Console and PC killer difference.

Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
edited June 2018 in General Discussions
Let's just be honest with each other. What works for you probably wont-work for me. OK now it that we got that out the way.  Let me just start off by saying that I am a primarily console dead by daylight player. 

 OK now that that's cleared up. Let's start talking about The Killers.

People on PC constantly scream about how overpowered the nurse is.  Now don't get me wrong I can see that It might be the case  But she is the hardest killer to learn  and even harder to master. 
 On console  she is absolute garbage.  Seriously, I have never seen killers get bully that hard. We run loops around her And not to mention that if we managed to stun her with a pallet she better hope there isn't a flashlight user nearby. 

  You see killers on PC and console are dramatically different in terms of rank. 

 A good some of you or maybe all of you say that the wraith and Freddie are trash.  How ever on console they're pretty powerful if you know how to use them. Not just that but thanks to people listening to YouTubeers and streamers that constantly say they're trash  they lower people's expectations.

 Which is funny because The wraith is my main and  and I destroy with him. All because people underestimate me before I even done anything yet.

 That being the case I might one day make my own ranking system of how I see The Killers on console.  Before  I end this discussion  Let me leave you with 2 Things 

1. Devs I hope you can see this.  The nurse on console is weak for a reason. She was already weak to begin with but you need to understand that unlike PC we don't have the option to flick a joystick the same way we flick a mouse.  That being the case she might be the only killer that you have to or maybe in some terms need to buff only on console for the sake of her actually being played because I haven't seen a nurse in months.

2.  But like I say at the beginning what works for you may not work for me. Also I really hope somebody that is a community manager at least sees this. when I bought this game on console I wanted to play the nurse but good lord its almost impossible after that rework.


  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874
    edited June 2018

    Nurse is weak and freddy and wraith are powerfull on console because people on console are casual
    Also you can't reach the same ammount of camera sensibility on a controler that on a mouse.
    Nurse require precision and since her lunge lock on is pretty much awol since her change bad nurse get an even worse time and god nurse have become unstoppable since survivor can't exploit the lockdown to make her hit junk instead of them
    That's all there is.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    This happens if you port a "competitive" game onto a console, which is by definition made for casual gaming.....
    Survivor is so easy that you dont even need to use mouse/keyboard, a lot of players even use controller on PC when they play survivor (that would be a different story if survivor would be 1st person though)

    Now imagine a counterstrike game where one team has to play with consoles and the other one with mouse and keyboard, would turn out badly eh?

  • Manta
    Manta Member Posts: 117
    I think it's give and take. The "wiggle" when caught is definitely harder on a control
  • TheDarkLycan
    TheDarkLycan Member Posts: 435
    Yo I understand, I'm a Freddy main and it seems like it's so easy for me to win, although I am a killer main and have learned how to deal with survivors. There is also a lack of Freddy's in general so people don't have much practice against him.
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I play on console. I consistently run in to two or three nurse main's who are crazy good with blinks and anticipation. I have only run in to one Freddy in the red ranks that had an end game build and strategy that worked. I have never seen a wraith in the red ranks. I think it depends on the killer you are seeing and at what rank.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    On Cosole, the vast majority of players are survivors. I am in a few facebook groups and every poll it's overwhelmingly survivor main sided, Past 9pm it takes 20 - 30 minutes to get a game if you are playing SWF. I play a fair amount of Killer and past 9pm you mostly face SWF as well, killers will back out of those games because it's simply not fun for them, so it's this long cycle repeated over and over.

    Since most players on console are survivor mains, most of them won't ever gravitate towards playing the nurse. I have played this game since it launched on PS4. I might get a nurse once ever couple of days. Might work out to once ever 20-30 matches. Do I think she is worse on Console? not really, I just think nobody really plays her. I haven't faced many middle tier nurse players, either they are trying to do a daily or learning, or they are fantastic (but there are not many of them)

    A ranking system or something people can use to compete / brag to each other about would probably change this in a big way. Honestly there is ZERO reason to play this game other than the fact that you just really like it. If that is the case then why not play with friends? So you get stuck where we are now.

