what if legion wasn't giving deep wound on first frenzy hit?

Most of the cummonity will call Legion weak or annoying to play agaist because he slows the game down too much and constantly mending is a pain, and since legion cannot down with it anyway it makes deep wound more of a nuisance than anything else.

So what if legion was actually not giving deep wound on the first frenzy hit?

This could change a lot of his basekit and ways of playing.

The way it could work is that Legion will still be able to use frenzy as usual but without giving the deep wound status effect and so survivors could either work directly on generators again or heal right away to most likely avoid thanatophobia debuff or to not deal with ruin for too long.

Killer instict could only work on healty survivor once legion hit a healty survivor with feral frenzy and so would focus fully at spreading the damage, if Legion hit a injured survivor with feral frenzy it will give the survivor deep wound but with a slightly longer effect and put legion into fatigue.

However, if legion only injure survivors and leave feral frenzy, his fatigue will be reduced, if it stays at 4 seconds, each survivor injured by feral frenzy will reduce the fatigue time by 0.5 seconds, or if it gets changes to 3, by 0.25 seconds, so it can be reduced to 2 seconds, but if legion hits a injured survivor the fatigue duration is back to default (4 or 3 seconds)

This could affect frank's mixtape and stab wound study add-ons, stab wound study could be changed to always show killer instinct on survivors that are injured and frank's mixtape could be changed to not give fatigue when hitting a injured survivor with feral frenzy and so spreading the deep wound to every injured survivor if possible (with a shorter deep wound mending time), and the killer instinct add-ons could be replaced with feral frenzy movement speed, because....these are barely ever used and not worth running, let's change them since we are at it.

What do you think of this idea?


  • hardtimefun
    hardtimefun Member Posts: 293

    I just think it would be a QOL on both side, legion would be less annoying to deal with as survivors and legion could catch a survivor quickly after ending FF, i think it could be worth a try on a ptb

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Sorry but... this is pretty much a nerf. DW is pretty much an essential part of Legion's kit, even if the fatigue is reduced to compensate.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    That would basically kill Legion. That annoying mending is one of my main reasons for playing them. I like standard M1 Looping, but you need quite a bit of slowdown for standard M1 Looping to not be waaaaay too slow. That's what Legion's Deep Wound does. It buys them the time they need to down people with standard M1 attacks.

    Also, I'm pretty sure Survivors would pitch a fit about 2s cooldown Frenzy. I've seen people complain about when their team feeds Oni or Myers and they get punished for it. This would be a very similar deal to that. You didn't make the mistake, but you get the punishment.

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,406

    It would be a unnecessary nerf. Mending is needed so that legion has time.

    And i like to do a totem or finish a gen without mending. Many killers dont expect that.

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Most people will spread out once a Legion is spotted, meaning this just makes it so he doesn't get anything other than an injured survivor from his power, which on paper sounds good, but in practice doesn't mean anything. Unless you allow Legion to only down with two FF hits then this is basically just a straight nerf.