Create a meme perk!

Just a fun topic where you give your ideas for potential memey perks that could be as dumb and gimmicky as you want to make it!
2, 4, 6, 8!
While standing within 4 meters of a generator that is being repaired by someone else, press the Active Ability button to perform a dance cheering on your teammates. Each survivor working on the generator gets a 2/4/6% bonus to repair speed and Great Skill Check success zones become 8% bigger.
The Basement Hooks are granted the following bonuses:
- 3/6/9 % faster Entity progression.
- 5/10/15 % increased difficulty on escape attempts.
- 3/6/9 % increased penalty to escape fails.
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Death to the Sweat: When a survivor tea-bags within your line of sight, they are become exposed for the rest of the trial/the rest of the trial/the rest of the trial. They also become moirable.
"Get gamer'd on, kid." - ???
Post edited by QwQw on8 -
You start the game injured and are permanently broken
You're 50% quieter
You can pick yourself off the ground
You don't leave blood trails
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“Ring Around The Rosie”
All players auras are revealed to each other at all times except for players within 8 metres of the map perimeter.
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Killer Perk “Bad Curry”
Survivor screams are turned into fart sounds.
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Hex Bush: When a survivor refuses to interact with anything for more than 60 seconds they start to sprout branches and leaves. The longer they refuse to interact, the more they grow until they finally sprout roots and get rooted in place.
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Killer/Survivor perk: "Carefree"
Movement animations when sprinting (Survivor) or moving at full base speed (Killer) now show them to be happily skipping with arms swinging back and forth instead of the default run animations.
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So Monstrous Shrine?
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Pop Goes The Warden
-As soon as the Exit Gate is open, Pop Goes the Warden is activated. Generators you damage now instantly loses 25% of its progress.
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Jack in the box
Let's the killer hide in lockers and gives the obsession the terror radius. Jump out to stun passing survivors.
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Hex: Arthritis
Repeatedly crouching causes 60 seconds of exhaustion and the hindered status effect
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I was thinking repeatedly crouching would tear their groin and cause them to writhe on the ground in pain for the rest of the trial.
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Past interactions with killers have enraged you.
For every 10 seconds the killer is within 12/16/20 meters of a hooked survivor gain a Token for a maximum of 3/4/5 Tokens. Press the Active Ability button whilst on the hook or while crouching to scream "CAMPER!!!" at the killer.
Each token adds an increasing degree of rage to your screams.
"You realize there's rules you need to follow, right?!" - Some survivor main.
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Forever Slug!
Your being the slug you've always wanted to be. While being slugged:
- Your bleed out timer doesn't decrease
- Leave a rainbow trail behind you as you crawl. The trail disappears after 30 seconds.
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When near a dead survivor, crouch then press E to diagnose them with the debuff 'dead'
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The Power of Dwight - Gotten by playing Dwight for 100 hours.
You can now teleport between lockers and can always see lockers on the map. When you rush out of a locker all lockers on the map open and make a noise notification. If the killer is in front of a locker it stuns him.
If the killer tries to pull you out of a locker, you instead pull the killer into the locker where it is stuck for the rest of the match, consumed by both how awesome you are and by your incredible power. In exchange one generator becomes un-repairable for the entirety of the match to balance it out.
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Reverse Iron Will;
You breathe 100% louder and grunts of pain are 200% louder and can be heard at 36 extra meters away,
However the sounds produced by survivors are omnidirectional similar to the huntress' lullaby sound, so the killer will be able to hear the obnoxiously loud survivors but never be able to pinpoint an exact location
essentially Elodie on Switch as perk
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Hatching a Plan
- Hatch takes 1/2/3 fewer generators done/survivors dead to spawn
- You can open the hatch without a key
- When the killer tries to close the hatch they jump in, escaping the trial
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I'm sorry I saw an opportunity and took it this is the biggest mistake of my life
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Loud Spirit.
You scream twice as loud, and have a 100% chance to cause nearby crows to become aggressive.
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Fair fair 😂 though that second slug looks kinda like a different SLU word 😂
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Just for fun :D
You lurk in the shadows, ready to scare your teammates. You are a creative soul and a twisted one at that.
You start with 2 tokens. Press the Active Ability button while standing still to consume a token. Turn into a cosplay of a random killer for 10/15/20 seconds when uninjured. When under the effects of Turncoat you emit a Terror Radius similar to the cosplayed killer.
Once Turncoat is active you can press the Active Ability button again to preform a Fake Hit. Fake Hit doesnt do anything, but you might scare the cannoli's out of someone.
