Killers should keep dropped items

I mean I totally know Franklin's would be hella abused if it were a thing but y'know what I'd love? To keep the items offered to me by desperate survivors.

Or kind survivors if I decide to y'know, extend the game.

I'd love for killers to keep my offerings of poopy toolboxes and medkits too. Especially if I come across a farming killer whose funny, I'd want them to keep my decked out purple toolbox as a sign of appreciation.

All dropped items at the end of a match could perhaps go into a reward box or something, and you could place those items on whatever character you like. Idk, I just want that Ghostface to have kept that toolbox and be able to use it when they play survivor :c


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    That would be fun. Problem is it would promote people playing games based around harvesting items.

    Anything outside of normal gameplay tilts people IMMENSELY.

    There used to be "Yoinker oinkers" Pig players who took franklins and stole your items and camped your items in stealth and only attacked people who tried to take items back or out of the game. Often with mori's and they would murder you if you had an item but ignore you entirely if you didn't.

    Don't see em much anymore; but that made some people hella mad for a while haha.

    Basement Bubba is still a thing even today; that upsets people greatly as well.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,866

    It's an amusing thought but a pretty bad idea in terms of how it would be implemented and game balance.

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    Keep the item seems a little bit much. A score event for destroying items with FD or for leftover items after the trial seems easier too implement.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    What would the killers do with them? Nothing, so what’s the point? So you could then transfer them to the survivors of your choice? Why should that be allowed when you can’t even transfer items from survivor to survivor?

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Perhaps items left at the end of a trial are counted until some number, and when you reach it you get a charm showing that item that can go on hooks.

  • RamblinRango
    RamblinRango Member Posts: 389

    This is a great idea! This would give all players, ESPECIALLY survivor mains incentive to play killer and vice versa.

    Play a few rounds of killer and now you have 5 toolboxes, a medkit and a key to put on a character and on the opposite side, you can't use any of the stuff you just collected so you might as well play survivor

  • OmegaCerebro
    OmegaCerebro Member Posts: 18

    The daily ritual system is more than enough incentive for me, personally. The game all but refuses to give me daily rituals for survivors. 9 out of 10 are for killers.

  • undoredo
    undoredo Member Posts: 92


    For every item rarity, the score goes up by an amount depending on tier; brown is one, yellow is two, green is three, purple is four, and pink is five. You can add these points and get either shards, BP, or a charm that 'evolves' (like different tome tiers) over time.

  • NeaMainNoob
    NeaMainNoob Member Posts: 21

    I guess i kinda get it. It *might* be amusing but Hella crappy.

    It would be the same Thing as me bringing ds and would be able to use It as many Times as I want.

    Or me bringing a flashlight and the killer would be blind for the Rest of the game

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    This would be a fun idea, but it'd change some habits of players, that could effect normal gameplay and can be frustrating.

    I've also thought of this idea, but that you don't keep the items to give to survivors, but like you said, you keep it in a reward box or something, and that's it! You have a box full of items for every killer you have that got offered items, and you'll just collect more and more of them! It won't change the gameplay, or any habits, probably just more memes at the end at the exit gates where people offer more items if they thought it was a good match!

    Seemed like a funny idea to me and you could boast about it like boasting over a rare charm you got, or that you have a legacy skin.

    Perhaps also have an addon collection with it? See how many "toxic" swf games you had :).

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    As someone who likes to leave my items behind as a thank you for a fun match, I agree. They should be rewarded with some bloodpoints depending on how many items and depending on the rarity of the ones you leave behind.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    That might work much like leatherface's heads cosmetics, I love this idea!

    And this is a nice addition to the original idea! Make this happen BHVR! ♥️

    And while you're at it, add a progress bar to leatherface's head cosmetics please, I have no idea how many dwights or jakes I have to sacrifice before unlocking the ones I miss 🥺

  • Klakky
    Klakky Member Posts: 444

    Would be nice if they were around killers belt(if entity devours them so killer can't pick it up) and when stunned a random one will drop, but that would be abused by survivors and has only gain for survivor and loss for killer