Killers tell me whats wrong with the game from your perspective?

dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

As a survivor main I have no idea what killers go through on a daily basis and what things are pitted against you. I want to know how the game is for you and what you would do to make the game more balanced. All I ask is that the changes be reasonable. ( I want to and I will listen)

Edit: From what has been told the problems are as followed

  • Poor Map design
  • Matchmaking
  • Perk (for both sides)
  • RNG
  • Generator Speeds
  • Survive with friends
  • Toxicity
  • Disparity between killers

Thats for now if I missed anything tell me and thank you.

Post edited by dspaceman20 on


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited January 2021

    Eh. I can't think of much wrong. I'd add like 10s or something to gen times, I think. Most of the stuff I'd like changed is quality of life stuff that's hard to get into.

    Edit: oh, I'd make decisive deactivate upon healing someone else, being healed, or working on a gen. The locker play doesn't bother me. Being slugged sucks. Keys should have you hit a couple skill checks to use on hatch.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Killers have to remember 4 different survivor cosmetics either different or the same

    Up to 16 perks and use

    Hook states for all 4

    7 gens (cause all gens are viable)

    Map (tile structures)

    Survivor Items (brought in or found)

    The killer's power and use... I main Pig sooooo

    As for balance....

    Finish map changes... Keys (I don't have an idea though)

    Give all players hook stage indicators on the HUD (killer and Survivors)

    Buff perks that aren't used much ( cause I don't want to list all perks and changes I'd make... list would be really long)

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    Well, The Devs have a weird idea of how the game is "ment" to be played (2 dead all hooked twice) Ironically, due to this set up from Both sides. The amount of farming you actually have to do to pip is..Well, insane in later ranks. It basically, means If either side is not playing "the ideal way" They will be punished. Which basically means people who have no business in some ranks will be in there bullying that rank as a Killer or Survior.

    Basically, Finally kill the rank system and try something else or make some kind of Casual mode, where people play perkless or something. Like just add more game modes or something that do not last only a month then get shuffled away.

  • Avarice00
    Avarice00 Member Posts: 39

    I wish they would make it so map selection was split between map themes instead of all maps. Because theres 5 variations of coldwind I see it more than unique maps like dead dawg or father Cambels chapel, and that's just boring.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    I want OoO to disappear, that is about it, even if it costs something like noed (not that I use it) the other things are being fixed so I'm good.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I agree with some thing but disagree with others sure alot of survivors are toxic. However there are toxic killers.

    I can agree match making is terrible. I have experienced it as a survivor.

    I Can agree maps for killers can be bad. I have a question for you though, is it possible a killer can gain too powerful of an advantage because of the map?

    I can agree with you changes but I don't really understand the issue with killer perks. Sure some killer perks are absolutely abysmal and needs to be changed however most perks seems fine based on the fact that there are a multitude of different killer powers that match well or better with certain perks. If perks were made in a way in which every single killer could use them regardless of if it matches with the killers power or not then it makes killer even more dull and predictable. Its way its best to run iron madien with huntress or leather face and thanataphobia with legion and plague because those perk match best with their killer power.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Object i can agree does need to be changed as jts way to powerful. In fact all of Lori's perks need to be changed.

    I can agree its the attitude of thr survivor that's the problem, or in other words the attitude of the person playing survivor. I don't think there is anything that can be done about it other then having the devs be really stricted on people who are toxic (like banning people who are being toxic) the problem with that thought is whats considered toxic is almost subjective so I don't know how well of an idea that it.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    Map size and tile chains. A super big map like Disturbed Ward has the same amount of gens required as a tiny map like The Game. Tile chains are a bigger problem at higher level of play, the devs themselves don't seem to understand how unbelievably strong some windows can become just because of another window close to it or sometimes even a strong pallet. Also they don't seem to realize the strength of some tiles vs others, such as a long wall jungle gym being significantly stronger than something like a T and L wall.

  • JimbusCrimbus
    JimbusCrimbus Member Posts: 1,060

    I feel that so much. Father Campbells Chapel - it seems every time I get it, shack window is LITERALLY FACING a long wall window. Like, that is a LEGITIMATE infinite BECAUSE of the long wall window.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    As a recent Killer-only player, i find Survivor way too boring of a role.

    I can't tell you what i'd want, i can only tell you i find nothing entertaining about it (anymore).

  • Nossy
    Nossy Member Posts: 118

    4 things :

    1) Add a proximity voice chat IG for survivors and even killers for RP (lets says 6-8 meters) and ban the use of tier program on regular game (not on custom) so solo que will have a better experience too and it could be fun as well.

    2) Add time to gen or side objectif

    3) Get rid of OoO, most bs perk, not much used at low lvl but I often encounter 2 or 3 in the same game at my lvl. Imagine an horror movie where the prey see the killer from 60m through wall at all time... You can keep BT, exhaustion perks, insta heal, spine chill etc even DS tho i would make it basekit with a tweak i already explained in another thread.

    4) Delete or completly rework Haddonfield (and Badham in a less measure), same goes for The Game cause its clearly the easiest for killers. Midwitch too cause its very bad for both.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    Killers would just ban Haddonfield or Rotten Fields. So no

  • Tsair
    Tsair Member Posts: 49

    Dunno where you get your idea of 'Should be escaping' percentage. Generally a 'balanced game' would have all gens done and two survivors escape. There are four survivors, you should be escaping abboooout 50% of the time with perfect balance.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    50% survival rate seems a bit too high. I think escape percentage should be around 25% to make it challenging and reward killers. We don't need more survivors in this game. We also have a extreme lack of high Calibur killers.

