Spirit should not be able to hear survivors while phasing at all

nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
edited August 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

This would end it finally.

It would make stridor useless as much as Iron will, good spirits who don't run stridor would still be good spirits who absolutely dominate the field, while bad spirits who run stridor would finally have to get good instead of being served with easy and free 4ks vs soloqueuers and around-average players (who as usual are the vast majority of the playerbase, contrary to what this forum aka echo chamber of terrible killers believes)

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    It seems you were recently burned by Spirits. I know it sucks and I´m also in favor of adjustments to get her more in line with the other Killers, but what you suggest here would be way overkill imo.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075
    edited August 2020

    I didn't say no sounds, she can still hear footsteps when she's not using steidor, which are quite loud given you're using a good headset

    The removal of collision was a non-nerf. She's still equally strong.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    There'd need to be some compensation tho so she can actually find people at all though. Blood, auras, collision back etc

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164
    edited August 2020

    Before disabling sound for Spirit, I'd like the devs to fix the game so I can actually locate anything by audio ever. I keep seeing other people talk about this ability and it sounds amazing.

    And before anyone tells me it's just me, it's not. Maybe it's a PS4 thing, but it's not isolated to only me. I usually play with the game on mute these days because the audio is more confusing than helpful. And it sucks. I can still see the survivors... well, sometimes, kinda, depending on the map... but anyway in theory I can see them and it's still awful to play killer like that. Spirit can't even see survivors while phasing, so that would suck double for her.

    You're complaining specifically about Spirits who run Stridor. Even the ones who don't run Stridor probably still use sound to play. Spirit can't see auras, she can't see survivors, she can't see blood... she can see scratchmarks (which are often late and/or broken) and grass move (and grass is constantly moving on its own, anyway)...

    Stridor is there to counter Iron Will, because most things in the game have some sort of counter. Rather than make Spirit deaf on top of blind while phasing, though, I'd rather see Stridor get changed to have a different effect. Or make Stridor like aura perks, it specifically doesn't work while Spirit is phasing.

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    What's the difference between changing stridor and making her unable to hear survivors while phasing? Mind, I'm talking about grunts of pain and breathing. It's literally the same thing.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    You do know she can't see survivors while phasing, right? Now you want to get rid of sound? Seriously?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    In your title you say "at all." That implies any and all noises a survivor makes: grunts of pain, breathing, footsteps, everything.

    But still, going by just grunts of pain and breathing... the difference is that killers can hear injured survivors without running Stridor. If you just disable Stridor while phasing, survivors' grunts of pain would no longer be amplified, but unless the survivor is running Iron Will then they'd still be audible. Disabling Stridor and making a killer deaf to all injured survivor sounds are not the same thing at all.

  • JackFrostMan
    JackFrostMan Member Posts: 204

    Look, buddy, spirit is a ######### to deal with but she already can't see survivors AND phases through them. She kinda has to use her ears to help pin down survivors.

    Imagine having to solely track based off scratch marks and faint footsteps. That would kinda be a real hassle to bother with.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Then what would you give her to make up for it? A killer that can't see nor hear survivors would need something pretty drastic to compensate.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    No grunts of pain would be an option. No sound at all would be wrong.

    Or dont let Stridor trump Iron Will (what some people claim to be a "counter" to Spirit, when it is actually not a counter since you dont know before that you are playing against Spirit and she can use Stridor to counter (and really counter) Iron Will), but this would make Stridor basically useless for any other Killer as well.

    (even tho, I almost only see Spirits using it)

  • nursewannabe
    nursewannabe Member Posts: 1,075

    She doesn't need a compensation, playing her like that is literally like playing her without stridor, which brings me back to what I said on the first post: if you need stridor on spirit you're just absolutely terrible

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    What about this? Spirit can't hit survivors after phasing as well? I mean killers rely on sight and hearing, her not being able see limits her a bit that is why she can hear.

    But.....but wait, let's remove scratch marks while we are at it, no sound, no scratch marks and she can't hit after phasing.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    That doesn't make any sense. Playing without Stridor isn't the same thing as playing without being able to hear injured survivors.

    Injured survivors make noise. Normally, that noise is at a volume of 100%. With tier 3 Stridor, the volume of injured survivor noise is 150%. You keep saying not being able to hear injured noises at all, which would mean injured survivors have a volume of 0%. Playing with the volume at 0% is nothing like playing with the volume at 100%.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    Just use Iron Will.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    The funny thing is, that a lot of players want that only the good killers can perform good. And if they do, they want that killers nerfed. Strange, how killers have to get good, while survivors may stay potatoes.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,085

    This Oneliner would make sense if

    a) You would know before that the Killer is Spirit

    b) Stridor would not be a thing

    Other than that "Just use Iron Will" is not really a counter.

  • Roobnus
    Roobnus Member Posts: 375

    It still makes perfect sense. Iron Will is an allrounder perk, helpful against every Killer.

