Explain Your Main Killer Build

In this No Ruin+Undying
Perks:Thrilling Tremors,STBF,Devour Hope,& Discordance
Add-Ons(Optional):Double Recover(Chewed Pen,Olsen Address Book,& Walleyes Matchbook)
Discordance is my Way to Find & Disrupt the Most Amount of Survivor.(Try to Expose 1 Of Them & 99 the other).After downing Thrilling Tremors tell were to Go Next.Rinse Repeat until i get 3 Stacks,once got most Survivors Team stop working on Gens because I am Stealthy Insta-Downing Machine.STBF is my Backup if Devour Hope Gets Destroyed Early.
Killer: Pyramid Head
Perks: BBQ, Tinkerer, Nurse's calling, Sloppy butcher.
Add ons: Anything that increases punishment of the damned.
Being able to stealthily attack survivors through walls is a huge advantage with this build.
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I run Ruin, Undying, Third Seal and Bamboozle on Clown
Clown has great map pressure when you just hit people, make them blind and mangled with addon and then move on to the next person/gen. I'll hook after 2 people are blind and then go hunting
They either do bones or get steamrolled when they're all blind mid-game
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Double recharge addons
I use corrupt to push survivor towards me, then slug for big snowball, double recharge just so I can catch up with them much faster in chases, and that's about it.
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Killer: Krampus
Perks: Agitation, Enduring, Iron Grasp, BBQ
Add Ons: Padded Jaws and oily springs
This is basically a BP farming/have fun/surprise survivors with cool skin set up. Survivors that get trapped are picked up from the trap (if I get there in time) and agitation + grasp gives me time and speed to carry them halfway across the map to the basement where I can try and lock the game down.
Yes... I wrote Padded Jaws. I'm that guy.
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Killer: Pig
Perks: Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, Surge (technically a meme build, but given how I've been using it for quite a while now, I'll count it)
Add-Ons: Any of the Pig's actually useful add-ons (and Tampered Timer sometimes)
Agitation + Iron Grasp + Mad Grit allow me to run to a gen or potentially even chase+hit a Survivor while carrying another Survivor on my back (even if I'm not going at the full 115% speed). Even though I don't like Surge all that much in a vacuum, I find it to be the gen slowdown perk that best synergizes with the aforementioned "chase while carrying" strategy, as it allows me to regress a gen without interrupting the flow of downing, picking up, and running.
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Infectious Fright
Nurse's Calling
No add-ons
Heal in my terror radius? 50% slower. Heal outside of it? Become oblivious.
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Hag: Corrupt Intervention, MYC, BBQ&C, PGTW w/setting speed or teleport range addons.
Spirit: Corrupt Intervention, BBQ&C, Sloppy Butcher and Stridor/STBFL w/duration and speed addons, occasionally reappearance/lunge addons.
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Spirit: Sloppy, Nurse's, BBQ, and Whispers with activation and speed add ons.
Pig: Monitor, Whispers, BBQ, and Enduring with Combat Straps and something that helps me charge up my ambush quicker or provides effects to survivors while having bear traps on like blindness.
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Fire Up/Brutal Strength/Bamboozle/Whispers
Double +1 Box add-ons
Not my strongest build, but one of my favorite fun ones.
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Myers: Corrupt (obvious choice), Pop, BBQ (bloodpoints, really) and Brutal Strength, reason being that most survivors panic against EW3 and I can just rip through a ton of pallets if I don´t get an immediate down. No addons 9/10 matches.
Trapper: Corrupt, STBFL, Pop, Flex (mostly bbq, Whispers, Devour,TT). It´s just the best reliable base for most matches. Bag and Tar Bottle or a setting speed addon.
Oni: Scotts Build, as I don´t wanna crutch on Ruin+Undying. No addons.
Clown: Ruin+Undying ( :D ) Tinkerer BBQ for relaxed matches. Addons as I see fit, I like running stronger ones on him.
Ghostface: Surge, Surveillance, Sloppy and BBQ/Whispers/TT/Nurses/Corrupt/Pop. Double recovery with vayring degrees of rarity.
