How bad are the Twins to play against?

I was out of the loop until yesterday and everyone seems to have stopped playing them by now. Haven't seen not one and I've played 40-50 games. I have heard they are a pain to play against. Is this true? If so, why?
Edit: Can anyone explain how the power works? I've read the description and I'm still super confused. Does Victor only latch on if he is being controlled by the player? Does he go out and search as an AI when he isn't controlled by the player? Does Victor still latch onto you when you are injured or just down you?
Take your anti-slug perks.
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The complete opposite actually. They're one of the weakest killers the game has released in a very long time. That's why no ones playing them. They're also quite buggy.
Post edited by Blueberry on6 -
They're not very strong, but they are notorious for slugging with Victor. Camping the hook using Victor to attack the rescuer preventing them from doing the unhook, and then Charlotte comes to life and downs them.
That's the two main tactics that I've seen in my games that make them a pretty miserable experience to face. They also present an extreme disadvantage at the end game if you are the last survivor and hatch is closed. Charlotte can be positioned at one exit gate panel preventing you from touching it, while Victor guards the other. Pretty much guaranteeing you are going to die no matter how far apart the gates are.
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It's because most Twin players will slug and camp the entire game. A lot of people find that unfun and boring, myself included.
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Wow. That door tactic seems kind of unfair. Their should probably be a range limit on how far Victor can go
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Same. I've noticed an increase in that in general since I came back. It is one of the main reasons why I left. I play this game to have fun and when that is all my matches consist of you better believe I'm not having fun
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I love the idea of the twins.
I hate the most popular way to play them is to slug slug slug. Nothing ends a night of fun and games with my friends then too many twins game.
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Is this bad? we're allowed to play as we want,sounds like a normal game really. There's also ton of perks that help counter these types of strategies.
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It is a way that you are allowed to play, but anything gets annoying once you've experienced it too many times in a row. For something like slugging which is already unfun, it gets stale even quicker. There isn't many perks that counter hard slugging. Unbreakable is a one time use and No Mither is a permanent handicap. The killer will just redown you in a couple seconds.
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That may me true but not everyone enjoys being slugged for most of the match and the camping is annoying to deal with. Also I shouldn't be forced to use perks like unbreakable, heck I hate using this perk and stuff like soul guard cause I never get use out of them
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they’re a very slug happy killer, with a sprinkle of camping
also, since you have to slug with victor, most games are incredibly long since its a stalemate of slugging and picking your teammates up
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who are the Twins? Lol
P.S. I'm on console
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no there not, they were weak in the ptb but not anymore.
even otzdarva and dowsey put them in A Tier.
they just have a different play style, there definitely not weak anymore.
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I'd rather face pre-nerf forever freddy
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Facing them is not as bad as playing them.
Oh yes, nerfing them will surely contribute to their popularity among killers...
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The twins need a bit of a rework for them to work well. Nerf what makes them unfun and buff strategies that aren't currently viable.
- Victor will always grab the face regardless of whether the survivor is injured or not (nerf)
- The time to remove Victor is increased (exact amount to be decided, buff)
- If Victor is on someone's face, Charlotte gets a 5 percent increase in speed for 10 seconds (buff)
- While victor is attached, the survivor cannot vault windows or pallets (buff)
- The time to switch between Victor and Charlotte is instant (buff)
- However, to prevent constant spamming between the 2 (You can swap up to 3 times and have a recharging timer that you'll need to wait on before you can swap again)
I believe with these changes, the twins would still be viable, if not more so, but it would encourage a more chase orientated ability and less about slugging.
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I think the Reason Most Players hate to Play against the Twins ist because Most Twins Player are slugging and Camping
Im a Twins Main and i rarely slug and Camp whit them Most time i down some1 whit Victor i will Hook them except i See a other Survivor :)
And 1 of the Reason why really no1 plays the Twins is because they are very weak i really Hope they will get some Buffs Like If Victor is on the face of the Survivor the Survivor gets a Speed decrease until He removes Victor
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i think that victor should have a slower respawn time after being
pumelled into the ground by my raging footcrushed4 -
Hell no, they would definetly not be viable with this changes. Victor would be just another projectile that would always need to have Charlotte close to have some kind of value, cause he wouldn't be a menace alone
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They're way over ranking them.
None of her core issues balance wise were fixed coming out of the PTB. All the "buffs" they did were mediocre at best and did not address her issues.
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She's not very fun to play against. You need a bunch of second chance perks to counter her, and I don't like running more than one second-chance perk (especially on the off-chance I face the Twins instead of the many other killers in the game). She needs a rework to be less camp and slug-happy, in exchange for some help in other areas that's desperately needed.
