Halloween lore: Mutation

Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
Alright you filthy heathens. It's time to talk about this event because I'm pretty sure if you go to the Wikipedia


The new will read on the lore bits and realize that the entity is going through some sort of systematic Purge every year which means this thing does have some sort of physical form or it can actually get sick.

Today I'm going to talk to you all about the mutation.

For those who don't know what the hell I'm talking about let me explain.

With the rise of those amazing new skins for killer brought something interesting to the table. One someone or something but possibly just someone is capable of not only being strong enough to knock a killer out but experiment on them.

I'm pretty sure that by now some of you have gone to YouTube or the Wikipedia page that I presented and saw that the trapper was actually chained up with a syringe ticker in his back.

That being the case whatever in God's name the entity is sweating out can cause mutation to any that either injects or consumes the disgusting orange juice.

This particular juice actually you tapes The Killers into hard monstrosity that honestly look like beefed-up versions of their selves. Even slowly turn the huntress into a rabbit human hybrid and gave the doctor a third eye for god sakes.

Also at the very end it appears that are reader injected themselves so God knows what's going to happen...

For some of you that can't stand reading lol. This orange juice crap mutates them into their most powerful forms and I believe it might be able to work on normal survivors which worries me.


  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    Oh and try your best not to derail the conversations please. Thank you
  • MichaelAMyers
    MichaelAMyers Member Posts: 292

    I wouldn't say most powerful forms just changes their physical appearances but overall yeah it seems "The Entity" is a physical being and not some abstract or non-physical entity.....so basically if it can be sick these indicate it can surely die.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    The lore is that one day some dude found some gross meat flower and then got some of the liquid from it. It turned out to be entity barf but he didn't know that so he ended up injecting the poor killers with it, experimenting on them. So then the killers, using the power of the entity rose up and became stronger than ever causing the survivors torment for the rest of their pathetic lives. And they all lived happily ever after. The end.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    You forget where they make milkshakes out of the juice
  • SadCyclops
    SadCyclops Member Posts: 118

    for me, the end of the event lore tells, that the entity took the person as a new killer. that flesh wound in the arm and so on giving a peak at how the killer may look. Also the power of the person, being able to chain the trapper in the basement shows, that it is no usual survivor, the lore is talking about.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited October 2018

    So, who is writing this journal in the first place? I doubt it is Benedict, simply because in his original journal he lost track of time when he was transfered into Entity's realm.