Bye bye iri head!

I cant wait for iri head to be gone, just had a game where I was facing a rank 1 P3 huntress who did the iri head/infantry belt combo with ruin/undying and brought the midwhich map offering. Got her first two kills before 5 gens were even done thanks to solo qeue. I cant wait for iri head to be gone because when its in the hands of really good huntress players then it can become really broken really fast, hell even if the huntress is mediocre they will still probably get a 3-4k. I know the huntress rework is(hopefully) removing the iri head in favor of something else, what do you think that new add-on will do?
Honestly when i see a huntress with iri head i just go to her and ask her to hook me. Most BS thing in the game imo.
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I hardly see any huntresses that run iridescent head, it's rare enough that I never thought to complain about it, but when faced against it, it's feels miserable, especially since killers who use it are usually bad, wait until they're on top of you and then instadown you. Then they usually tunnel you the second you're rescued.
They might just implement a distance requirement in order for it to activate.
I am more excited for the Freddy nerf. I am so sick and tired of seeing him ever three matches. It's even worse when I get him three times in a row!
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How that and the pinky finger have lasted so long I don’t know
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old kits that need rework in a time with much more pressing matters.
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Yeah I guess
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I'll be dancing in the streets when they nerf the iri heads. It's long overdue.
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Yep, had one of those yesterday as well - everyone died on first hook, was a AMAZING game...
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Pinky finger is 100x harder to pull off than the iri head and isn't an instadown
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New iridescent head will give infinite hatchets instead, watch it happen. Gotta wonder what they'll be doing with the other iri add-on though
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As a killer i do agree that the iri heads must be reworked. Maybe give an instadown from a large distance, thus rewarding the skilled players. I am sure i am not the frist one to come up with this though.
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Seeing a rank 1 Huntress using iri heads is just pathetic. It’s like seeing a pro cyclist using training wheels.
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And thanks to BBQ that Huntress got more than enough BPs to go out with a profit, despite spending 13k BPs on the Add Ons alone.
Pinky Finger is actually quite easy to land since Clown does not slow down anymore after throwing a Bottle. You should get a direct Bottle Hit at the second throw (at least).
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I understand if a weaker huntress player plays it. But if someone is clearly a huntress main or high skilled huntress then it's very unfair.
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I feel like people are jumping to conclusions. Although there's a huge possibility that how iri head works will be changed, I highly doubt they're physically going to remove iri head. It's more like "bye bye CURRENT iri head".
(Also I feel like Huntress is a weird killer to think of add-ons for so I wouldn't start jumping for joy until her add-on pass comes, it's too soon to celebrate)
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I hardly see Iri heads OR Freddy lmao. I genuinely don't remember the last I've seen one. It's almost always Bubba, Spirit, or Nurse with the occasional OG Killers and Hag popping up.
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Just git gud and don't get hit.
Killers that use iri heads aren't that good at aiming anyway.
And I don't even start on how often you'll see a iri huntress...
Like once per month.
Post edited by Tsulan on4 -
Just don't die dummy, works on every killer.
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I personally don’t have an issue with Iri Head being an insta-down, it’s the combination of Iri Head plus a belt add-on that causes problems. If the devs simply changed Iri Head to so you can only carry 1 hatchet, regardless of other the add-ons, then it would feel a lot fairer to play around.
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That DS really didn´t help you, huh?
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They tried that with death slinger. Becomes useless on small maps like the game. I could see of you tried something like that reward the quick shots. Something along the lines of...
"After having a hatchet at full chatge for .75 seconds it becomes a one hit hatchest, but after 1.75, seconds it returns to a normal single hit hatchet."
Which rewards a long shot at full charge, while also making it useful at close range if you aquire your target at close range. And on top of that mixing it with other add-ons like horse shoe or Babooshka, you can use it at loops still if you pre charge and make the right read on the survivor.
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Mendslingers red addons is useless tho. The requirements are way to high on top of being an ultra rare addon. So he´ll never get a insta down with it.
Why do killers have to jump through various loops in order to make their extremely expensive addons work?
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I highly doubt this would happen but I would like it to be changed to where it gives you the hitbox of the hatchet as a crosshair.
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Good for you. I get at least one every day. And they are all super sweaty with Ruin Undying and use Map Offerings.
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It's almost like DS won't help you much when you're going against the most broken add-on combo in the game or something.
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Funny how you talk about the most broken perk.
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Even funnier that the most broken add-on combo is stronger than the most broken perk (which isn't even DS, object and UB are more "broken" than DS will ever be, and those 2 perks aren't even broken to begin with)
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Lmao this dude sees ds and be like
That ds didn't help you huh? Smirk smug haha fool u for running ds
Jeez you're pathetic
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"Never get insta downs with it"
wrong. I run it for some games and got 2 on average, requested a build from Monto and he got 4 on stream, he recently released a "Snipe Slinger" video and got at least 2 each game I think... correct that it depends on the map, because not every map has enough 15m paths to get the shot, but you don't have to get 5+ insta downs from an addon to call it useful. There are only 12 insta downs possible at max
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People depend to much on DS without gaining any skills.