    TLDR; Console is mostly survivors, no one plays killer and those killers also don't play nurse.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    When I say ranking system, I mean some type of leaderboard. I really feel like this is lacking, people like to know their stats. I believe BHVR said they were working on this, I really think this is low hanging fruit to help engagement.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    edited June 2018
    MeowLux said:

    @Dragonredking said:
    Nurse is weak and freddy and wraith are powerfull on console because people on console are casual
    Also you can't reach the same ammount of camera sensibility on a controler that on a mouse.
    Nurse require precision and since her lunge lock on is pretty much awol since her change bad nurse get an even worse time and god nurse have become unstoppable since survivor can't exploit the lockdown to make her hit junk instead of them
    That's all there is.

    I also like to write in colors that make my eyes bleed! ;)

    Not only do I write in colors that make my eyes bleed but I also call people casual without knowing their skill level. Because we're not on steam I can't check somebody's profile like a stalker

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405
    OK I got some good answers here cool. Now has for us being casual.  That's pretty funny giving the fact that I play this game every day. Asola could be taken as rude to just call someone casual if you don't really know them. 

      Anyway getting back on topic. Any killer can be powerful if you know how to play them. That's just how it works also we have to remember that  Survivors have to make mistakes. When they do we have to capitalize. 

      Anyway I'm happy how this post turned out and I hope others keep commenting
  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    One thing I'll say that my mouse is so ######### that even at maximum DPI(how sensitive the mouse is) and maximum camera sensitivity, hitting 360's is very hard. Every time I think about trying to hit 360'ers with a controller I cringe.

  • Countfunkular
    Countfunkular Member Posts: 405

    One thing I'll say that my mouse is so ######### that even at maximum DPI(how sensitive the mouse is) and maximum camera sensitivity, hitting 360's is very hard. Every time I think about trying to hit 360'ers with a controller I cringe.

     Has crazy as it might sound some people have actually managed to 360. I don't know how I think they're plugging in a mouse 

     I seriously don't know what black magic they're using
  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @Countfunkular said:
    RagingCalm said:

    One thing I'll say that my mouse is so ######### that even at maximum DPI(how sensitive the mouse is) and maximum camera sensitivity, hitting 360's is very hard. Every time I think about trying to hit 360'ers with a controller I cringe.

     Has crazy as it might sound some people have actually managed to 360. I don't know how I think they're plugging in a mouse 

     I seriously don't know what black magic they're using

    360's as survivor are not hard to do, move controller sensitivity to 100.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @MyFreddyIsBae said:
    A console player here.
    There is only one reason why you  see few nurses on console.... Framerate :) 

    And that is one of the main reasons I do not play the Nurse on console.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @MyFreddyIsBae said:
    A console player here.
    There is only one reason why you  see few nurses on console.... Framerate :) 

    And that is one of the main reasons I do not play the Nurse on console.

    Is that something that is fixable by the game makers??

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Shipthebread said:

    @lasombra1979 said:

    @MyFreddyIsBae said:
    A console player here.
    There is only one reason why you  see few nurses on console.... Framerate :) 

    And that is one of the main reasons I do not play the Nurse on console.

    Is that something that is fixable by the game makers??

    I know they have stated several times in the dev twitchs they are aware of the issue. I hope they resolve it because it does cause a lot of headaches for both killers and survivors.

  • Shipthebread
    Shipthebread Member Posts: 415

    Yeah I am not someone who really ever noticed that type of thing before. My brother got it on PC after I had been playing it daily on PS4 for a good 6-8 months. It was like butter on PC so smooth everything just felt nice.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Countfunkular said:
    RagingCalm said:

    One thing I'll say that my mouse is so ######### that even at maximum DPI(how sensitive the mouse is) and maximum camera sensitivity, hitting 360's is very hard. Every time I think about trying to hit 360'ers with a controller I cringe.

     Has crazy as it might sound some people have actually managed to 360. I don't know how I think they're plugging in a mouse 

     I seriously don't know what black magic they're using

    360's as survivor are not hard to do, move controller sensitivity to 100.

    The only reason 360's work on console is if the killer is stupid or frame rate drops.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    @only1biggs said:

    @Shipthebread said:

    @Countfunkular said:
    RagingCalm said:

    One thing I'll say that my mouse is so ######### that even at maximum DPI(how sensitive the mouse is) and maximum camera sensitivity, hitting 360's is very hard. Every time I think about trying to hit 360'ers with a controller I cringe.