Neat! I also have a Krampus fun build. The theme is to encourage teamplay and punish the naughty who dare touch my stuff.
Bloody Coil+ Honing Stone, Haunted Grounds, Hoarder, Thana, flex (oppression, agitation, retribution, dragons grip, something like that). Bonus points for Ormondo offering!
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Recently (as of today really) I've been running Huntress with Nurses, All Ears, Whispers, and Devour Hope.
It's making me enjoy even bad maps as it gives me something to aim for (5 hook stacks) at which point I can ruin everyone's day.
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Myers: Corrupt, Pop, Play with your food, and BBQ.
Corrupt is generally a great perk for any killer, but its especially good for killers like Mikey who need the early game to get their power going. Pop to send gens back to the stone age. BBQ for information and the blood points. Play with your food because its so good on Mikey. That speed boost combined with having tier 3 ready to pop makes him extremely dangerous. I have snowballed so many matches thanks to having two to three stacks of pwyf.
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Lately ive been feeling like that Devour is a Good Perk because no one expects it
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Killer: Michael Myers
Perks: Monitor & Abuse, Infectious Fright, Knockout and Dark Devotion
Addons : Memorial Flower and Dead Rabbit
This is my personal build with Myers since the build was based on the first Halloween movie, the objective of this build is to be stealthy and trick the survivors so they don't know where I am and where I attack, with Monitor & Abuse and Dead Rabbit I am stealthy and undetectable, when I am in pursuit and knock one down, Knockout and Infectious Fright will be applied to know who is within my radius of terror and for those who are far from 16 meters will not know where the survivor will be and finally Dark Devotion To be undetectable when I hit obsession, I have a second build with low radius horror killers to be stealthy like Tinkerer and Trail of Torment.
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Killer: Deathslinger
Perks: Monitor & Abuse, A Nurses Calling, Pop Goes The Weasel, Discordance
Add Ons: usually none (though i would recommend reload time and reeling speed add ons)
The perks have a really ice synergy with each other and the killer aswell, which is why i really like this specific perk build on him. Monitor & Abuse is pretty obvious, it reduces my terror radius from 24m down to 16m outside of chases, while the maximum range of his redeemer is 18m. this allows for ambush attacks where the survivors dont see it comming - but beware, shots on that distance can be dodged by survivors so if they have map awareness and are not locked in place due to an animation, you will have trouble hitting them.
Two of the other perks, namely Discordance and A Nurses Calling are used to reveal survivor locations to you and allow for said ambush attacks - A Nurses Calling is especially good for that, as its range of 28m allows you to see them before they have any warning of your presence (even withut M&A), and it reveals their exact locations to you, so you can line up a shot very easily. Discordance does reveal them aswell, though you wont get any clear position reveal and will have to guess which side of the gen they are on when you take your sneaky shot. However, Discordance isnt used for just that - it gives you knowledge on which gen should be prioritized in your gen defense (ties in well with Pop Goes The Weasel) and where to disrupt the most survivors at once. With some good game knowledge it also allows you to predict survivor movement and you can tell when someone is hiding around the area, waiting to finish the gen (i prefer Discordance over BBQ in terms of map info and usability).
Pop Goes The Weasel is just there as the main generator slow down perk, it does have quite a nice synergy with Discordance aswell.
(in general i really like the combo of PGTW and Discordance. its one i use on a lot of killers - and i always feel like im missing out when i run BBQ over Discorcance, map info wise... but the BP BBQ gives are just too good to ignore sometimes xD)
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So I'll be honest, I've only so far ran this at rank 10 Killer, as I've deranked a lot recently, so I'm unsure if the build I listed would work, at all, at red ranks. Given that the second step of Devour Hope gives the survivors Exposed status effect, I'm guessing that is enough of an indicator for experienced players to start combing the map for the totem.
