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What’s your least favourite killer to play against?


For me it would have to be unfunslinger, i don’t even have the slightest bit of fun playing against him. i think he’s badly designed, getting shot then hit feels undeserved and the instant ads just doesn’t make you feel like you actually got outplayed.

i know people say “just break LoS” but that isn’t a valid counterplay, you can’t always do that and technically you can say that about any killer. it’s like saying the counter to genrushing is by getting hooks.

but that’s just me, what’s everyone else’s least fav killer to verse?


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  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Hag for sure, she’s my least favorite killer to play as and against.

  • Member Posts: 84

    Ghostface and Myers. The reason being is that when I was a new player, I wouldn't look around much and they would suddenly appear right next to me as I was on a gen. Scared the crap out of me every time.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Nurse. I hate going against Nurse. I'm not lucky enough to only get the incompetent 99% that everyone insists exists.

  • Member Posts: 698

    Hag and a good nurse.

    There is literally nothing you can do as a survivor to avoid a good nurse, and hag is just hag.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    i hate legion, i was never a fan of mending simulator

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited December 2020

    My least favorite is hands down Nurse. If it's a baby it's an easy win and it feels bleh; but even then if they just get lucky they can still get someone and it feels unearned either way.

    If they are good it's just GG pretty much every time. It's not very interesting to play knowing there is no chance of winning like 20 seconds into a game.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Freddy... I can NOT stand that man. Drives me more crazy than the doctor and that's the whole purpose of doctor.

  • Member Posts: 39

    I despise playing against most Wraiths. Not for the power, but just because most of them use NOED and camp.

    The first is not a problem, since I always use Detective's Hunch, it's the latter that frustates me.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Doctor. All that screaming and fake images...gets right up my nose.

  • Member Posts: 5,606


    Cause I see mistakes being made a lot (Pig main and low skill survivor)

    Or all killer I face cause again Low skill survivor here

  • Member Posts: 23

    i can find instances of him saying it here: , however i cant find a video of any calculations. Also in this video it does say that it is at certain ranges that it is unreactable and at 15 meters he says it may be. Hope this helped 😀

  • Member Posts: 899

    Agreed Deathslinger is the most annoying for me as well. Los only works for so long before he catches up. Theres nothing you can do in chase and i feel hes the only killer who actually has zero counterplay.

  • or AFK in a corner.

    Some even afk all game only to bring out NOED/blood warden last minute if survivors don't do bones.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Hag for sure. Not even really the killer herself but mostly how most people don't know how she works.

    Nothing worse then crouching all the way to hook, getting exposed and the unhookie deciding to run around the hook triggering every single trap that they watched being placed there

  • Member Posts: 17

    Michael Myers, Ghostface, and The Pig. That zero terror radius stuff is bs.

  • Member Posts: 39

    I can understand that can be annoying, but at least the Survivors have the power to finish the gens and do all the totems in peace and move on into the next game.

  • Member Posts: 672

    Leatherface and Freddy.

  • Member Posts: 4,883


  • Member Posts: 27

    Not to sound like every survivor main ever but I detest Freddy and slinger. Both are so boring to go against. Freddy's kit is packed to the brim with different abilities and slinger has basically no counterplay.

  • Member Posts: 4,458
  • Member Posts: 8,331

    Doctor or Freddy because they can do a build where the game is basically at a stand still where nothing is progressing and they could just sacrifice everyone and end it but instead they just drag it out way too long.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    A good Nurse is the ultimate unfunny, none of my fellow Survivors can last less than 12 seconds in a chase vs her.

  • Member Posts: 120

    Legion with their add-on that keeps the terror radius all over the map, sound gets annoying quickly and you have to constantly keep checking if you're being chased or not. Also I'm gonna have to agree with deathslinger, me and a couple of friends on a discord server we call him the cockslinger because of how annoying he is to play against. Ghostface is rather problematic too, he should be somewhat nerfed, if you're trying to reveal him there's always an indicator for him on where the direction you're at in order to reveal him. Not gonna bother talking about freddy since he's just an actual nightmare to play against, way too overpowered so we'll see how his nerf will come out to be.

  • Member Posts: 575

    I hate Nurse, Freddy, Spirit, and Deathslinger pretty equally. All of them lack any form of counterplay aside from just stealth and crank gens, which isn't fun for anyone.

