How to Potentially balance this game...

In a game such as dead by daylight where there is an assortment of different killers, all with different powers, and perks, so the game will never truly feel balanced, because these killers and perks will never all be able to be exactly equal strength to each other; this is actually a good thing cause I do not think everyone wants every perk to be as strong as DS/Ruin or as weak as Monstrous Shrine. Also, a perk that might not have much impact by itself such as unbreakable or undying becomes obnoxious when paired with other perks or a specific killer.

So the solution is quite simple: instead of trying to balance all of these things, create a balanced system and put them into it. My idea for this is to begin a point system that people use when picking there killers and perks. The general idea is that each perk would be assigned a cost with higher tier perks having higher costs (between 1 and 5 overall). This would balance the kinds of perks people can run together and make the game more balanced overall. This would also allow for more fun and creative builds and allow the devs to easily shake up the meta since they could quickly lower or raise the costs of various perks without changing their effects. IMO this would/should look like this:

Survivor: 13 base points to use when picking perks

Killer: # of points based on strength of killer (below is the list I came up with:)

Top Tier Killers: Nurse, Spirit (10 points)

Upper Tier Killers: Billy, Freddy, Blight, Pyramid Head, Huntress, Deathslinger (11 points)

Above Average: Hag, Bubba, Doctor, Ghostface, Oni (12 points)

Average: Wraith, Legion, Myers, Pig, Plague, Demo (13 points)

Below Average: Twins, Trapper (14 points)

Clown Tier: Clown (15 points)

IMO here is also what some perks might cost (keep in mind this is also based on the perk itself and not on pairing with other perks):

Perks that have a dramatic impact on the match; should be reserved for the best of the best (5 points): Ruin, DS, Save the best for last, Borrowed time, etc....

Above average perks (4 points): Corrupt intervention, unbreakable, adrenaline, infectious freight, etc...

Average Perks (3 points): self care, undying (not broken by itself but has a lot of potential to be), third seal, plunder's, sloppy butcher, etc...

Below average but still useful (2 points); most perks fall here or in average: deathbound, stridor, appraisal, etc...

Bottom-tier perks and perks that are bad even at what they are supposed to do (1 point): monstrous shrine, boil over, etc...

No mither tier (adds one point to survivor using it): no mither

IMO the devs should also allow, under this new system of course, up to 10 perks to be equipped at a time, but if a person wanted to have all 10 they would have to be below average to bottom-tier perks to meet the point cost. This could be accomplished by displaying 5 perks (in a pentagram like display to fit the horror theme of the game) on the bottom right and making it so you can cycle the two pages and set them in whatever display order you want. On end game screen they would just increase the perks by one and make it slide-able if the person had more than 5 perks.

Please let me know what you think of the idea and if you believe this would be an improvement for DBD as a whole.


  • Piwatte
    Piwatte Member Posts: 162

    They will do nothing. A little rework is done every 6 months. Ridiculous.

    After my 2 596 hours in this game, they prove to me that I have more fun in other games. I'm leaving, definitively.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Good idea, but the issue is it is how perks are used:

    Common builds are common because they have good synergy/give an advantage. Just barring people from perks because they ran out of points etc would not balance things.

    You'd see the same scummy playing.

    I'd say the balancing issue is a different one and, yes, it would require a change from the ground up, but having to spent points doesn't strike me as the way to go.

    As for balancing as a whole, it'd be wiser to go through killer abilities and perks-synergy to see what gives whom a disadvtage or advantage and when.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    People really think clown is in his own tier of bad?

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    The unpopular answer... you can't.

    Take 3 killer mains, roughly the same hours... same killer, perks, add-ons, and map. Have them go against the same 4 survivors who keep the perks and add-ons the same.

    There will be 3 different play styles and outcomes. You can't balance human behaviour in a game.

    One solution, only allowing 2 perks from another character. It would clean up a lot of meta combos. At least it gives all the players the same amount of info... what they are up against, and what perks they are probably running.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    13 base points for survivors just makes it worse for solo q, while swf don't really have an issue with 13 points each since you know, they are already 3.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    Thank you to those of you who have commented so far. I do appreciate the feedback on my idea. Just a clarification, I was not saying this would entirely balance the game; just that it would roughly balance at least perks and do a little to balance killer powers. Thus, allowing for more unique perk builds to be ran and for the devs to more quickly change metas without actually changing perks.

    I do agree that this would still advantage SWF and I think you could add some point cost to playing with other players eventually, but that seemed like a little much for what was already a very long post.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It doesn't matter how good the game is balanced because alot of people lack intelligence and common sense in this game I swear it's astonishing how many people are bad at red ranks on both survivor and killer, I just don't understand it.