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Fellow killer mains what is your opinion?



  • Member Posts: 1,878

    I would always rather everyone play respectfully and not be toxic. My worst killer games have been against teams that bullied me the whole time, and my funniest killer games have been against teams that tried to bully me and messed up -- but those are funny because they were trying to do something bad and it backfired, not because that's a fun way to play.

    When it's just one person doing it, I feel kind of bad for the rest of their team. Like, once, I had a survivor follow me around the map all match spamming loud noise notifications, and they also literally never helped their team, so everyone died because they were essentially a 3-man with an annoying noise instead of a fourth player.

  • Member Posts: 5,606

    The teabagging and flashlight saves are irritating

    Having 3-4 survivors around me is kinda boring

    The chases are good cause I can practice

    The match in general is good but the things that happen in match is a range on emotions

  • Member Posts: 905

    I know the pain there they really should limit how many item types go into a match

  • Member Posts: 530

    Fun since I know the game won't be over in 5m. Still '' harass me'' not a single bit, they are better things to get mad at, dbd is not one of them. And yeah I would take those teams 100% of the time. Chase Interaction >Searching every corner for a Blendette

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    Fellow killer mains?... ok

    I only play the "boring killers" as you call them so this doesn't happen to me because it can't.

    If i played boring m1 killers like trapper or wraith on the other hand.....

  • Member Posts: 1,264

    While sometimes ,I could come off as toxic I really appreciate good clean games,no lag switching, micro hacking then it's a fun game

    I don't harrasse player's,nor be out right toxic to them unless their being toxic and doing the objectives at an optimal speed.I find it highly offensive to come in my game do gens under 5 minutes, and try to deny one hook.Which happens more than I can care for on top of that you're not interesting in seeing my idols are animations for the character that,I just want to show you.Some survivor's are not even concerned with the art of the character. On release date

    And, I find survivor's like that boring to play against.

    I want to change my focus though when, I come out of matches. Sometimes I'm so mad at the other team that another team just trying to have fun gets that backlash ,but the survivor's mentality gets so smeered they all become the enemy.

  • Member Posts: 156

    The matchmaking and toxicity are the biggest turn offs for me as a killer main, followed by the grind.

    For matchmaking, I wish there was a better balance. The theory behind it is sound, playing against people our own rank and just above would be great, but oftentimes it's so badly skewed that a new or lower ranked killer has difficulty learning enough to survive and play effectively at their own level of experience without seeking outside sources of aid. You practically need to study for the role because the intuitive learning model the game tries to use just doesn't function correctly.

    Toxicity...let's be honest, there's no concrete way to fix it. Even instituting a good sportsmanship reward system would be abused. It just wears on a person to be harangued for playing a role that win or lose, following the Survivors Rulebook or not, you get coated in verbal and written effluvium to the point where you could double as a Netflix comedy special.

    Now about the grind, it's not too bad once you get told you can use past Rift challenges to earn BP, but not only are you never explicitly told you can do this, but you have to tediously plan what characters to grind out first for "meta/necessary" perks with a single chance to make it happen easily or you risk being at the mercy of an expensive and time intensive rng system.

    When coupled with the matchmaking and toxicity, the grind becomes very aptly named as you're essentially fumbling in the dark trying to navigate a hedge maze made of thorn bushes while a mass of voices with differing intents whisper and hiss at you from every direction how you should be going about this as a disembodied arm shows up every few feet to shove you around.

    I really do enjoy the game, but man alive is it difficult to push through to where I'm told the experience becomes easier to enjoy. ^_^'

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    me when i get matches like that

  • Member Posts: 27

    I just went up against a team with all flashlights. Let's just say, I didn't go so easy on them. :)

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Usually an easy W if they try it. Not much that I haven't seen in 2500 hrs.

  • Member Posts: 311

    I had a lobby full of flashlights the other day. I was dreading the match. At the last minute I decided to switch in Franklin’s Demise which I don’t usually use.

    They still won, and went for a lot of flashlights, but were a lot less cocky after I made them drop their weapons.

    Plus survivor go for some pretty dumb plays to retrieve their lost items. That team did anyway.

  • Member Posts: 1,246

    Typically survivor main, but play killer sometimes.

    Find these teams obnoxious, but I always win against them because they don't do the objectives, and when they do, they prioritize totems over gens. They proceed to call me boring and toxic and leave mean comments on my steam profile.

    So they're unfun, and the inevitable win is tainted by their sheer toxicity.

    What's worse is when it's a three man SWF, and the poor, poor solo que that got matched up with them doesn't have fun either, cause they can't do anything substantial and their teammates aren't doing anything.

  • Member Posts: 1,122

    Just ignore them, or if you can bring something to shut down their gameplay. Full flashlight squad? Run Lightborn. They want to all get chased? Just eat pallets until they have nowhere to run. Don't let them do what they want and theyll go nuts. I do it all the time with Object players, they throw the game cause they want to get chased so bad lol.

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