With that being said, I've had 4 games with this build, 2 of them I triggered Devour Hope, and got 2 and 4 kills respectively with it. In the other 2 games, I got a D/C and the game was over before Devour Hope could be used, and in the other, I got steamrolled with 0Ks and 0 downs so it never came into play.
Edit: I'm having fun with this build though so will continue to run it for a while to see how DH does over time!
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Spirit: A Nurse's Calling, Pop Goes The Weasel, Devour Hope, and Corrupt Intervention with duration and speed addons.
Nurse: Infectious Fright, BBQ, Shadowborn, and Corrupt Intervention with addons that decrease fatigue time and increases maximum blink range.
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Doctor: BBQ, Distressing, Pop, and Surveillance with Iridescent King and High Stimulus Electrode.
BBQ is a good perk in general, but with Doctor I know where exactly I should use my Static Blast and can be really helpful when playing against hook rushers.
Distressing gives Static Blast a bigger radius so I’ll hit more Survivors with it. It makes my blast the same size as BBQ’s blind spot, so I can use it to reveal anyone hiding near me and screw with some hook rushers. Of course this can backfire if everyone’s in a locker, but it can pretty effective when it works.
Pop is a really good perk, removing 25% of a gen’s progress can be a lifesaver. Doctor being able to stop Survivors from working on gens either through his shock therapy or Madness 3 means that I’ll get more chances to use it and the gen will be regressing longer because the Survivor can’t tap it.
Surveillance is a personal choice. I could probably bring something better like Whispers, Corrupt, or Thrilling, but I chose Surveillance so I know which gens Survivors are pushing at all times. I don’t want to go and use Pop or Static Blast only to find out that everyone’s far away from me on other gens. With Surveillance, I’ll know if Survivors are nearby.
Iridescent King gives me all the afflictions at once so I don’t have to worry about which add-on to take. They may not be that much on their own, but they can be deadly when they’re all active.
High Stimulus Electrode went from meh to one of his best add-ons after its buff. It used to give you a much longer shock range but it took longer to charge it. Now the charge time penalty is gone and this add-on is amazing. You can stop so many more loops with it and get hits in quicker because your shock range isn’t ridiculously small anymore and you don’t have to wait forever for it to charge. It’s done so much work for me and I don’t see myself playing Doctor without it.
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play with your food, nemesis, agitation, iron grasp
whatever addons I’m in the mood for
basically it’s just a ‘no hit’ build to harass survivors while gaining speed with play with your food. Trap em and take them wherever you want to hook them. Usually basement but some levels have very fun areas to trap.
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Well i don't really have a main build. I usually change it constantly but I'll explain the last one i used i suppose
The Legion
Corrupt Intervention, Knockout, Infectious Fright and Deerstalker
Addons: Filthy Blade, Mischief List (obviously subpar addons but i'm just mixing and matching. If you want to be serious use duration addons)
I wanted to try a build that could slow the game down without relying on gen regression perks like Pop or Ruin.
Corrupt intervention is there to corral the survivors to me and atleast buy me some time to spread some frenzy. I'll be fair it was more a test then anything but a nice thing about Legion is that if you find one survivor the other ones can't pull the wait corrupt out strategy
Infectious Fright is for the snowball. after everyone is injured downs can happen very rapidly if survivors make the smallest of mistakes and even just chasing a nearby survivor untill a pallet drop happens can mean a lot in the long run.
Knockout is to ensure the person i left slugged to chase after the Infectious screamer is still there when i return and Deerstalker is to easilly find them again. You could probably replace Deerstalker but i hate losing slugs and feel bad if they die on the floor so i run it.
Overal this build works very well and almost as good as normal gen slowdown perks although it is pretty reliant on a good start. If you don't get the snowball rolling it can fall flat very quickly but on a whole pretty succesfull expiriment. Used to not see the value in knockout but it's pretty good for M1ers
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good old Billy
Ruin, tinkerer, bamboozle, enduring
Sometimes stealth addons for those oh so satisfying cross map chainsaws, otherwise no adddons
Ruin because Billy pressure is amazing.