"Gottem!" - me
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Cry of the Banshee
(A teachable perk from Elodie Rakoto)
Increases your scream sounds by 100000% and inflicts the status effect 'deaf' upon all players in real life
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no that's a G I promise you that's a G they're all capitals so it must be a G
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She has it basekit on the Switch!
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Salty slug
When left on the ground for longer than 30 seconds, the killer cannot pick you up for the remainder of the trial, at the cost of being unable to escape through the exit gate. Your bleed out timer is increased 5x fold.
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I don't know man lol that definitely looks like something else. It's ok I definitely won't tell anyone 😂
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it's a G- though I am a T for David I stan BLACKPINK far too much for that lol
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Fair enough lol
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Not mine buuut
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Pandora's Box
You know how to get what you want. The Entity knows how to punish you for this.
Opening a chest will guarantee you find an ultra rare item but create a loud noise notification and reveal your aura to the killer for 10/8/6 seconds.
We've won.. But at what cost?
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You look out for number one.
When you will be instantly sacrificed on your next hook, and you are picked up, Apocalypse activates. All survivors not currently in a locker receive visual distortions. When you are placed on a hook, one random survivor not in a locker swaps places with you and is placed on the hook instead of you.
Apocalypse only activates once per survivor. After Apocalypse activates, suffer from the Broken status effect for the remainder of the trial.
"This is what you get for self caring in the corner of the map, Blendette." - Richard Head
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Tit for tat
Your legs are tired, your mind is numb, all the pallets are gone and no gens are done.
If you have been in chase for an accumulation of 2 minutes and there is a survivor that has not touched a gen, they die and you are given a endurance buff.
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Hex: Cooldowns
Whenever performing a basic attack gain a 2% haste for 3 seconds and block all nearby pallets/vaults for 3 seconds. 180 second cooldown.
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Switch players be like
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M18A1 Claymore Mine addon
- Survivors that step on a "trap" with this addon are instantly killed.
- Survivors also within 50m are put into the dying state.
"Escape this one first try *******s!"
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"The Doctor" is immediately (Mercifully) self mori'd at the start of the match.
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Explosive getaway
Press the active ability button to blow up a gen
If the killer is within 3 meters it will be stunned for 3 seconds
Causes the incapacitated status effect for 40/35/30 seconds
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I'd run that on Doctor with Infectious Fright and Distressing.
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2nd Amendment: the first item you rummage out of a chest will be a AR-15, A Remington 870, a Glock 18 or a Musket, you can then kill the killer, winning on the spot
"exactly as the founding fathers intended"- Me
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Improvisation is everything!
Long, exhausting nights sparked your improvisational spirit.
At any generator spawning position own the map you're able to pump up 1 rubber generator. The generator works like a normal generator.
It takes 60/50/40 seconds to fully pump up the generator.
Improvisation is everything! is activated, if there is less than 40 meters between each of the last three generators.
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Survivor perk : I'm sick of this
If you get farmed off the hook you get the ability to unhook yourself and hook the survivor that farmed you.
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Survivor Perk:
Never Again
At the Start of the Trail, the perk activates for 35/40/45 Seconds.
Starting a chase with the killer will grant a 10% Haste effect for the duration of the timer.
Never Again will deactivate when the timer runs out or when another survivor is injured.
"What?? Found me first again?!"
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Suit Up (Survivor Perk):
After failing 7/6/5 skill checks, hide in a locker for 10 seconds to activate Suit Up. Upon leaving the locker, you will become an extra Killer of your choice.
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This one needs a Piggy rbt variant please!
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"Hex: This one is mine"
Killer perk: once the gates have been powered and a surv is hooked this perk activates. While this hex stands the killer circles the hooked surv, creating an ever-inceasing barrier of pestulant flowers around the hook.
Barrier slows surv movement and unhooking speeds 15/20/25% and nulifies the killer's terror radius. Hooked surv is granted +500% bonus struggle points.
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what if you scare the killer with that
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"Office Space"
Killer perk: After the killer has kicked the same generator at least 4 times this perk activates.
Continuing to kick the generator and succeeding 4/3/2 very difficult skill checks will critically damage the generator, making it unrepairable for the remainder of the trial, and then this perk deactivates.
-"damn it feels good to be a gangsta"
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Survivor perk:
Slugg fuel 3000
When in dying state you move 120% movement speed for 15 seconds. You leave significantly bigger and wider blood trail and bleed out after 120 seconds.