Myers Needs A Buff

In the beginning of Halloween Michael Myers drives a car. I had forgotten about this until I rewatched Halloween the other day. BHVR is cheating us by not adding this very powerful ability to the game. Forget shirtless Myers, let Myers drive a car, give him some added mobility and lethality.
what the
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how will this work
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Well you drive a car by putting the key in and turning it all the way forward for a few seconds, putting it in drive, putting your foot on the gas pedal and turning the steering wheel. If you wanna stop, put your foot on the brake pedal. Use one foot for both. If you wanna stop driving, put the car in park, pull up the e-brake and taking the keys out. Don't forget to lock the car so it doesn't get stolen.
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I support this fully
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I think it's pretty straightforward, Michael Myers should be able to drive a car, since he does that in the movie.
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Sounds like a pretty solid gameplan. Just park the car somewhere on the level. Turn survivors in to road bumps. Car would have to break if you hit a wall though. Just saying.
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They should make Christine next killer.
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The Car can break through a certain amount of breakable walls before it breaks down, and the number of times it can do so is affected by addons.
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You are one of 2 things:
you’re either the greatest dbd troll I’ve seen to date in these forums or you’re the most deluded person to ever play this game 😂 forget about how stupid this concept is Myers does not need a buff, some of his add-ons need to be nerfed
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Where do you start a petition to let Myers drive a car
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Nope. Myers needs a buff.
Pretty sure the car idea is sarcasm tho.
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I think he should get high movement speed during T1 and I think he should have more stalk from survivors. Honestly the devs just need to fix the trash map tile spawns, even on the reworks some of the maps are just flat out bs (groaning storehouse, I have even seen coal tower with 3 jungle gym windows all facing one another for a legit infinite chain.) The graphic overhaul did not fix terrible maps, and terrible maps make M1 killers utterly weak.
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I just think Myer's design should be more true to the source material.
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Hmmmm....DbD Bumper Cars, anyone? 💃
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I disagree. Daddy Myers seems buffed enough.
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Ok but consider this: Myers gets to drive the car... while shirtless.
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You know what, you've got a good point.
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Honestly, I’d be 100% fine with being run over by Daddy Myers
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You know what would really improve his speed during T1? A car.
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This made me lol
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This is what the game is missing! We need driving Myers!
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I like this idea. New game mode. 4 killers verse 8 survivors. No gens, just a timer. All 4 killers are in a car doing drive-by stabbings.
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He's one of those garbage killers that requires minimum green add-ons to be good.
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Seems good, no visible flaws. Honestly the only tweak I could think of would be an addon that makes it instantly sacrifice a survivor, this would be more realistic and keep true to Myers' murderous nature
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the only thing i would do to him is getting rid of his tier 1 but TAKES MORE TIME to get to tier 3... like he needs the first time the stalf OF TIER 1 plus tier 2 to get to TIER 3, thats it. not more, startign the game in tier 1 is bad, of course you can still use his scratched and remain in tier 1 to do meme builds and stuff no proble, but normally tier 2.
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Give Myers the ability to come down from a 2nd floor with one arm!!!.
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If your going to add Myers with a car you have to add Freddy as a motorcycle
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The iridescent bumper, lowers the cars max speed, but running into survivors instakills them
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I think that's reasonable, don't want any double standards here. Give Freddy his motorcycle!
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This ^^
Guys we did it Myers is fixed
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he didn't have a motorcycle he WAS the motorcycle. honestly they could do so much fun stuff with Freddy's powers.
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The aforementioned car would give him the movement speed you speak of
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Are people actually taking this seriously? What has 2021 come too?
Anyway, I agree c:
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Wait, hold on. That reminds me that Freddy is a car at the end of Nightmare on Elm Street. FREDDY NEEDS A CAR ABILITY TOO.
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He won't be slow any longer in T1 if he's zooming about in a car
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Lol I know
And don't forget...
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You're absolutely spot on, its important we stay true to the movies as possible
Justice for Myers and Freddy
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This can the Poster for our campaign
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Can we jump on the hood of the car ourselves and claim a bloodpoint form of insurance?
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Now come on this was a sensible suggestion by OP and your just making it silly now 😄 🤣
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I actually have tears from laughing so hard at this. Oh my... 🤣
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FFS I AM DYING! This entire thread is sending me...