items.
Which is why in the future there will be progress boosters in the paid battlepass track to make people commit early. (Unconfirmed, speculation on my part)
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It may be speculation, but I wouldn't be surprised... sigh.
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A few minutes??? You spend more than that just trying to get into a game!
If you could complete the rift by playing an hour a day (like the developers said originally) then there would be no grind. When you actually need to play two to three times that (4X if you count queue times) then it's a major grind.
To be clear, I don't think the rift is hard or difficult, just EXTREMELY time consuming.
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The grind is that bad.
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All i wanted was the Legion skin and it seems i will be able to get it just in time before it closes.
I really want that knife
That said this was the only rift that had something interresting for me. Yea it's grindy but it is easilly ignored too. The extra bp from the challenges is a godsent though
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Battle passes will always be a big grindy scam. Stop buying them.
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With the current pandemic I have nothing to do other than gaming since my workplace isn't risking any more infected.
Now, I play 14+ hours a day of dbd sometimes less sometimes more, I managed to finish the rift 24 days for the rift to end before the extra week, you must be playing as much to have finished the rift with 20 days left but you said that you didn't play when the rift came out so probably played more than I did.
Just saying that it is not hard but it is grindy unless you are playing killer all day.
Or you bought tiers, one or the other.
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I usually don't play more than 2 hours a day (I do sometimes, tho). I make sure to complete all the challenges and play when I can. 14 hours is insane... I have never played any game that long in my life. Anyways, I'm done talking about this. I just keep repeating myself over and over.
Edit: I finished with around 20 days left, but I counted the extra week that was added. So it was a bit less than that.
Post edited by IronKnight55 on0 -
A few minutes out of my day? Sure, let me solo q up for Survivor and in 10 minutes I'll have a match. Great use of those few minutes.
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I wish you luck and hope you can get the Legion skin! That's how I feel about the Ace one!
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My only problem with the Rift is how some challenges are just obscenely stupid to get. You have to either throw a game or farm them at high ranks.
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I completely agree. Challenges need looked at. Doubt anything will get changed if I'm being honest.
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I completed the rift in 30days that's before I completed page 2 of the tome... Left me 40days of just waiting for it to end(54days? Cause they extended it...) If u have no time to do it u can always buy 1 level for 100 auric cells... If it isn't grindy then people won't feel they accomplished something and wouldn't be fair to them to make it too easy(which it is already btw) if u want handouts then login once a day, rift is made to use player time and make them play more
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Lol, I have a full time job, 50 hours a week and where i am on call for 1 week a month. I have a 5 year old, and another baby on the way. I still manage to finish every rift usually with 15-20 days left to spare. The reality is, in order to get to level 70, you need to get 1 level per day.
Ignoring rift challenges completely, this means you are going to have to play for a 3 hours a night. When you factor in challenges. This means you need to be playing (in game) for 1 hour a night. I generally have time to play about 1-2 hours a night and sometimes can binge for 3-4 on the weekends.
Not sure what your excuse is.