    Hag would probably go on this list but nobody plays her thankfully.

  • Member Posts: 841

    Freddy, partially because his teleportation ability is just Demogorgon's power on steroids.. and I'm a Demogorgon main.

    Also because he's by far the easiest killer and one of the strongest (top five minimum IMO), easy anti-loop mechanic, easy map pressure and free slow-down.

  • Member Posts: 4,299


    I just hate the tonic effect as it makes me feel queasy.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Every time I find out I'm playing against oni I wanna delete my whole life so.....

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    My top 3 are as follows

    1. Tie between Leatherface and Clown. Both have very little counterplay and are just very aggrivating
    2. Pyramid Head. Only applies if the killer knows what he is doing. That hitting through walls stuff is infuriating. Especially when I've unhooked someone and he downs them immediately through two walls
    3. Myers. No skill killer. You look in a direction and hold a button for free one hit down. No stealth involved like Ghostface. Also one of the few killers where their power punishes me for my teammates being bad
  • Member Posts: 10

    spirit and deathslinger

  • Member Posts: 1,259

    I don't find him that bad. Just be vigilant and stick to tight corners while he is trying to one hit down

  • Member Posts: 1,503

    Today at least, all of them, when you get terrible teams and the sweaty killers.

    It's a rough day so far. could change.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    Freddy imo.

    he just has no downsides you could exploit and use against him.

    its just... he has everything, so anything i do feels kind of pointless and / or sluggish.

  • Member Posts: 1,662
    edited December 2020

    The list grows ever longer. I don't like playing against Deathslinger, Spirit, Pyramid Head, The Twins or Hag.

    Deathslinger is probably my least favourite, closely followed by Spirit. I just really dislike how his mere existence in a chase is a 'mindgame'. He can at any point without any warning 'quickscope' you, so you always have to be prepared for it... but that means zig zagging and playing around tiles really poorly. Which means he can get free hits as I said, just from existing.

  • Member Posts: 499

    Any killer that tunnels or camps because I ran them decently.

  • Member Posts: 475

    Spirit - No counterplay

    Hag - Almost none reaction time (Scroll/Macro Hags)

    Nurse - A killer should not EVER bypass survivors defense. What is the point here ? if everyon starts to learn Nurse then DBD will became a clown fiesta or more ...

  • Member Posts: 475

    This Scott video is everything i have on my head but i'm unable to transcript ... so true !

  • Oh I just always make sure if I am with friends, that we do all the bones before last gen. to prevent "activating" dormant killers.

    It's not annoying tbh, it doesn't bother me.

  • Member Posts: 324
    edited January 2021

    Everytime I see a fountain I just sigh since plague is not only a bad killer but let's you hear the constant coughing and puking. I find it really annoying. She needs a lot of love from the devs... The fact that you can prevent getting broken by just walking is ridiculous. I can't even remember the last time I encountered a good plague and even then the annoying coughing still makes my skin crawl.

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    Freddy. His nerf can't come soon enough. I hope they take away the automatic dream world and require him to manually put us in it, while also adding an extra active clock on the map so I don't have to run all across the world.

    He just has so much going for him and he seems to attract the sleaziest players.

  • Member Posts: 1,075
    edited January 2021

    Legion, Freddy, Clown, PH, Deathslinger, Hag, Oni, Twins, all with very fun and interactive™ powers

    I'd add to the list GF because he's buggy as hell, those doctors that keep spamming the power, and spirit because, as with freddy, it's usually played by boosted players. Good spirits are rare

    ... Yeah, I don't find survivor fun most of the times.

    Post edited by nursewannabe on
  • Member Posts: 50

    I gotta go with spirit personally. Not gonna say she's broken or low-effort, but it feels like i just make the wrong calls every time i get in a chase with her.

    Honorable mention goes to Bubba, if only because my randos don't understand that group hugs around Bubba are a no-no.

  • Member Posts: 578

    Spirit and it's not even close

  • Member Posts: 56

    So you just don't like stealth killers. Not to be the "git gud" guy, but it sounds like you just need to learn to play around it.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    Cringeslinger probably.

    Honourable mentions go to freddy and hag/plague but the latter two are teammates not knowing how to respond to them and killing us all

  • Member Posts: 298


  • Member Posts: 4

    Deathslinger is the worst

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