     Has crazy as it might sound some people have actually managed to 360. I don't know how I think they're plugging in a mouse 

     I seriously don't know what black magic they're using

    360's as survivor are not hard to do, move controller sensitivity to 100.

    The only reason 360's work on console is if the killer is stupid or frame rate drops.

    Can confirm, as the 360 on console has no ellipse, and is a tight circle with standard momentum, I can just do a killer 360 as hitboxes are just a rectangle in front of the killer, and hit em.

  • TheDarkLycan
    TheDarkLycan Member Posts: 435
    fcc2014 said:

    I play on console. I consistently run in to two or three nurse main's who are crazy good with blinks and anticipation. I have only run in to one Freddy in the red ranks that had an end game build and strategy that worked. I have never seen a wraith in the red ranks. I think it depends on the killer you are seeing and at what rank.

    That Freddy was likely me
  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    @Countfunkular said:
    Let's just be honest with each other. What works for you probably wont-work for me. OK now it that we got that out the way.  Let me just start off by saying that I am a primarily console dead by daylight player. 

     OK now that that's cleared up. Let's start talking about The Killers.

    People on PC constantly scream about how overpowered the nurse is.  Now don't get me wrong I can see that It might be the case  But she is the hardest killer to learn  and even harder to master. 
     On console  she is absolute garbage.  Seriously, I have never seen killers get bully that hard. We run loops around her And not to mention that if we managed to stun her with a pallet she better hope there isn't a flashlight user nearby. 

      You see killers on PC and console are dramatically different in terms of rank. 

     A good some of you or maybe all of you say that the wraith and Freddie are trash.  How ever on console they're pretty powerful if you know how to use them. Not just that but thanks to people listening to YouTubeers and streamers that constantly say they're trash  they lower people's expectations.

     Which is funny because The wraith is my main and  and I destroy with him. All because people underestimate me before I even done anything yet.

     That being the case I might one day make my own ranking system of how I see The Killers on console.  Before  I end this discussion  Let me leave you with 2 Things 

    1. Devs I hope you can see this.  The nurse on console is weak for a reason. She was already weak to begin with but you need to understand that unlike PC we don't have the option to flick a joystick the same way we flick a mouse.  That being the case she might be the only killer that you have to or maybe in some terms need to buff only on console for the sake of her actually being played because I haven't seen a nurse in months.

    2.  But like I say at the beginning what works for you may not work for me. Also I really hope somebody that is a community manager at least sees this. when I bought this game on console I wanted to play the nurse but good lord its almost impossible after that rework.

    Sorry bud but I have over 1,000 hours on Console and I have a few disagreements here. I have to put a disclaimer here though, as I have an Xbox One X, and can run the game at full frames. Back when I played on my old Xbox One S, it was hell playing Nurse or Huntress. now though they are great. I have all DLC Killers, and all are level 50, as will the Clown be when he drops.

    I main Nurse, and she is amazing, but she requires that she be played well. If you miss time blinks, or mis-aim them, you deserve to be punished. In my beginning days on Dbd, I got bullied hard, but after I started forcing myself to learn her, and get all the perks, I can play some pretty amazing games with her. I agree with the " flick" concept versus a mouse, but keep in mind that controllers also limit the Survivor's capabilities at 360'ing as well. A small buff to the auto-lock for Console Nurse users I would not disagree with though.

    Wraith is okay at best. His recent buff was a steer in the right direction, but he is not good by any stretch of the imagination. Only if survivors make mistakes or he camps, can he remotely secure kills. But after his buff he is definitely better than he was. He benefits from great tracking, and I do well with him too, but he still needs some buffs.

    As far as Freddy, he is utter trash against any survivors that know what they are doing... there is absolutely zero reason why he would be better at Console than on PC. PC has better graphics, better frames, more accuracy by using a mouse... Console is inferior in all these aspects and should impact Freddy negatively. I myself struggle very very rarely playing against Freddy and struggle mightily when I play as him. All the things that he suffers from on PC he suffers just as much if not more from on Console. He is god awful. He needs a complete rework across all platforms.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388
    fcc2014 said:

    I play on console. I consistently run in to two or three nurse main's who are crazy good with blinks and anticipation. I have only run in to one Freddy in the red ranks that had an end game build and strategy that worked. I have never seen a wraith in the red ranks. I think it depends on the killer you are seeing and at what rank.