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159

    pure bullshit xD but okay . there are toxic survivors and there are toxic killers

  • trick
    trick Member Posts: 159
    edited January 2021

    simple thing is , u dont win all games , on killer or survivor , nothing complicated about it. okay hit validation and only pressing m1 on gens for entire play time should not exist but , that like life isnt it , its not perfect xD

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    For me personally I don't think there's any balancing issues (excluding high skill SWF teams) but for me personally it's just the toxicity. It's a vicious cycle of back and forth, survivors trashing killers and making them upset for them to take out on other players by camping/tunneling, rinse and repeat. I play the game to have fun and I'll always try my best to play fair and make sure everyone has a chance to escape and have fun. I just dread running into any toxic SWF groups who are just gonna constantly harass me after the game and make me not even want to play another match.

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    Nothing, I have like 600h on nurse alone, I haven't versed a team that was close to causing me any trouble in like 2 months.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Explain us, why should it be rewarding for the killer and not for the survivor? Why should killer have 75% winrate and survivors only 25%?

    Funfact: We actually already (or should i say still) have that inballance. Killer have almost 70% killrate, while survivor only 30% escaperate.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Matchmaking by far is the worst thing in this game. I gave up killer for awhile and deranked from rank 10 to rank 17. First game back was paired with 2 purple and 2 red. Got spanked.

    I noticing that my games I am either getting 4ks or 0ks. Which averages out to what the devs want but none of the games are fun. This game should have tension. Mostly though you have games you can sit in a corner for 3 gens and still 4k, or games where the whole thing feels hopeless.

    I don't want a 4k at 4 or 5 gens every game. Its not fun for anyone. I want games where if I play well I know I have a chance of killing (hell just hooking) a couple people.

    Toxicity is only annoying if you let it be. Had a nea tbag me at every pallet and window. It was a long chase but i finally downed her. Hooked her and shook my head no as i refilled my bottles. She died on first hook because despite being rank 8 to my 14, her team was 18, 18 and 20 and were too scared to rescue. I was nowhere near the hook either.

    So yeah. Matchmaking on both sides

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited January 2021

    Hawkins and midwich and Haddon field.

    Survivors legit vanish while you're looking at them.

    You need a perk to fix problems you're having so you can't run anything diverse.

    Breakable walls added more god loops.

    The killer I main, doctor bugs console survivors so 1,or 2 DC and I'm left to kill them or farm. So I just want to leave but I cant because I will get a DC penalty.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Those statistics are useless though because the matchmaking is absolute garbage

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    "Garbage matchmaking" what has that even to do with those statistics? Red ranked survivor run against red ranked killer. Purple run into purple. On average you are paired with your rank. If you say rank means nothing, well... then it does not mean a thing for both sides.

    No matter if you look at the red rank stats or the overall stats, they are pretty much the same. Killer get more kills then survivor escape.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The killrates are way too high. Games are unwinnable for anything less than a seasoned 4 man SWAT formation.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Yeah,but the majority of players in high rank don't belong in those ranks (very noticeable on the survivor side).It's not an accurate representaion.

  • Androuruguayo99
    Androuruguayo99 Member Posts: 55

    I think the game has many problems, but the main one at the moment is that as a killer a simple mistake, a chase a second longer, a missed hit, a ds at second 59 can cost you entirely a game

    As a killer there are not many perks that literally reward you because they are beating you, I can only think of noed. On the other hand, as survivor yes, the unbreakable combination with DS and soul guard is devastating. It happened to me to be defending the last generator, start winning the game by making consecutive hooks and out of nowhere boom, I can't do anything, they are repairing in front of me.

    Sorry if something is not understood, I speak Spanish

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    It's not just the killer's power that dictate perk selection.... it's the playstyle around those perks

    Ruin is not effective on Pig (In my opinion)- Her power can't push survivors off of gens and get downs and hooks

    Tinkerer is effective on Pig (In my opinion)- knowing when a gen is close to completion is effective

    I don't use Tinkerer cause it doesn't fit with my playstyle...

    Even her own perks don't even fit her

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I don't see how they could balance the game much more then it already is.

    Tone survivors down at high level play and the low level survivors who already are suffering crumbles to bits.

    Unpopular oppinion but the devs are actually doing a really good job keeping this nightmare to balance game playable for everybody IMO.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Same here. I think the myth of getting either Forever Freddy or Yakuyoke/MDR/Ruin+Undying+Tinkerer+Stridor Spirit with 5000hrs is about as legit as Killers complaining they get tournament squads every other game.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I actually had one of each of those today 😄 ruin/undying/tinkerer/sloppy with paintbrush + swing chains freddo got a 1k, ruin/undying/stridor/forgotten the 4th perk spirit got 2k including me and was pretty shocked that was all she got (but was a good sport about it) I might've lived too if I didn't respond to her fake phasing by resetting a pallet

    Weirdest thing about that match was how nice everyone was to each other in postgame considering what the spirit was running and my teammates rocking ds/unbreakable, always good to see

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    LoL unlucky :D

    Cool stuff though, I also very much enjoy when everyone is a good sport about the match, be it with or without "sweaty" builds.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    A lot of your success is dependent on how the map spawns.

  • Monarch
    Monarch Member Posts: 148

    are we just not allowed to have a say or opinion on this game?

    Shit maps shouldn't exist and leaving it up to the killer to have the ability to have fun is good and i assume you can also take pleasure if survs could ban indoor maps or other things ect