What in gods name is wrong with the matchmaking system
Five games in a row I have been pinned up against rank four or below survivors, I'm only rank nine and I feel this is very unfair especially if I want to play as a new killer who I am unfamiliar with. I cant be the only one experiencing this. its very discouraging to even play the game when I want to play as a baby killer who will be forced against pro survivors.
I'm probably just gonna end up waiting till the next season to play killer again.
what time do you play. if only few killer on server, you must be trapped with current survivor that available in lobby.
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ah I played like 3 in the morn
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Not enough people play killer so the game gets progressively more lenient with matchmaking the longer survivors wait in queue until this kind of thing happens.
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Doesnt matter the time ngl
I just made a thread about this
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There are not enough red rank killers around. That's why you get matched against red rank survivors.
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I have just started playing killer at more ideal times, no more super late night games due to constant red ranked survivors.
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Id prefer the game to only maych me with my colour only ans not any colour above me.
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Are you doing an SWF team with any of those other players? If so that could explain the disparity.
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My last match was a swf with red ranks on pc. Im on ps4 ao i auto get a disadvantage.
Its like match making isnt a thing in thi game.
It's actuallt getting on my nervea that much it might be timw to move on to a descent game. Whe i say deacent i mean balanced.