    That Freddy was likely me
    If that is you i run into every now and then in the red ranks. If or when they buff freddy im going to hate running into you.
  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    I have a couple nurse main friends who play on console with me. They are both rank 1 and one of them used to play her on PC. If anyone wants to see that the nurse can be every bit as powerful on console as on PC (and also happens to have PS4) add my PSN:
  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I played both Pc and Console alot (too many hours) and thePC's community skill is so much higher than console. It's actually work to get to Rank 1 on PC than it is console.

    That being said, we can't disregard the differences though. But, high ranks on both platforms destroy freddy and wraith more than they do with Nurse, period.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Brady said:
    I played both Pc and Console alot (too many hours) and thePC's community skill is so much higher than console. It's actually work to get to Rank 1 on PC than it is console.

    That being said, we can't disregard the differences though. But, high ranks on both platforms destroy freddy and wraith more than they do with Nurse, period.

    All it takes is time to get to rank 1, bud. Sure, you gotta know a little about the game and what you're doing, but on all platforms, rank means little to nothing, especially in regard to how good you are at this game.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @only1biggs said:

    @Brady said:
    I played both Pc and Console alot (too many hours) and thePC's community skill is so much higher than console. It's actually work to get to Rank 1 on PC than it is console.

    That being said, we can't disregard the differences though. But, high ranks on both platforms destroy freddy and wraith more than they do with Nurse, period.

    All it takes is time to get to rank 1, bud. Sure, you gotta know a little about the game and what you're doing, but on all platforms, rank means little to nothing, especially in regard to how good you are at this game.

    Have you seen the difference between a Rank 1 Killer and Rank 20?

    Especially the differences on PS4 than PC, Rank 1 Killers sit on PS4 gently at about Rank 8 on PC. There is a difference when it comes to a lot of killers. Meaning, more time than on PS4. And idk, I see some people never even reach high ranks with playing hours upon hours. So many of you guys are so egotistic and don't actually appreciate some killers and survivor are skilled enough to reach high ranks.

    And I think it does, have you even played against a Rank 1 Killer vs. a Rank 18? Haha man, if you haven't, you're in for a pretty cute picture on the hook. I given acknowledgement that Rank 1 Killers are genuinely skilled in this game. Most having to deal with looping and all too.

    It's easy to bully low ranks man, it's laughable. Completely and utterly a joke. I don't even have to put any effort compared to high ranks where I'm actually attempting to juke and break LoS

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Brady said:

    @only1biggs said:

    @Brady said:
    I played both Pc and Console alot (too many hours) and thePC's community skill is so much higher than console. It's actually work to get to Rank 1 on PC than it is console.

    That being said, we can't disregard the differences though. But, high ranks on both platforms destroy freddy and wraith more than they do with Nurse, period.

    All it takes is time to get to rank 1, bud. Sure, you gotta know a little about the game and what you're doing, but on all platforms, rank means little to nothing, especially in regard to how good you are at this game.

    Have you seen the difference between a Rank 1 Killer and Rank 20?

    Especially the differences on PS4 than PC, Rank 1 Killers sit on PS4 gently at about Rank 8 on PC. There is a difference when it comes to a lot of killers. Meaning, more time than on PS4. And idk, I see some people never even reach high ranks with playing hours upon hours. So many of you guys are so egotistic and don't actually appreciate some killers and survivor are skilled enough to reach high ranks.

    And I think it does, have you even played against a Rank 1 Killer vs. a Rank 18? Haha man, if you haven't, you're in for a pretty cute picture on the hook. I given acknowledgement that Rank 1 Killers are genuinely skilled in this game. Most having to deal with looping and all too.

