Accepting toxicity

DBD's community has been bashed with so much toxicity that we've come to view it as normal, it feels like every time someone performs behavior generally viewed as toxic, that the victim of said toxicity is just supposed to accept it and be happy about it.

If a killer is faced with a sweat squad, a survivor ques for 10 minutes just to be facecamped and killed 2 minutes in, or the survivor you're chasing is using a loop you don't understand and taunting you every second of it, the player should be allowed to be angry at that, because despite DBD being "just a game" there can be frustrating elements and they should be allowed to express that.

And yes, I understand that toxicity is a part of every game, I've been called my fair share of slurs across various different communities. But that's not an excuse for welcoming it as normal, and it's not a good look for anyone outside of the community when their first impression is a bunch of people with flashlights aggravatingly clicking at them.

If someone is tired of the toxicity in the game don't be rude to them or tell them to suck it up, you can't bully someone for an entire match and not at least expect some aggravation from it.

DBD's toxicity will never go away, but at the very least we should try something, anything really, to stop it or at least lower it.


  • NightWolfsFury
    NightWolfsFury Member Posts: 220

    Nobody should be taking what another person does in a video game so seriously. If that player is getting that frustrated by how the enemy player is playing, they might need a small break from the game to recollect.

    A killer I went against today immediately started raging at us because there were 3 DS's in the game (none-of-which were even used) and saying, "bet you guys are going to tell me to off myself now." Like, this isn't healthy... It isn't worth your mental health.

    This guy just kept going on about how he should die because he was expecting us to say this stuff when nobody BM'd in-game, nor did we do anything to warrant this response.

    If what people say or do impacts your mental health that bad, you probably shouldn't play too many multiplayer games or for very long. We can't control the rude people and they'll never go away. We just have to learn not to let that stuff get to us when it arises. If you can't, it just seriously isn't worth the mental decline.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Im glad OP brings this up, because to a degree I totally get the "its just a game deal with it" mentality. But this gane in particular doesnt seem to have a filter with it. Yeah every game has SOMEONE who loses it and starts making threats, then he gets banned and its whatever. In THIS game though what happens is the victim gets berated because they should just deal with it and "oh well its actually X role that does it so you are lying" basic human decency is expected in every ither game. Why is this gane the exception

  • Hex_Your_Mom
    Hex_Your_Mom Member Posts: 9

    But it's the same for ANY competition or sport: If it's something you love, you're passionate about it. If the game is heavily unbalanced, and gives other players an impossible advantage, it should be dealt with. The game, just like any other (sport), is meant to be regulated to try to be as fair for everyone as possible, so that it does simply come down to skill. We are a passionate community dealing with unfortunately very human and imperfect developers, and it will be a constant experiment until they can get the game just right. And frankly, IMHO, they have a lot of work before they can stop chasing off some of their biggest fans with unbalanced and unfair gameplay.

  • Hex_Your_Mom
    Hex_Your_Mom Member Posts: 9

    But it's the same for ANY competition or sport: If it's something you love, you're passionate about it. If the game is heavily unbalanced, and gives other players an impossible advantage, it should be dealt with. The game, just like any other (sport), is meant to be regulated to try to be as fair for everyone as possible, so that it does simply come down to skill. We are a passionate community dealing with unfortunately very human and imperfect developers, and it will be a constant experiment until they can get the game just right. And frankly, IMHO, they have a lot of work before they can stop chasing off some of their biggest fans with unbalanced and unfair gameplay.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I actually like toxicity in a werid way, because i get to give my revenge many times on that player. The best moments i've had in this game is humiliating toxic people in game.

    For example, I remember one time playing as trapper, an object of obsession was disabling all my traps and tbagging me across the map. I got to chase him, he was waiting up on a window of a building tbagging me because he knew he could get away easy with balanced landing. He vaulted and got inmediatly trapped down there. I went to pick him up nodding him and he DC'd.

  • Mercie78
    Mercie78 Member Posts: 4

    Toxicity can be in any game that includes other humans. Period.

    I don't think anyone accepts toxicity. There are plenty of times I have been bullied by a Bing Bong or a Billy with a typical build (BBQ and NoED) and the game passes...and the next game is great. If you cannot handle the crap that can sometimes come with playing with others, this may not be your game.

    I play both which allows me to understand why both sides are toxic. It also has helped me see a Billy that always plays to 4k and never for points vs a Billy who wants to play through the match.

    I personally don't see the toxicity but I don't play once I build my life around the streamers on this game who play like jerk 20 year olds. I have been playing the game since the Summer BBQ of 2017, so the likehood they are going to know more then me or I am going to care about their play style is none.

    Just play.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    Its the devs dude! Theyve been letting people get away with cancerous behavior for 4 years! Imagine ignoring your literal best player base and letting the trolls and bullies run rampant. Not a good look. Its why ive taken many breaks from this game. Its simply not fun anymore for me

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    no it is the players who CHOOSE to be that way. it is only a game, no money rides on this, no real reputation rides on this. people that do not like something have a choice to lash out or shrug it off. and before anyone tells me i haven't experienced anything I have been face camped, i've been called the n word, i've been told "#########" I've been called all sorts of names, i've been camped, I've been left on the hook when the other survivors decide to let me stay there and do gens (even though the killer did not stick around), I've been tunneled into oblivion.... I've had it all. I've been angry i've gotten so pissed off i said things I regret..... now I just say nice tunneling dude! or would you mind telling us to bring tents next time??? and all I care about is getting the killer to admit he tunneled or camped, nothing more as I don't care what happens as long as its within the rules (yes tunneling and camping and slugging are within the rules) as long as they admit they were doing that.

    It's the idea that people need to admit and acknowledge their actions, and if they try to cover it up well that shows more about their own cares and how "toxic" they really are personally and I leave it at that. meh let it flow off your back because in the end it matters not really