    If the Spirit uses Stridor, that means two things;

    • she wasted a perk slot in case no one uses Iron Will
    • she successfully countered a perk she assumed would be used

    Either way, she had to sacrifice one perk slot to counter a survivor perk that may or may not even be used.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    I always feel that when/if I use strider it really messes up my perception of distance to survivors and nothing else really.

    Maybe I notice someone I would've normally missed but still mistake the distance and/or the object they hide behind.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Survivors should not hear spirit phasing too! I totally agree!

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I have no idea if Spirit is or isn’t overpowered, but if you actually wanted to make her less powerful the better way to do it is decrease her speed while phasing. If she moved closer to the normal 115% speed instead of close to Billy chainsaw sprint speed it would reduce her ability to traverse the map quickly but still leave her the ability to possibly ambush people and mindgame loops.

    Making her only able to hear footsteps is ridiculous though, especially because often footsteps are literally inaudible for some characters and on some maps. She would end up being a 110% speed killer with an ability where she blindly appears somewhere and has no idea where to go next.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I feel like a better nerf to her in chases would be to make it so that survivors have a better idea of whether she is phasing, and once she is phasing, where she is if they pay enough attention and listen hard enough. I can hear Wraith's footsteps when he is pulling up if I'm paying close attention, but I find it much, much harder to hear Spirit. I feel like it should be easier to hear her footsteps OR she should have somewhat louder sounds (like breathing or that weird whining sound she makes sometimes)

    It isn't a perfect and automatic counter in chases, but it gives the survivor SOMETHING to work with.

    I've also heard people suggest that her hearing be slightly lowered while she is phase walking. IDK how I feel about that one but I really do think that Spirit needs to have SOMETHING done when it comes to her chase power. If she didn't have good map control then people might not care as much, but as it is, she is very powerful in every situation and it is frustrating to feel like you can only guess in chases.

  • CremelloJoJo
    CremelloJoJo Member Posts: 76

    Absolutely ridiculous. You need to learn to play Spirit before coming up with things like this and you'll be a lot happier going against her, trust me. She used to be one of my most hated killers to face because I had no idea what to even try in order to counter her until i actually started to play her...now I do way better and actually enjoy facing her because I have a better understanding of the mindgames Spirit players try to pull.

    If you take sounds away from her, she might as well just be deleted from the game.

  • jeanperson
    jeanperson Member Posts: 37

    I understand the point is to remove the almost mandatory need of iron will, it's like 80% people go with that,

    and Spirit need to take stridor to counter it otherwise she is pretty much deaf.

    by Making her deaf by default just remove all those aspect but you need to give something:

    I suggest enabling aura detection perks while in phasing, I'm all ear would become a way to go, ironically for her being deaf.

  • hello_hru
    hello_hru Member Posts: 44

    No, that's a terrible idea.

    If there's a nerf needed, it should be to give her a visual cue when phasing to take away the braindead mind game of standing still. I'm perfectly okay with that. But don't get make stridor useless on the one killer it's actually good on.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    I don't know how or when it started but I think making Stridor completely cancel out Iron Will is one of the most egregious things the devs and community have done.

  • hello_hru
    hello_hru Member Posts: 44

    I disagree. Stridor is a useless perk on basically anyone else but Spirit whereas Iron Will, while strongest against Spirit, is still good across the board. The Stridor/Iron Will interaction is fine, seriously.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    A agree that Spirit needs a form of counter play, but this ain't the way. This would maker Spirit awful to play as and complete trash. Instead, how about we bring back the bug that made survivors able to hear Spirit's breathing? It seems like the community liked that idea a lot.

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    Am a Spirit main who doesn't use Stridor and I can say that if a survivor is injured and doesn't have Iron Will, I may as well see them while phasing and nothing would change. Injured sounds are a huge giveaway, Spirit would be a much more fair killer if the only sounds she could hear were footsteps and breathing. Good Spirit's already need to master using these since there are many Iron Wills in high ranks anyways.

  • kaijudane
    kaijudane Member Posts: 139

    No, it's not. Statistics aren't the point either. There should no perk on either side that completely negates another.

  • hello_hru
    hello_hru Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2021

    I get you want counterplay, but iron will + crouching? Braindead, yet the potential is there to completely outplay a killer by doing literally nothing. No thanks.

    I also get the point you're trying to make about perks countering other perks, but it sounds like if Iron Will countered Stridor you'd be okay with it.

    Dbd is one of the only games I know of that artificially increases the difficulty of matches by granting zero control of in-game sound volumes outside of a master volume slider and having a limited base FOV with no FOV slider. They know it's broken too which is why perks exists to adjust these. If Stridor didn't exist but there was proper volume controls, what would you then complain about? "Take the volume bars out the game, they're completely OP" lol.

    Tell you what man, I'll happily give up Stridor for proper in-game volume controls. Happily.