    It's easy to bully low ranks man, it's laughable. Completely and utterly a joke. I don't even have to put any effort compared to high ranks where I'm actually attempting to juke and break LoS

    Not sure if you intentionally ignored my line of, "Sure, you gotta know a little about the game and what you're doing, but on all platforms, rank means little to nothing, especially in regard to how good you are at this game", but let me elaborate for you.
    If you play this game long enough, you will get "better" by learning things..then you will reach red ranks. It's not indicative of skill. I've played at all levels and there are awful killers and survivors at red ranks just as much as low. The difference is, the lower ranked players are usually more immersed and do nothing, whereas the higher ranks think they know it all and make wrong decisions.
    So, you have to have a little skill to be able to loop/kill correctly and efficiently, but rank is in no way a reflection of one's skill and ability to do things correctly. If you think this way then you are mistaken.

  • HertZ_Bad
    HertZ_Bad Member Posts: 10

    @Countfunkular said:
    RagingCalm said:

    One thing I'll say that my mouse is so ######### that even at maximum DPI(how sensitive the mouse is) and maximum camera sensitivity, hitting 360's is very hard. Every time I think about trying to hit 360'ers with a controller I cringe.

     Has crazy as it might sound some people have actually managed to 360. I don't know how I think they're plugging in a mouse 

     I seriously don't know what black magic they're using

    360's as survivor are not hard to do, move controller sensitivity to 100.

    This is very true. Framerate as somone said before is a huge factor. I've played on PC for a while until I had PC issues so I temporarily am on console.  I've played since release playing Nurse on the original Xbox and now the one X with a slightly better frame rate. The Nurse needs a special optimization patch for console.

    I emailed support about if we're possible to use a mouse and keyboard on console as other games like pubg and overwatch support this. The answer I was given is they currently don't support it and in a stream a Dev {can't remember who} said it would give players a competitive advantage. Well that's the point. 

    Frequently when blinking on a survior they literally dissappear from view for about half a second then reappear sometimes behind causing a wiff. Turning "Mid-Blink" is the biggest problem I have with her using a controller. 

    One thing you'll notice about the Nurse on PC, especially watching great Nurses like ZUBATLEL or Marth when there warmed up is mid blink they are able to flick the mouse and keep eyes on the survior the entire time until landing. 360s are also out of the question as it's easy. These are obvious with a  M&K but point is Nurse has certain limitations on console that she shouldn't have and the Devs need to look into something exclusive for console. I main Nurse/Billy. 
  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    There are definitely certain limitations specific to console. Since we don't have a mouse or keyboard, we obviously can't 360 as quickly even with max sensitivity. Not to mention console has a daily issue where we can't collect one specific daily when multiple are completed. Wait times are ridiculous on console past a certain time (at least ps4) and lobbies take about 30 min for survivor only to get dodged. We also have a problem where killers can dc but survivors don't get any points and lose their offerings. They don't dc through the in game way, they close their applications so nobody can get points and survivors lose their offerings and items. Not to mention, the game has certain delays where survivors can't jump through windows or pallets quick enough and have a second delay before actually jumping. The console version of this game definitely needs to get looked into.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Asssthetic said:
    There are definitely certain limitations specific to console. Since we don't have a mouse or keyboard, we obviously can't 360 as quickly even with max sensitivity. Not to mention console has a daily issue where we can't collect one specific daily when multiple are completed. Wait times are ridiculous on console past a certain time (at least ps4) and lobbies take about 30 min for survivor only to get dodged. We also have a problem where killers can dc but survivors don't get any points and lose their offerings. They don't dc through the in game way, they close their applications so nobody can get points and survivors lose their offerings and items. Not to mention, the game has certain delays where survivors can't jump through windows or pallets quick enough and have a second delay before actually jumping. The console version of this game definitely needs to get looked into.

    360 works fine with controller, a lot of PC players are playing with controller too if they play survivor
    Well dailies dont affect balance :wink:

    Oh and btw, if the survivors DC, then killer loses everything addons+offerings and gets laughable 2,5k BP, and this is the case even on PC

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    There are definitely certain limitations specific to console. Since we don't have a mouse or keyboard, we obviously can't 360 as quickly even with max sensitivity. Not to mention console has a daily issue where we can't collect one specific daily when multiple are completed. Wait times are ridiculous on console past a certain time (at least ps4) and lobbies take about 30 min for survivor only to get dodged. We also have a problem where killers can dc but survivors don't get any points and lose their offerings. They don't dc through the in game way, they close their applications so nobody can get points and survivors lose their offerings and items. Not to mention, the game has certain delays where survivors can't jump through windows or pallets quick enough and have a second delay before actually jumping. The console version of this game definitely needs to get looked into.

