Has anyone else dealt with hatch campers these past couple of days?

lKillYouSoftly Member Posts: 14
edited January 2021 in General Discussions

So I've been trying to farm BP + get some Rift challenges done, and for some reason I have been seeing quite a bit of teammates trying to camp hatch this weekend?

On Saturday I was on my low level account [aka my alt] and had two red ranks [I was yellow, I love the matchmaking /s] sit at the hatch with a purple key waiting to leave me after I got hooked. I wasn't being camped or anything, but as soon as I hit the hook they left and I died. They had every chance to grab me so I could leave too, but I guess not. Fun.

Earlier today I had the longest game of my life on my main. Two were dead and I was on death hook the next time I'm downed, but Yui sat at the hatch waiting for me to die. I shook my head at her due to the fact that we just had one gen left, and luckily she stopped being useless and we went to find a gen to do. The Huntress I was up against was really nice and she let me live [it was as if she knew Yui wasn't too pleasant]. At the end I left my toolbox as an offering, but she took it and teabagged me.

After that game, I had two Elodie's that kept running from me and it turns out one had a key that they were planning on using to leave early. I tried running after them so I could leave too [I got tired of being left alone???] but they wouldn't stop running from me, so I just said screw it and dealt with the anxiety that came with unlocking the exit gates. I left that match alive, but saltier than the Atlantic ocean.

Then, hours ago, I played a game where Dwight sat on hatch and did absolutely nothing to come get me off of the hook, so just to get out of there and save my time from being wasted I died on hook and he jumped through.

Am I cursed? Did I get hexed IRL, or are any of you dealing with people like this? I'm getting very tired and am being drawn to the Killer Main life.


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Just another reason to remove the hatch.

    People become anti teammates and sabotage the game because of it.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638

    It could be related to one of the Rift Challenges, where Survivors have to escape through hatch.

  • lKillYouSoftly
    lKillYouSoftly Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2021


    Or let it spawn AFTER 3 people have been sacrificed. It's so tiring. I gave up and bought the rest of the rift cause I didn't wanna deal with people like that anymore lmao

    I know what it's like to have to complete a rift challenge; it's stressful and the rift closes soon so the tensions are high, but why be useless and refuse to assist your teammates? At least try and say you did what you could. All it's asking for is salt and angry messages.

  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    When it's just 2 survivors left it's understandable to camp hatch when one person is hooked. Going for the unhook would just kill you both, but if you hide there is potential that one person can escape.

  • NoelleMina
    NoelleMina Member Posts: 638
    edited January 2021

    It sucks yeah, especially since Survivors can play as selfishly as they want, but it is what it is, I guess.

    Some of the situations similar to the ones you listed above is why I dodge keys in Solo. Not worth getting demotivated over.

  • lKillYouSoftly
    lKillYouSoftly Member Posts: 14

    I don't touch keys either tbh. Green keys are useless and you're at risk of being tunneled/camped if you're carrying a purple/pink one. Unless I find one in a chest and I know the game isn't gonna work out I just leave em to rot.

  • halfmanhalfape
    halfmanhalfape Member Posts: 153

    I haven’t had teammates camping hatch but just not engaging with the killer. I’ve been consistently getting blendettes every match (at least 1 sometimes 2), who immerse all game, and do gens only when I’m in a chase, and then beeline straight for the exit gates once all gens are done. They stick around because they feel bad someone is on the hook, but they never actually attempt a save, just waiting till the person dies on hook before they go “ah I tried” and then escaping.

    I’ve been having a blast because I’m faring better in chases but between this and Freddy every other match, the game is getting stale.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I played a round yesterday as killer on a farm map. Killed one Claudette, had hooked a Steve twice, a Kate once, and a 2nd Claudette I'd hit, but never hooked. The survivors had gotten me down to one gen (all three remaining gens were pretty close to one another).

    I finally hooked the 2nd Claudette and saw the Steve with BBQ off in the distance, but didn't see the Kate (and assumed she was close). I headed off to try to cut off the Steve, who I assumed would be going for the rescue. Not finding him. I circled back and caught the injured Kate sneaking back for the rescue, downed and hooked her. With BBQ, I saw the Steve in the same area he'd been before, now teabagging frantically, and I realized he had been camping the hatch (which I didn't know was there) the whole time. He was trying to signal his teammates to give up.

    I got to him and downed him. I give a lot of hatches as killer, but he wasn't getting an ounce of mercy from me. He was willing to let the Claudette die on first hook and the Kate on her 2nd rather than make any attempt at a rescue (and he had ample opportunity to have at least rescued the Claudette). The Claudette struggled to the very end, giving me the time I needed to get to the Steve and finish him off. I'm sure she did so to make sure he didn't get out, since he had no intention of being a good teammate and rescuing either of his hooked comrades. If I could have given her or the Kate the hatch, I would have just as long as that Steve died on hook. Terrible team play by that Steve -- rescue your teammates and don't camp a hatch, Rift challenges or not!

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    They should just completely remove the hatch.

    The gate doesn´t closes behind the third survivor when four are about to escape. So why reward failure? Just give the killer the oportunity to trigger the EGC whenever he feels like (even with 4 survivors alive). That way killers could also end a situation where survivors hide instead of doing gens or anything.

  • 6yXJI0
    6yXJI0 Member Posts: 589

    What should last survivor do if you remove the hatch?

  • Asssblasster625
    Asssblasster625 Member Posts: 629

    At that point I’d bring the killer to my teammates

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    EGC should start automatically. Powering the gates. The last survivor still has the option to open a gate. + Wake Up would see some more action.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Having ways of being selfish is part of the game design. If you look more closely, you will see that this competitive aspect between the survivors is everywhere. Survivors have to compete for unhooks, for chests, for totems. They actually can compete for their time being alive in the trial: they may intentionally lead the killer to the gens so that the killer gets off them. I myself did this when I didn't feel like being chased at the moment. The hatch is yet another limited resource they have to compete for.

    It's not a purely cooperative game if you play with random people, and it's like this by design. The hatch gives an additional dilemma to the last survivor: "will I be an ######### and camp the hatch or do I go for a risky save?" It's not only a moral choice, but also a gamble: safe unhooking gives you additional points and emblems, but you risk losing that escape. The same happens with the gates too: sometimes survivors will just rush out not wishing to risk going for the save, especially if they are not sure about NOED. it's part of what makes this game unique and far more interesting and adds more depth to it. The common goal is to fix 5 gens, and if you come to think of it - it's THE ONLY common goal the survivors have: everything else is a resource they have to compete for against each other. Once the gens are done or if it's not possible anymore - the common goal is gone, and everyone is for himself, unless they decide to be heroes (and risk for some extra points).

    Also, if you are looking at it from a purely cooperative point of view, it's a common practice to give the hatch to the last survivor by dying on hook, if there are still gens to do. It's virtually impossible for 2 survivors to do a gen and then for both of them escape, and prolonging the game by struggling just gives the killer more chances to get 4k instead of 3k. Going for the unhook in such a situation is also risky and most of the times it just ends with 4k since now the killer knows where both of you are. If you are working for the common goal to stop the killer getting his 4k and additional points, you should let go and give the other survivor the hatch. That's exactly what I and most other good survivors do. Yes, it sucks to be the one on the hook, but in the next game you can be the one at the hatch and your teammate will give it to you, that's how karma is supposed to work.