Which killer shall I buy with shards?

I've reached 9000 shards and I want to take a killer, I am undecided between the plague (wich I already have all her perks taken from the shrine of secrets) and the twins (wich I don't have any perk of that killer), so... I think both of them are fun to use and I am on ps4.
Which one is better to take first for their efficiency and for the difficulty to use them on ps4?
Which killer shall I buy with shards? 49 votes
None of them
Sorry mate, but both of those killers suck. I'd pick Plague for her perks, but you already have em'.
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None of them
Twins seem like fun but no idea if the bugs are mostly fixed or not.
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None of them
I mean, you already have all the plague perks, and she's okay, the twins are also okay, but there are better killers, so which other killers don't you have?
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None of them
I would buy the DLCs so you can get an extra survivor as well.
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None of them
They're going to buy them with shards, not irl money, so I respect the grind, and the survivors aren't really worth it, and not everyone can buy all the DLCs, and save your money for the licensed DLCs.
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The Twins
Spending Shards on unlocking Killers and Survivors are the best way to spend them in my opinion. Out of those 2, considering also your perks situation, i'd go with Twins too. 🙂
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The Twins
I already have hag, doctor, spirit, legion, oni, deathslinger and blight for the killers without licence, I think I miss only clown and these 2 but I don't like the clown at all and I already have all of his perks taken from the shrine
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The Plague
I didn't see that you said that you had all the Plague's Perks. Twins are the better bet then so you can get all of her perks, since she has some solid ones, especially Oppression.
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The Plague
Me rn:
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The Twins
Sadly it's too late because I already chosen the twins but the next one will be 99.9% the plague