Tinkerer for obvious reasons
Bamboozle to shut down window loops and land easy saw hits after a mindgame
Enduring because I never respect pallets. Either swing through em or fake rev through em, whichever is the better choice for the given situation.
No, no undying. Its nice but not necessary.
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Ruin, Undying, Enduring, and BBQ. Double cool down add ons.
Ruin Undying because its easy to defend and get good usage by applying constant pressure with frenzy, Enduring because people in 2021 still think trying to pallet stun Legion during his cooldown animation is a good idea, and BBQ because bloodpoints. Cool down add ons to throw people off guard.
Currently have a 229 win streak with this build.
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Monstrous shrine, spies/BBQ, distressing, iron grasp.
Usual addons are wax brick and the biggest trapper bag I got. I will sub those out for bloody coil and honing stone if I am feeling spicy.
The why is because I like basement hooking all the survivors. Nothing brings me greater joy then getting all four on simultaneously.
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And give away my secrets so survivors can counter it?~?!??!?!
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Oni - discordance, pgtw, infections fright, bbq
Discordance is mostly for the beginning to get my power quicker, pgtw for slow down, bbq for information and infectious fright for extra pressure and info. Addons: Topknot; second one doesn't really matter
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Blight: BBQ (BP and maybe some tracking if survivors aren't hiding), PGTW (actually disgusting on Blight, you never have to choose between a Pop or a chase), MYC (because who needs extra slowdown when you can speed the trial up) and Enduring (because ######### pallets in this age of survivor-sided stuns). My favourite add-ons are Plague Bile and Umbra Salts, but I'm also liking the new Soul Chemical.
Legion: BBQ (same as above), Spirit Fury/Enduring (because brute force is fun and also Legion Instadown) and either Thanatophobia or PGTW. Add-ons: You're joking, right?
Hag: Literally anything I feel like, it's Hag. I'd have to put in effort to lose in most of my trials. Usually have Sloppy/Thanatophobia for slowdown and BBQ for bloodpoints.
Spirit: Four hexes. Usually Haunted Grounds, TOTH, Devour Hope and either Retribution or Ruin.
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Bruh,How did you know im a Survivor Main!
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Killer: Doctor
I run Discordance, Brutal Strength, Pop Goes The Weasel and NOED.
Discordance so I know where to go at the beginning of a match, 9 times out of 10 survivors will immediately hop on a gen together so it’s easy info for me. It also helps me know where I should use Pop, most of the time I can make it in time. Also helpful in knowing where injured survivors are because in my experience, survivors love to gen rush before they bother healing themselves. Sometimes they run adrenaline, sometimes they’re just ignorant. Pop goes the weasel to combat gen rush. Gen rush has been insane lately. Which is why I run NOED. It combats gen rush, survivors not taking the time to cleanse totems and the Adrenaline/Resilence gen rush meta. I shamelessly run NOED, especially after the mori nerf. Survivors love to try to bully me into not running it but I run it on every single build just to spite them :) lmao ALSO brutal strength is amazing, survivors love to loop the same pallets so I just immediately break all safe pallets. Saves me a lot of time to just break pallets instead of chasing around it and being looped potentially multiple times.
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Demogorgon: Whatever I feel like today because **** it I can run everything.
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Killer power
- Wailing Bell, i'll never prefer kills over fun in terms of the Killer Power.
- "All Seeing" - Blood, to easily spot Generator jockeys hiding nearby.
- "Windstorm" - Blood, to cover the map faster.
- Murky Reagent, since the 2 big Memento Moris are nerfed to what they are now, this is the next best thing honestly: Fog doesn't bother me much, and while you can see and hear a normal Killer, there's no Terror Radius while i'm cloaked, and spotting a shimmer is a lot harder now.
- Barbecue & Chili, to see my next target, pairs really well with both Add-ons.
- Make Your Choice, to keep a Hook-chain going, pairs really well with both Add-ons.
- Pop Goes The Weasel, to apply some Generator pressure when needed and/or when i have the time.
- Enduring, to satisfy my pure hatred for stuns in videogames.