    360 works fine with controller, a lot of PC players are playing with controller too if they play survivor
    Well dailies dont affect balance :wink:

    Oh and btw, if the survivors DC, then killer loses everything addons+offerings and gets laughable 2,5k BP, and this is the case even on PC

    I mean why would you deny the equality between PC and console? If I want to save my dailies but don't want them to stack, then I should be able to collect just one and not collect all of them.

    For the 360, the PC version of this game is much smoother so I can see why 360s would work for them. Console version can't really 360 since it isn't as smooth, so we usually get hit.

    As for DC on console, survivors and killers are also able to DC without any repercussion. They don't DC with the in game mechanic which is what PC players do that causes them to lose offerings, items etc., but instead they DC by closing the game and are able to keep any add ons, offerings, etc.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    The biggest issue with both consoles at this time is frame rate. This causes huge issues with vaulting, pallet drops, hit boxes, 360s and other things.

    As for wait times, I have seen no issue with wait times for me. My wife is a survivor main and the longest she waits is maybe 5 minutes to get into a lobby and this is on the PS4. I cannot speak for Xbone.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited June 2018
    The truth of the matter is that due to the lack of mouse control there is a lower skill ceiling. You'll never get that level of pinpoint accuracy or the ability to whip the camera on a joystick at max sensitivity.

    I hace come across some very good killers playing them, 1 or 2 huntresses wit a suspicously good aim for a controller (probably just me to butthurt to admit there's always a better player) but they are few and far between unfortunately. So its Billy 24/7 after rank 5

    The main reason I've stayed away from huntress and nurse on console is due to the awful, awful freezes and framerate. Even on an Xbox X.
    Its crazy that its still this poorly optimized after this long. Id much rather take a fps patch over a new killer whose particle effects are probably going to make the game unplayable.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Asssthetic said:

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    There are definitely certain limitations specific to console. Since we don't have a mouse or keyboard, we obviously can't 360 as quickly even with max sensitivity. Not to mention console has a daily issue where we can't collect one specific daily when multiple are completed. Wait times are ridiculous on console past a certain time (at least ps4) and lobbies take about 30 min for survivor only to get dodged. We also have a problem where killers can dc but survivors don't get any points and lose their offerings. They don't dc through the in game way, they close their applications so nobody can get points and survivors lose their offerings and items. Not to mention, the game has certain delays where survivors can't jump through windows or pallets quick enough and have a second delay before actually jumping. The console version of this game definitely needs to get looked into.

    360 works fine with controller, a lot of PC players are playing with controller too if they play survivor
    Well dailies dont affect balance :wink:

    Oh and btw, if the survivors DC, then killer loses everything addons+offerings and gets laughable 2,5k BP, and this is the case even on PC

    I mean why would you deny the equality between PC and console? If I want to save my dailies but don't want them to stack, then I should be able to collect just one and not collect all of them.

    For the 360, the PC version of this game is much smoother so I can see why 360s would work for them. Console version can't really 360 since it isn't as smooth, so we usually get hit.

    As for DC on console, survivors and killers are also able to DC without any repercussion. They don't DC with the in game mechanic which is what PC players do that causes them to lose offerings, items etc., but instead they DC by closing the game and are able to keep any add ons, offerings, etc.

    I once played DBD on a potato laptop and had to deal with 20-30 FPS, with that experience I would consider the low fps on console causing way more issues for killer than for the survivor.
    At the laptop e.g. I wasnt able to hit a 360ing survivor

    I know about the closing app issue, just said that killers are punished no matter how you DC :wink:

  • Asssthetic
    Asssthetic Member Posts: 203

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    There are definitely certain limitations specific to console. Since we don't have a mouse or keyboard, we obviously can't 360 as quickly even with max sensitivity. Not to mention console has a daily issue where we can't collect one specific daily when multiple are completed. Wait times are ridiculous on console past a certain time (at least ps4) and lobbies take about 30 min for survivor only to get dodged. We also have a problem where killers can dc but survivors don't get any points and lose their offerings. They don't dc through the in game way, they close their applications so nobody can get points and survivors lose their offerings and items. Not to mention, the game has certain delays where survivors can't jump through windows or pallets quick enough and have a second delay before actually jumping. The console version of this game definitely needs to get looked into.

