running something other than super meta perks

i find that these perks are barely used due to the huge amount of people who play with ds, unbreakable, bt & others, but they're really fun and useful in my opinion so what do you think about this build?
fixated, sprint burst, spine chill and iron will
sometimes trading fixated and sprint burst for lithe and bond is good too! and I've been thinking of using visionary in case I end up in lery's or something, can buy a lot of time.
i know sprint burst and iron will are kinda meta but at least they're not frustrating to go against as a killer i suppose?
May I make a tip if you like to be a team player? Detective's Hunch. Been using it recently and 9 times out of 10 all the totems are broken by endgame. Plus you can normally find a bonus chest along the way
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that's very interesting! especially with the ruin + undying meta it can be useful. I'll try it out.
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Exactly. I've saved my skin many times because I found a Devour totem we didn't know existed
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fixated/ sprintburst is a good combo.😁 Running non meta is refressing, I get bored when I use the same build to long.
I like to run lithe/ quick and quiet/ dance with me/ lightweight. It's loads of fun since it's really confusing for the killer when you vault something and break line of sight. When I'm just messing around I especially like to observe from a distance how they loop the jungle gym an extra time and then search a locker.
I also love we'll make it/ empathy/ botany knowledge/ self care + a medkit. Easy to find injured teammates, get near the chase for the save, fast heals. I do selfcare for medkit efficiency. I want to try out desperate measures instead of self care but I haven't unlocked it yet.
And the endless knowledge build kindred/ bond/ open handed/ spine chill. I use this to pull of some stealth and plan the coördination with my team as a solo. Knowing that someone else is gonna save gives me valuable gen time. I'm gonna try urban evasion instead of open handed when I unlock it.
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I'll run pretty much anything, but BT's always staying on. Sometimes, it's the ONLY thing that's getting my boy off the hook and home free.
But building on that?
Babysitter. Gives the unhooked a solid 8 seconds to get out of dodge and makes it all the easier for me to take the aggro.
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You can’t play without ds. Killers are so selfish they need 4k every game and Will tunnel you game after game.
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Deception is fun and there's several ways to make a build around it.
Distortion would be a nice perk if there was a way to get more tokens.
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