bugged basement challenges

So i've been recently trying to complete all my tomes from times past. Now I've come across some challenges that relate to the basement in the past 4 months that I've been playing. Started roughly in October and have done all of books V, IV, and I and its bugging me not being able to complete the pages. Some of the challenges are:
Tome I - Agitated Advantage, Buried Underground, Six Feet Under
Tome III - Violent Imperative, Buried Underground
Tome IV - Buried Underground
Are these bugged for anyone else?
I’ve had the same bug not sure how to fix it though.
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I've had problems with several archive challenges in the past, so one or more of these probably happened to me.
The only advice I can give is: for the challenge where you need to sacrifice all 4 survivors in the basement, I've heard it only counts if they die on seperate hooks.