Tier List on how fun each killer is to go against

xEa Member Posts: 4,105

Any thoughts? Whats your tier list?


  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    I can mostly agree with this. Changes I would make to line it up with my own opinions would be:

    • Blight and Huntress move up to the highest tier. I think Blight especially is on-par with Demo and Billy in fun-factor.
    • Nurse goes up to "Mostly Fun"
    • Bubba and Ghost Face drop to "Mixed Bag"
    • Pyramid Head moves up to "Mixed Bag"
    • Deathslinger moves up to "Unfun"
    • Spirit, Freddy, and Hag drop into the bottom category
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Move Spirit and Nurse up to mostly fun, move Freddy down into Makes me want to uninstall the game, move Plague into mixed bag and it seems mostly fine depending on the map.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    leatherface not fun, but everyones different i guess , me i played vs like 10billion of them so

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Send them to me, i can not remember a single absolutly terrible game against a leatherface i had since his rework. And that is quite unique ;)

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Shame i missed him somehow.

    Would be on the very top for me aswell. They have done a really good job with him.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    This type of tier list is very subjective and it is only based off a singular person's preference, so there will be disagreements. I didn't really put the killers in each tier in a particular order.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Spirit, Freddy,and legion are less fun than watching paint dry imo

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    No killer in KMS on hook because I'm not a child who ruins other peoples experiences.

    Ive never understood how people think huntress and demo are fun to verse, getting hit by something that I clearly didn't get hit by is the worst and demos super zoning is annoying asf. At least you can dodge slingers bullet.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Any killer with some form of lethality and counterplay is fun to go against and even after going down, you feel that it was fair bc they outskilled you. The middle of the pack for me is the general chase interaction with the exception being PH bc I didn't have that many experiences against really good ones after the changes. The lower ranks for me are there for personal reasons. I'm not a fan of jumpscares so nono to GF. Clown and Hag can be boring due the nature of their powers, Freddy has an array of issues that make the game feel sluggish, Slinger can just walk to you and readily shoot with no reaction window. And at the bottom Spirit, bc there is no effective counterplay to her. If she missed you, it was due to her mistake, not your actions.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Mostly correct except drop Oni down to mixed bag and move Huntress down to the bottom in her own special tier titled “what the ######### are these hitboxes.”

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    All of my very fun to verse killers are the ones with (generally linear) powers you can juke but you can't get too greedy with or you will pay for it.

    Fun is ones that require what I view as a lot of skill to master where they really capitalise on survivor mistakes.

    Clown and Doctor are in the OK category because they can shutdown loops and be annoying in the process (blinding you or screams) but don't have too much else going for them imo. Ghostface, Wraith and Hag are the heartstopping jumpscare types which keeps the game exciting for me.

    Pyramidhead & Spirit feel a bit anti to the game without requiring as much skill as Nurse so I get frustrated facing against them and having pallets be useless.

    Slugging Twins, Iridescent Hatchets with truck-sized hitboxes, Noodle-arm slowdown Freddie and facecamp Bubba are almost always not fun to face.

  • carnage4u
    carnage4u Member Posts: 338

    It really depends on the human playing the survivor TBH.

    I consider all killers to be fine at first. it is those that camp on first hook, or Tunnel the first person they hook that I find them toxic and will drop out of the game first chance I get.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Oni is the best designed killer. That tank of a man can smash me any day and I won't be mad. Though I think only been spared by one when I offered myself to him at the end of the match. I got rejected. Most of the time they smush the entire team without needing a pity or respect offering.

    Trapper and Myers having more obvious strengths and weaknesses makes them a bit more enjoyable to face. Clown is interesting to face and has some amusing cosmetics. I feel he is under rated but in need of a rework to have more in his arsenal.

    I love kicking Victor, best addition to the game is kicking the gremlin. Pyramid Heads typically aren't the greatest when they tunnel and go for those animation lock hits, but I also have some that draw happy faces and that's wholesome. GF is such a goofball at times and I live for those moments. Nothing like having a David and GF take turns teabagging me before he murders me. Deathslinger's tiny radius is a bit annoying, but I kind of like his sounds and map. I saw one recently break a map. Legion isn't the greatest killer design by any margin. HOWEVER, I have played with many wholesome and awesome Franks (always Franks, Susies are always toxic) that make me love the Killer to some degree. I also like their vault animations and cosmetics.