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New killer that just released maybe a month ago
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The doors deserve a fair balance. No other killer can watch both doors simultaneously unless rng puts both doors on the same wall. No killer should be able to watch both gates when they are across the map from each other. You act like I just said nerf their power.
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Just foot race Victor to the opposite side of the map and hope there's a friend to kick Victor and get you off the ground before she comes. If not then bring unbreakable for a month or so. Maybe less, the discovery rate of this killer is already less than 10% for me.
Do not go down or get hit by that lady in the middle of the map getting hooked in a central part of the map or allowing her to park there gives this killer double the map pressure of all killers.
I kinda wish you could knock her weapon out of her hands when she's just standing there.. she's not very interactive or interesting standing around like an empty shell.
Post edited by whammigobambam on1 -
Of course you're allowed to play in whatever way you want, and you should be playing to the killer's strengths, but that doesn't mean people can't complain about how lame and boring they find the killer. I personally think their gameplay design is abysmal like Hag, but I understand if people like this killer and enjoy playing them like this, they're in their own right to do so.
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I was vsing a Twins player on Haddonfeild yesterday. I ran him around a SINGLE TREE FOR 4 GENS. I highly doubt he was that bad.
Also the added Fact that that many of they're kils come from slugging and camping pretty much somes them up...if you run anti slug perks they can only keep you down for 10-20 seconds provided your team aren't useless
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Possibly the least fun killer to face on the entire roster by a wide margin. They're only effective when they're as annoying as possible. The last time they missed the mark this badly on a killer was OG Legion
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That's what I was thinking. Based off what everyone is telling me it sounds exactly like Legion on release. He wasn't fun to play against when the person was using him effectively. I honestly believe if the DC penalty wasn't in place more people would be leaving matches still
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Put it this way: a DbD esports org that allows Ruin/Undying Hag has had discussions about banning the Twins because it's that boring and unwatchable.
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Twins are/is the weakest killer (so far). Only "strength" being camping isn´t really a strength. Its just the more simpliest tactic a killer can apply. A rank 20 killer with no experience will camp. Doesn´t mean he´s strong or good. Twins would need a huge buff to give the killers more chances to play out their strengths.
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Is it me, or does Charlotte move super fast? The Twins are more on the weaker side, but if Victor finds you, I hope you have speed burst available because Charlotte bears down on you pretty quickly.
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I agree. But they need to do something to balance the doors. Apart from that I'm all for a buff because a killer shouldn't have to use camping to be viable. Hope they get it sorted out soon
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She's just just an icon on the screen along with nurse, huntress and slinger. Nobody plays them on console
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That’s makes no sense at all. Obviously anyone can camp experienced or not. But with the twins you can camp on hook while still pressuring and downing others, that’s what makes them so powerful. No other killer can do that except hag to an extent. If you want a 4K it’s one of the strongest killers in the game. But it’s extremely boring to play against and I’m guessing to play as too
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twins actually is able to put pressure on the sonic clowns (survivors) its amazing
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Get your head out of your ass it’s more than that.
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shut up meg
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DbD esports is the goofiest thing i've heard all day.
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Always bring soul guard, most twins will use ruin + undying, gotta make sure you don't get slugged bored to death.
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They can be the strongest or the weakest killer in the game.
Glad noone is playing them so i can brag about being one of the players with the highest downs on dbd leaderboard.
Being serious twins suffers from spirit complex, they'll need 8 months to be aknowledged
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I played against her earlier with a mate and two randoms. Game started out normal and she was actually hooking people. Thanks to this thread though I had a feeling I knew where the game would go so I decided to focus on gens and punch my ticket out of there. She ended up slugging later on but me, my mate and a random all got out.
As far as bringing Soul Guard, I rarely see her. This was the first time I saw her at all since I came back and I've played plenty of games. To me it isn't worth it to bring a perk for the rare chance they are my killer. I'll just take the slug if I have to, go grab and drink and come back in four minutes
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They're not. People just whine a lot.
They are usually an easy win and not that bad to play against at all. Even when they try and camp or tunnel it's a hilarious blunder it's so easy to deal with.
They might be one of the weaker killers in the game honestly.
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Some of those sound like decent changes, although not sure about the unable to throw pallets or windows when victor is on you. Means charlotte could send victor onto you and theres absolutely nothing you can do once charlotte comes onto you, because breaking victor requires you to stop moving for a couple of seconds.
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Arguably more boring than deathslinger.
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This is all theory crafting, without proper tests it's hard to say what's balanced or broken. But the idea is that it would be relatively balanced due to the fact that Victor is not lethal on his own, so getting victor on you would need to be a significant debuff.
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Good to know you had a decent time against them, so far I've played against them frequently and I despise them, 100% I prefer to play against spirit or slinger.
Most matches that I've played against them we get slugged early on with no unbreakable and no one kicks victor so we get punished a lot.