Killer power
- Wailing Bell, something about landing that super-lunge feels great.
- Coxcombed Clapper, to combine with "The Ghost" - Soot, to become a deadly silent duo. These 2 Add-ons on their own can make him quite the scary Killer. Maybe not deadly, but it's almost like a Tier-1 Myers kind-of scary.
- "The Ghost" - Soot, see Coxcombed Clapper.
- Bloody Party Streamers, earning BP is pretty much the most "fun" i can make out of an Offering, and idk about y'all, but i personally DO feel better, though it might only be a tiny bit, if i share that enjoyment with others.
- Barbecue & Chili, to find my next target for Hex: Devour Hope Tokens, and another reason explained at Bloody Party Streamers.
- Hex: Devour Hope, the main dish for my fun in DbD, getting those kills is quite yummy, and if it happened every trial, i know i wouldn't enjoy it as much as i do now, it's because they're rare that i find them so yummy.
- Spirit Fury, another thing i don't really like is caring about Pallets. Now i do have an anti-Pallet build for Wraith of course, but this is my #1 fun build, and the anti-Pallet build ain't my #1. Still, i like saving the Spirit Fury charge for those important Pallets, to (almost) ensure a hit. (And again, to just not care about dem Pallets.)
- Enduring, see my Serious build's Enduring explanation.
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No Coup De Grace on the Fun Wraith Build?
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Yeah, i want to have actual fun with Wraith.
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shadowborne: i like the fov increase
bbq: bloodpoints
enduring/brutal: depends on my mood but i like the comfort of them
stbfl: just a really good perk on her
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Killer: Billy
Perks: BBQ and Chili for finding survivors and that cross map chainsaw, Ruin to slow the game down just a little bit, Enduring for those pallet dives, and the last perk always varies though I'm fond of Sloppy Butcher, Nurses or Save the Best For Last
Add ons; None normally
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Currently on Clown I almost always build around making slugging as a pressure tool as effective as possible, and as an anti heal build to keep survivors injured for as long as possible so that I can continue to keep chases super short mid game.
That usually starts with building around Coulrophobia & Mangled (either Sloppy or Sulphuric Vial).
At the moment it’s Coulrophobia, Sloppy, Third Seal, and Undying.
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Infectious, Distressing, NOED, Whispers/BBQ
Rat liver, Mews guts
I purely play endgame with demo as he gets stronger by default the less he needs to defends. Once its down to 2 gates and with NOED, IF and Whispers/BBQ, demogorgon becomes insane. I soon want to replace Whispers with STBFL but that might take a while to get myers levelled for it.
It may make him a very weak killer through most of the game, but once the gates are powered he becomes a stone wall capable of mass terror and damage in short amounts of time, especially if the survivors decide to group up.
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Why Distressing instead of Bloodwarden/Fire Up.
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Killer: Pig
Perks: Sloppy-Corrupt-BBQ-Whispers
Addons: Video tape-Combat Straps
Sloppy- Healing slowdown
Corrupt- Map pressure
BBQ- Aura reading and Bloodpoints
Whispers- Proximity Warning
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Killer: Deathslinger
Perks: Deathbound, Dark Devotion, Tinkerer, and Trails of Torment.
Add-ons: Reload and Aim Speed.
I'll be honest, I mostly created this build as a meme. I mean there's NO WAY this build should do well, right?
But the amount of time you spend not having a Terror Radius is frigging ridiculous, and it CONSTANTLY catches people off guard. Hell, I frigging WELCOME matches when I see an OoO when I run this. Thank you for telling me where my DD target is lmfao.
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Killer: the twins
Build: barbecue, stbfl, brutal, ruin.
To make Charlotte just as dangerous in chase when there is none else injured around. Or making all the survivors clustered together injured in the matter of seconds. As well as removing all pallets around. Barbecue and run. So victor can pressure healthy survivors together on a gen away from the gen, regressing it and baiting them into Charlotte. By th me time ruins gone. The games already over.
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Larger infectious fright range