Dealing with toxicity : guide from a retired troll

Ah forumer i see you about to unleash fury on my wretched soul please note im generally making this post to help you understand what you are against do not kill me for being retired. Anyway without further a do lets get stuck in.. So strap yourself up and prepare for a wall of text.
1. Trolls are people: yes believe it or not trolls are people they have lives ik not saying you must love trolls or be accepting of them. But you need to understand that going trolls are no life losers will not best the troll... In fact they will have won. Why you ask if you say that you gone down to there level you gave a reaction not any reaction a satisfactory reaction. Meaning they got what they want. If you want to be able to handle toxicity. You need to let go of that statement. Dont try to use empathy on a troll either. Compassion is good but can leave you open trolls are as good as telling you what you want to hear ad much as what you don't want to hear.
2. Types of trolls (in dbd)
This isnt wordy but to beat a troll you'll need to know your troll. There are 2 main types of trolls that you'll encounter.
Ive made a scale system of there danger. Rarity and tactics u also do brief explanation of why.
The classic:
Danger: 2/10 (most are trying to be cool trollers, so they don't know how to actually troll and take a provoking approach which is very easy to counter)
Rarity: common (every game has them lets be real)
Tactic: provoking annoying you. Taking advantage of worn out ppl.
The why :Theese trolls are gonna be here in dbd why well they know that there opponent is bored it is no secret that dbd macthmaking can be 10 - 15 mins people can't sit in a chair 10 mins without doing something. Theese trolls probably know that you've been sat 15 mins, tried to make a coffee but bam you must been macthed. They know your gonna be agitated annoyed... now there in the macth going to use things that they know can annoy and piss you off. Capitalising on a bone the game threw you out... Making you angry and rage so that when you get to egc your angry you see red, your less likely to ignore and the minute you respond. They will milk you of reactions til stated.
The Fisher
Danger: 6/10 (if they can sink their hook in it they can use it)
Rarity: rare while not uncommon they are more experienced and know how to bait ppls reactions by confusing and playing with their target)
Tactic: confusion manipulation under the guide of borderline satire.
The why: you seen them here some are very easy to distinguish. But unlike the previous type they are varied and unpredictable... Theese ppl arent. Going to go all out to annoy you they want to cacth you offgaurd so they tend to strike after the macth. There going to mainly start of a with a question. Such as why did you tunnel? Or why are you playing tapp? It may seem innocent. But If you respond they are going to do there best to shame you. Make you feel bad. Thus getting a reaction and laughing at you behind the screen as they know that there not even bothered and are actually not even bothered.
Theese trolls aren't so obvious as they will not attack right away and strike at the right time.
Theese are the trolls you will prominently meet throughout the game. And a bit if insight can help you identify a troll so you know to ignore.
3. Dealing with a troll. While most people will say that they are judt sad people and should be ignored and you're better of them. That is farther from the best way to deal with them if you find yourself upset at a troll amd unable to ignore do not respond with that ever it will not work believe me its just ammo fot them instead.
Embrace it. Own it and use mundane reactions. Trolls want a reaction weather ot be you upset angry or confused. Even prideful responses can sate a troll... But no troll can combat mundane boring responses.
Ppl that go yeah im (x) so... Or whatever.. Giving short snappy responses that show no indercation of a reaction will most likely shake of the troll quicker as they will get bored and will just leave you.
Embracing it also good as if you can make a joke based on what they say will lead to them also giving up or actually laughing and giving you a credit. Which means the troll knows that they cant beat you. but is amused by your abilty to take words well.
Trolls are pretty much harmless belive it or not when they dont get the advantage on you.
Thats all i have to say im not goid at guides. But i think i should finish up with a bit about me.
I was a troll because i was bored i mainly trolled from the ages of 14 to 17. At 17 wasn't trolling as much however. I only trolled because i was bored i didn't have anything to do my mates weren't local so I coudnt hang as much and well i didn't like anyone round area. So i was bored and just wanted to challenge myself trying to improve my abilty so I could get more golden reactions i only retired because one of my mates moved so I had other stuff to do which i cared for more..(drinking is more fun than enduring league of legends)
Anyways i dropped that last bit so you have a bit more insight on what trolls are like.
Thanks for reading.
Meh, I've spoken to superior ex-trolls.
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Are people that helpess they need a so-so ex troll to tell them to just play and ignore? Come on, man.
Learn it's just a game and trolls have no power, case closed.
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The only good troll is a sacrificed troll 😂
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Yes, we all already knew this. At least those of us who've dealt with them before.
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I always repeatedly respond with "so now you're all mad about it?", "Why are you so mad about it", "You shouldn't get all mad about it, it's unhealthy".
Or if they fish for a reaction I'll make it all nonsense.
Troll: "Nice failed face camp XD".
Response: "Thanks! I just bought it. My old failed face camp was wore out. I've been kinda self conscious about this new one... I'm so glad you like it, it makes me feel so much better about buying it"
Things like that usually leave them speechless.
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Body is 1 character too short
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If you absolutely feel the need to respond to the trolls, there is the 'play dumb' approach:
"Nice tunneling, bet that's the only way you can get kills"
From here, they waste their time explaining and you can just keep leading them on with more, "What?", "Huh?" and "I don't understand" replies until they're tired of it.
Or the 'own what they're complaining about' approach:
"Nice tunneling, bet that's the only way you can get kills" and depending on the result of the game, you can say...
"Yup, and you lost," or just reply with emojis - "😘" tends to ruffle their feathers.
Overall best strategy is to give quick/short, carefree answers. Their goals are to get a rise out of you and waste your time, so this strategy doesn't allow either of those.
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Is there such thing of an Anti-troll?
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The real trick is to say nothing or just a ggwp. You are still engaging them, showing they bothered you enough. If they try and talk ######### after all I say is "Haha... wat?"