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Why are there only 12 insta downs possible?
Ohh because survivors don´t flashlight save or pallet stun or don´t do anything else to save their teammates. Got it!
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Playing Legion is the most bs thing in the game with that 4 second stun 😂😂😂
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No one is going to take you seriously if you're telling people to "Don't get hit" (especially when you're one of the people who says "Git Gud") because a good Huntress will just wait until you're forced to throw down the pallet or vault, then that's when you're going down. If you fake it, she will just catch up and shotgun a hatchet into you. It's not hard.
As for the other parts, you're assuming Iridescent Hatchets are balanced out by the player being bad. Yeah, you definitely haven't seen a good Huntress in your games if you were able to get two escapes. Just being honest here.
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"Please Devs, Nerf all killers Who cant be looped please, Spirit and Nurse are OP because I dont know how to play against''
So can u please give me a consistent Spirit counterplay?
That doesn't involve perks or guessing. Thank you
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I guess you lack some kind of reading comprehension. She downed one, hooked and proxy camped. After one died: rinse repeat. Also yes, I run DS cause I solo queue and if there is no Obsession, guess what each and every killer would do.
You posting a picture of yourself against a RANK EIGHT iri huntress (barely out green ranks) is hopefully supposed to be a joke. You want to compare the skills of a rank 8 killer with a rank 1 or 2? In your picture three out of 4 were red rank survivors, including you - looking at the perk similarities, I wouldn't even be surprised if you were SWF.
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Git Gud is the usual response whenever a killer complains about something.
But no, i haven´t seen a good Huntress in ages. Especially no Iri Huntress. The last one was 3 months ago. Maybe i´m lucky.
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People say non stop that ranks don´t matter. Now they suddenly matter. And no, i never play SWF. Solo all the time, red rank without DS is possible. You just have to believe in yourself.
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There's issues with both sides, I definitely agree, but that's not the subject of this thread. I don't want to start a measuring contest against both sides.
Iridescent Hatchet is broken because it effectively cuts down the chase time by 50% against a mediocre killer, let alone a decent or experienced killer. Rarity of the add-on and the rank of the player, this will never change. At high level gameplay, a Iridescent Huntress will usually always 4K, even a SWF might not be enough to win and we all know they are also broken due to communications.
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I rather believe in my DS and punish when a killer thinks it's fun to tunnel off hook, like the people you probably rescue off hook. Your build suggest you are one of those super amazing team mates who will just hug gens and otherwise go for each and every unhook without ever engaging in a chase with the killer. No exhaustion perk, just a full farm build. If the killer goes for you, I bet you go down faster than a rock thrown in the ocean.
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Honestly if you were only allowed 1 hatchet no matter what then it wouldn't be as big a problem. Having 3 just changes her strength so so much.
I think a good iri add-on is when it makes the killer stronger but it takes away some fundamental aspect of the killer. It'll change the way you have to play the killer while making them stronger.
Maybe something like hatchets thrown at pallets can stop them from being dropped and reloading makes them go away. Changes her up a bit while making her a bit stronger at pallet loops.
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Indeed, i usually leave the match with more points than the killer, but i hug gens and instantly die, when the killer looks into my direction. Makes sense... /not
Proove Thyself is great to max out Objective points. Since i only need 1 1/2 gens for 8k points. From there i have maximum time to run the killer, unhook survivors or cleanse totems.
In the end it all boils down to the question IF you could play without those perks or not. I could instantly switch to full tryhard build and it wouldn´t negatively impact my game experience (or escape rate). Can you say the same?
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You get at least one iri huntress per day? Wow...
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The problem is that for killers, to stay in red ranks you pretty much have to 4k.
It encourages oppressive play, and every bit of messaging to the killer -- both from survivors and the game itself -- reinforces the idea that if you don't 4k you lost.
It sucks to have a match going really well and kill 2 people early, only to have the third suicide on hook (or just DC as soon as they're downed) so that the fourth gets hatch. And the killer still gets the "Entity Displeased" message and depips.
Meanwhile, the hatch jumper feels like they won, the DCer justifies it because they weren't having fun anyway (because losing isn't fun), and the two that got sacrificed rush to the forums to demand nerfs for Tinker (because it couldn't have been their unsafe hook diving strategy that caused them to lose the game).
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I can kinda agree with the factor that if they're using an Iri Head that they're not as good - I'd know.. :D Hell, even when I use it I usually don't bother to until I find the really good player in the team or if I know I need to instead of just hitting. Then again I'm one of the few killers just trying for a good time.
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It blows my mind that Iri Head is still a thing 4 1/2 years after release. Truly mystifying.
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Late reply here but you are wrong and decidedly a survivor main in my eyes for that statement about Clown.
Git gud
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Huntress wasn´t release 4 1/2 years ago. She never was a problem until now.
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Iri hatchet alone is not bad, iri + belt is lame and should've never been in the game but ya know 2016 dbd was something else
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Good for the killer though :D