Am I doing something wrong?

So I'm not really new to the game, but I'm fairly new to playing online with strangers. Just today two people I was in a game with, criticized my build without telling me why and I'm genuinely interested in what they said.
I have the following perks: Urban Evasion (Nea), Left Behind (Bill), Self Care (Claudette) and Adrenaline (Meg).
Apparently, the first three give the killer "more time"? That's how they said it. Obviously they complained about me crouching and not running from generator to generator, but that's just my evasive way of playing. But what on earth do they mean by these perks giving the killer more time?
Are these perks somehow disrupting team work and gameplay?
I'll start of with Self Care. Spending 32 seconds self healing gives the killer a ton of time where instead of worrying about four survivors they're worrying about three. Usually it's better to stay injured, be healed by a team mate or to bring a med kit.
Left Behind promotes hiding till all survivors are dead to get use out of the perk, and even then you don't get a huge use from it as you can just randomly find the hatch mid way through the match.
Finally, Urban Evasion promotes a poor play style in which you spend longer if you're going from gen to gen. It's fine if you only use it when the killer is nearby, but otherwise you're wasting valuable time.
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Play however you want. Just don't be toxic to others.
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Aaaaah, I see, really makes sense! Thank you! :)
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First off: play however you want - as long as you aren't being harmful or toxic, you're fine.
With that being said, Left Behind and Self-Care aren't very beneficial to the team as a whole, that's true. Self-care just takes too long and buys the killer more time to chase others, patrol gens, etc. The other two, I see no qualms with. A lot of players find Urban annoying, but if it keeps you alive longer to help the team, then it's doing it's purpose. Not everybody has to run to gens like lunatics.
A good perk alternative to Self-care (if you have it) is Inner Strength - this provides a benefit to the team as a whole (by cleansing totems) and still allows you to heal yourself independently of others (and way quicker, too - Self-care takes 32 seconds, Inner Strength takes anywhere from 8-10 depending on the tier). Med-kits are also obviously good for this as well.
Left Behind really only has one use and it's a very scattershot chance that use will work in your favor anyway. I can't think of a perk that works better for this purpose, but on the other hand, a rainbow map or a regular map with the Black Silk Cord add on will do the job for you while also opening up a perk slot.
HOWEVER, overall you have no obligation to run perks only because other people want you to. Play what's fun and engaging for you.
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Playing survivor is a team effort, but it’s not anyone else’s decision how you play, personally. Every perk is available to be used however you decide to incorporate it.
As you continue to evolve as a player you may choose different playstyle approaches and perk builds. Regardless of what perks/ items/addons you bring, or how you play, we’ve all come to realize that anyone will complain to us about anything at anytime during or after the match... and some will even do so through a toxicly fueled, derogatory, bad mannered approach.
While there are good strategies to be learned and implemented by each player to increase the chances of survival for an entire team, DBD is freedom to play however you please with whatever cosmetics, accessories, perks etc. that you enjoy, at your fingertips.
Don’t attack, slur/slander, be toxic to anyone, or intentionally disconnect from matches; don’t break any of the bannable rules.
Have fun, enjoy yourself and the game, and do your best to ignore the attacks of other players.
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People will always have something negative to say- the community is full or people whose secondary pleasure (either they will beat you down in game or after, take your pick) is to be nasty in chat. Pay the no mind- they like to forget that it's a game and games are ment to be "fun" lol
If it helps, I usually run Urban in ALL of my builds (if I can). I enjoy being able to sneak past crows, move quickly without running and not feeling like I'm a turtle when it comes to moving about the map.
Not everyone is awful, don't let a few take the enjoyment out of things.
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You do you. Who cares what they think? If you are pulling your weight in the match, they can... well... I'll leave that unsaid.
The Build I use most often is:
Calm Spirit, Self-Care, Spine Chill, and either Deliverance or Iron Will
*I've had people complain about my build too but in my games I tend to do MOST of the heavy lifting so I always ask them why my score is so much HIGHER than theirs. That tends to shut them up.
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Play how you want, use the perks that help you do well. Ignore the people that tell you to not use specific perks because they don't like them.
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If you play in a team, you'll probably have different perks that work well with the others. In SoloQ, do what you want. This is my perk build for my main: We're Gonna Live Forever, Self-Care, Kindred, and Borrowed Time. I tend to do a lot of healing and I've been farmed too often by others in SoloQ, that unhook me, with the killer right on their heels, without Borrowed Time. In SoloQ you have no idea what the others are running or how helpful you will be.
I spectated a match, where one player had a map, and found the hatch and just hid near there while the other 2 players tried to get gens done. Eventually they both died and of course, the person that had been hiding jumped through the hatch as soon as it opened.
I've seen players open the gates and leave me on my first hook to die. (One time I did Kobe and escaped out the exit!) You play the way you want. I'm very altruistic, but I've had that bite me in the butt so many times, turning an escape into a death. Shrugs. I deal with it.
Good Luck, Have Fun and be safe in the fog!
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Play how you want although I encourage you to play like a rat!
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Found your forum account Yerv 👀
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I LOVE YERV HE TAUGHT ME HOW TO PROPERLY URBAN LOL <3 <3 <3 seriously tho, i use urban and self care because i usually face FD and my teammates never heal me :))) but as long as you prioritize the team and not just yourself then you're a good teammate!! I also don't take smack from people who think their builds are superior (they usually have DS, but that's not a generalization just an observation) because I got to red ranks playing MY way not their way. Go for unhooks, do gens, be kind and you're a good player, otherwise tell them to hush it bubby lol!
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I find some of his youtubes entertaining, like the one where he played dbd roblox🤣
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I'm not the kind of person to watch streamers,but his youtube videos and stream highlight videos are absolutely hilarious 🤣
He's really entertaining
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I rather have self care and urban evasion gamers that actually know what to do as my teammates than players that do stupid plays because they think their meta build will carry them
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Technically Self Care doesn't really waste any more time than normal healing, since you are 1 person occupied for 32 seconds, whereas normal healing is 2 people for 16 seconds. Self care is double the time, but half the people. You might even save a little bit of time since you don't have to worry about finding another person to heal you. And, if for whatever reason no one is around to heal you (or they won't), you don't have to stay injured
The reason it gets criticized so much is because there are people who self care on the other end of the map instead of helping their teammates when they need help, but if you don't do that it doesn't really do any harm