    360 works fine with controller, a lot of PC players are playing with controller too if they play survivor
    Well dailies dont affect balance :wink:

    Oh and btw, if the survivors DC, then killer loses everything addons+offerings and gets laughable 2,5k BP, and this is the case even on PC

    I mean why would you deny the equality between PC and console? If I want to save my dailies but don't want them to stack, then I should be able to collect just one and not collect all of them.

    For the 360, the PC version of this game is much smoother so I can see why 360s would work for them. Console version can't really 360 since it isn't as smooth, so we usually get hit.

    As for DC on console, survivors and killers are also able to DC without any repercussion. They don't DC with the in game mechanic which is what PC players do that causes them to lose offerings, items etc., but instead they DC by closing the game and are able to keep any add ons, offerings, etc.

    I once played DBD on a potato laptop and had to deal with 20-30 FPS, with that experience I would consider the low fps on console causing way more issues for killer than for the survivor.
    At the laptop e.g. I wasnt able to hit a 360ing survivor

    I know about the closing app issue, just said that killers are punished no matter how you DC :wink:

    The low frame rates are something the devs should look into for console in order to make the experience better for both survivor and killer. While playing, there are definitely some hits that look as though they should've not hit, and same can be said for jukes that look like they should've connect but didn't.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Master said:
    I once played DBD on a potato laptop and had to deal with 20-30 FPS, with that experience I would consider the low fps on console causing way more issues for killer than for the survivor.
    At the laptop e.g. I wasnt able to hit a 360ing survivor

    I know about the closing app issue, just said that killers are punished no matter how you DC :wink:

    The FPS issue honestly is a bigger issue for killers than survivors but it does cause some major headaches for survivors. My opinion, the vaulting is probably the biggest issue FPS causes survivors. I could go through a laundry list of issues the FPS causes killers.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Asssthetic said:

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:

    @Master said:

    @Asssthetic said:
    There are definitely certain limitations specific to console. Since we don't have a mouse or keyboard, we obviously can't 360 as quickly even with max sensitivity. Not to mention console has a daily issue where we can't collect one specific daily when multiple are completed. Wait times are ridiculous on console past a certain time (at least ps4) and lobbies take about 30 min for survivor only to get dodged. We also have a problem where killers can dc but survivors don't get any points and lose their offerings. They don't dc through the in game way, they close their applications so nobody can get points and survivors lose their offerings and items. Not to mention, the game has certain delays where survivors can't jump through windows or pallets quick enough and have a second delay before actually jumping. The console version of this game definitely needs to get looked into.

    360 works fine with controller, a lot of PC players are playing with controller too if they play survivor
    Well dailies dont affect balance :wink:

    Oh and btw, if the survivors DC, then killer loses everything addons+offerings and gets laughable 2,5k BP, and this is the case even on PC

    I mean why would you deny the equality between PC and console? If I want to save my dailies but don't want them to stack, then I should be able to collect just one and not collect all of them.

    For the 360, the PC version of this game is much smoother so I can see why 360s would work for them. Console version can't really 360 since it isn't as smooth, so we usually get hit.

    As for DC on console, survivors and killers are also able to DC without any repercussion. They don't DC with the in game mechanic which is what PC players do that causes them to lose offerings, items etc., but instead they DC by closing the game and are able to keep any add ons, offerings, etc.

    I once played DBD on a potato laptop and had to deal with 20-30 FPS, with that experience I would consider the low fps on console causing way more issues for killer than for the survivor.
    At the laptop e.g. I wasnt able to hit a 360ing survivor

    I know about the closing app issue, just said that killers are punished no matter how you DC :wink:

    The low frame rates are something the devs should look into for console in order to make the experience better for both survivor and killer. While playing, there are definitely some hits that look as though they should've not hit, and same can be said for jukes that look like they should've connect but didn't.

    Well the console simply has less computing power than a PC which results in worse framerates, you cant change that :wink:

    (doesnt help that the game isnt optimized in general though)