A streak of getting tunneled out of matches?

I had a streak of 4 games where I got tunneled out of the game. I played as Nea, no toxic behaviour (t-bagging, flashlight, ..), solo queue.

First game: I spawn with a teammate next to a gen. We work on it and Bubba joins the party. He downs the other player, chases me and get downed after a bit. He proxy camped me until I struggle, teammate goes for the save, Bubba does that thing of his and back to God Nea goes.

Second game: Killer (Pig) burns a bloody party streamer. All 4 of us sucked to be fair, we all got hooked each once before a single gen was done. I play with empathy so I saw a teammate getting hit and shortly after fixing a gen (with the killer showing some mercy on us presumably). I work on a gen on my one when I spotted her crouching up to me. I was naïve enough to assume she'd let me finish it. I get hit, chased, downed, hooked and after back to God Nea goes. I did spectate afterwards to confirm she was letting 2 other ones finish gens and escape.

Third game: this one was alright. We put some pressure on her, we finished 4 gens with only me getting hooked once during the entire game so far. She did eventually run into me and other 2 teammates working on the final gen. The other 3 did escape eventually.

Fourth game: Legion finds me in early game so I looped him for a bit. He did eventually treat me with some quality hook time and decided then and there I'm a goner. I get unhooked with him nearby. The teammate who unhooked me took a hit but for some reason I don't understand, he switches his attention back to me who is a bit further away. Anyhow, he did eventually catch up, I didn't struggle and back to God Nea goes.

So my question to killer mains here, is there something that makes you tunnel a player out of the game? Something wrong with Nea? Just a string of bad luck? I'm honestly curious to know


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited January 2021

    Bad luck.

    I mean the game as a whole is like 80% luck 20% skill. Be it luck with the map, the spawns, RNG mechanics, what items people have, if the person has the right perks even unlocked, if matchmaker is even being fair, etc etc.....

    What it boils down to is usually killers struggling and doing w/e it takes to get a kill.

  • Rybe
    Rybe Member Posts: 44

    I'd guess bad luck too.

    When I play killer I try to avoid tunneling, but it can happen more or less on accident, or by necessity if the team's playing well and one poor soul is the weak link who I keep finding.

    If I could guess with the Legion, maybe he feral frenzy hit the other person then doubled back and broke frenzy to down you? The way his power works out that situation comes up a LOT. And if you're sweating it up, it is probably the better move...

    My only guess on the pig is maybe the others offered boops. Still a dick move.

    The one Nea specific thing I could think of is if you're teaming up with other similarly dressed Neas. This might be a me having brain worms problem, but sometimes when I'm playing killer and I have a hard time remembering who I just hooked if I have two survivors who are too similar. Doesn't even have to be same outfit, just vaguely similar...

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    My streak for being tunneled out of game is 3

    Then, the next 9 consecutive matches I neg pipped from a combination of teammates farming each other right in front of the killer, DCing, and ending the match on first hook, so quickly that there wasn’t even time or opportunity to safety pip.

    I went from Rank 1 to Rank 4 and 3pips

    It was a unfortunate streak😔

    Took a short break to rest, mentally