    Wraith is one note. Demos can really make doing gens/rescues obnoxious. Blights is pretty mixed bag and one I don't face often. I still have some spite for Hillbilly when he was the sweaty, but marginally less skilled than a Nurse player's pick before Spirit and Freddy came into the picture. I don't mind base Huntress, but she seems to attract a lot of those obnoxious streamers sweating their butts off for 9 viewers. Baby Nurses are boring, good Nurses end the match quickly. It's rare to find that Nurse where you can have back and forth moments with her. Those ones are fun though.

    Pigs typically suck at existing and tunnel the trapped players to death. Doctor is a really solid design wrapped in a bunch of annoying things. Plague removes healing from the game, makes your character have smell fumes coming off of them, and she makes them puke constantly. Gross and obnoxious. I love good Hags that play her aggressive. Too bad 99.99% of them proxy camp with MYC and 5 traps at the hook. Spirits became Queen of the sweat lords with less skill than a Nurse (and Billy) for a long time. I hate her. I hate the people she typically attracts (like Susie) to her player base. I'll also never forgive how busted Prayer Beads were for the longest time. However, when I make one look awful cause she somehow can't hit me... I do feel good momentarily till NOED kicks in.

    Leatherface attracts literal trash tier humans. There are some fair ones, but those are rare. But for the most part prepare to be face camped and have anyone who attempts to save you slugged. Also enjoy through pallet stuns OHKO's or how more dead zones in maps is his biggest dream. Or playing Adam for a archive to go against Leatherface wearing Claudette's cosmetic and beating you on the hook. Ugh. Then there is Freddy. Both forms were awful. The new one? It's super over loaded while taking no skill to actually use. Wraith doesn't take a lot of skill, but he also doesn't do literally everything. It's a bit of split for the sweat lords with little skill whether they want to play Freddy or Spirit. But it's impressive that Freddy managed to split some of those players from their Rin waifu cause he's simply that over loaded. Leatherface's movement animation and Freddy's lunge are also deceiving.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415


  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Honestly all killers are fun to me, because i like the fact sometimes i have to change how i play to survivor.

    I esp love spirits, because the 50/50 guess work to me is amusing. Am i lucky? No. Welp sucks to suck. Am i lucky? Yes? Well here we go again, woooot. Also you can slan pallets and stun them out of phasing.

    What i dont get joy out of is having to face the same build over and over again. What does it change? Its kinda stale. This goes for both sides.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422

    In my opinion, Bubba, Oni and Billy games aren't fun. A bad Hillbilly and a bad Oni is funny but when I think of these killers I think of camping/tunelling for Bubba, and then for Oni and Billy just spending half my game on the floor, occasionally screaming from infectious fright.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Time for me to hear your Wraith reasoning.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    lol i guess u enjoy him then... personally i never have enjoyed matchs vs this camping insta down no skill character. Although u cant say there is no skill because he can moonwalk

  • Zaytex
    Zaytex Member Posts: 841
    edited January 2021

    Here's mine ;)

  • F60_31
    F60_31 Member Posts: 124

    Leatherface is the most unfun killer to play against. What is wrong with you? Also playing against Trapper, Hag and Spirit is fun.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    To me, Leatherface and Legion are just annoying killers the vast amount of time and therefore unfun. Slightly less unfun than him is Trapper because he’s boring except for his traps which are annoying. I don’t have a problem with any of the others, although going against Ghostface without using spine chill can be a real nightmare.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    As someone who mained Pig for a very long time prior to going between the two sides, I can say it DRIVES ME INSANE to see Pigs doing that. That is NOT how you should be playing Pig. I don't even understand how Pig's 4k like that. (YUZ PRESSURIN THE WRONG SURVIVORS DOIN THAT)

  • FattiePoobum
    FattiePoobum Member Posts: 293

    Move Freddy to the secret lower tier called

    insomnia cure tier

    literally same build same play style every game.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241
    edited January 2021

    Can mostly agree with ur list.

    Personally i find all killers fun exept for spirit, deathslinger and occasionally hag, twins, freddy and iri stone trappers.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    My tier list :)

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I personally put Freddy and Ghostface in the unfun tier, and Legion in mostly fun, as well as Executioner alongside DS and Twins.

    But otherwise I agree with OP's chart.