Which cosmetics did you get?

Going for Billy Hammer and Head, Huntress Axe and complete Wraith outfit.1
I feel like everyones going for wraith XD. I got the whole wraith set and I'm going for the doc next. I like having complete sets or my ocd kicks in.3
Huntress and Claudette
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Im getting full dwight and either full trapper or only head and body and something else for another killer.
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I've got the Huntress outfit. I'm not sure which I'll get next.
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@AChaoticKiller said:
I feel like everyones going for wraith XD. I got the whole wraith set and I'm going for the doc next. I like having complete sets or my ocd kicks in.Oh I feel you - I made sure the whole outfits I don't have match in some way with the weapon ^^> @ChesterTheMolester said:
Going for Billy Hammer and Head, Huntress Axe and complete Wraith outfit.
See, I thought about the hammer :P But in the end, I liked having army pants and a bloody hammer with the drippy billy, felt nicer and it's different.
@deadbydaylightfan said:
Huntress and ClaudetteThe Huntress was the one I had to get full outfit because it wowed me, same with Wraiths, but his you could use without the weapon, Huntress' you need her glowy axe :P
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I bought the Wraith one. I didn't want to but the grind has been real. It's by far my favorite skin for him, and I'm happy I did because I hadn't played him since the buff. He's really fun now.
I think I'll get the Huntress or Doctor one for killer. I really can't decide, they're both so cool but I already have the bear Huntress so maybe Doc. I've got one of Dwight's pieces unlocked already. I hadn't unlocked a good outfit for him yet so that one works.1 -
doc and a hard choice between billy (the skin just looks bad in my eyes) and huntress ( i almost never play her)...
it will probaply be the huntress though (or maybe the huntress weapon and body and billys torso...)0 -
Dwight's of course. Hallowed Dwight looks very dapper.
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Head & body; trapper, wraith, doc0
Wraith full outfit of course!
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I played killer enough to get 10 vials. Got the doc head. With the queue times and the farming I think I will just chill out, and if I really want a skin I will just buy it later.
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I was too impatient to wait for the serums to get The Wraiths so bought his with cells and will be getting Trapper and Doctor with serums
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@AChaoticKiller said:
I feel like everyones going for wraith XD. I got the whole wraith set and I'm going for the doc next. I like having complete sets or my ocd kicks in.im the same I took doc first and slowly getting the killer vials so I can get wraith , only 18 more to go … feels like ive done 60 as a killer already it sooo slow .
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I want the doctors face just so I can facecamp someone just for them to think "what a f*cking d*ck" only the once though.0
@Brady said:
With your 60 vials, what cosmetics do you guys plan to get or got? :PFor me, I got the headpiece of a drippy Mr Billy, the entire Huntress Outfit, and just Wraith's head and body
I felt like the killer ones were way better than Survivor, so may as well get the good ones
The ones for Huntress and Claudette. I have a question; the cosmetics will be there in the store after the event or not?
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Wraith’s only. None of the others were worth the torment of the grind.0
@AdánAR said:
@Brady said:
With your 60 vials, what cosmetics do you guys plan to get or got? :PFor me, I got the headpiece of a drippy Mr Billy, the entire Huntress Outfit, and just Wraith's head and body
I felt like the killer ones were way better than Survivor, so may as well get the good ones
The ones for Huntress and Claudette. I have a question; the cosmetics will be there in the store after the event or not?
Yes, but you have to buy them with Auric Cells by then.
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@Boss said:
@AdánAR said:
@Brady said:
With your 60 vials, what cosmetics do you guys plan to get or got? :PFor me, I got the headpiece of a drippy Mr Billy, the entire Huntress Outfit, and just Wraith's head and body
I felt like the killer ones were way better than Survivor, so may as well get the good ones
The ones for Huntress and Claudette. I have a question; the cosmetics will be there in the store after the event or not?
Yes, but you have to buy them with Auric Cells by then.
Cool ty, it doesn't matter i'm gonna buy cells then XD
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Full wraith, huntress and doctor head and trapper body
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I have hillbilly torso and legs, wraith torso and legs. I haven't completely decided what I want to do for my last 2 cosmetics. I might get The Doctor head and body or maybe The Doctor weapon and Hillbilly weapon. I haven't really decided yet.
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Claudette's torso, Wraith's body and head, Huntress mask and clothes. Idk last one I want
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Clear eyes, full Wraith, can't lose.
Also Claudette's torso and Doc torso + head.0 -
Oh man...! I didn't realize vials I earn with survivors could be used for killer cosmetics.In that case, Upper: wraith, billy, doc; lower: wraith, billy, huntress.
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Huntress mask and body (I love the look. The mad red eyes remind me of Alice in Wonderland. That bunny)
Billy topIf i get enough vials together, i'll get doctors molten face and wraith head and body too.
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Got the doctors head, the hillbilly upper body, and the huntress body, I plan to get the huntress mask and the Wraith upper and lower body, oh and here’s what my doctor looks like. I thought my doctor would look more terrifying with the new head and covered in blood so survivors know I’m a p3 doc1
Dwight + Huntress
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Dwight. Still need to get vials as killer, seems like it's a lot of effort though tbh, not that it's a bad thing, but when I could just go and buy whatever outfit I want for a couple of squid I have to ask myself if it'll be worth the effort and frustration or not.
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I think I will get Huntress, and Claudette via vials.
Wraith, and Doctor look pretty wild, though.0 -
Earned out the full Wraith.
Bought the full Doc (as a show of support for BHVR, plus I like it)
Working towards the full Trapper now.0 -
@Brady said:
With your 60 vials, what cosmetics do you guys plan to get or got? :PFor me, I got the headpiece of a drippy Mr Billy, the entire Huntress Outfit, and just Wraith's head and body
I felt like the killer ones were way better than Survivor, so may as well get the good ones
I got the doctor's attire, and am working on Huntress, but that could take a while because of long lobby times. Hopefully they fix something about the event.
And I agree the survivor outfits were lacking