As a killer, this game is boring and repetitive
I'm generally rank 3-6 (but I've been as low as 1).
At my rank this game is the same every round. The survivors all have the exact same meta perks. They do the same things.
When I play well, it's boring and predictable.
When I play poorly, it's frustrating and repetitive.
Either way, it's ring around the rosie with a medium loop and a pallet. It's a hundred second chance perks.
I never feel outplayed; I used to feel outmatched, now I feel like survivor perks are five versions of the same thing. It's flavors of sprint burst. It's Decisive Strike, without fail, every match because you can't tunnel unless someone sacrificed themselves while body blocking for their unhooker.
As a survivor, killers have so much variety. As a killer, survivors have no imagination.
It's getting really boring.
And sure, I could go play something else. I like this game, as a concept. I had a lot of fun with it. But the community (apart from being full of toxic children) and its slavish obsession with streamers and meta perks and absolutely no imagination is just so ######### boring.
Sounds like you are burnt out from the game. I would just take a break until at least mid chapter patch. I sympathize as I get burnt out occasionally too.
We all know there are issues with the meta perks and such, but if you desire the "ring around the rosie" game to change, you will be waiting a long time.
You have to understand survivors are just trying to play the game and have fun too. Aside from SWF and bullying, most survivors are just maximizing their chances of escape to have fun and keep playing. Hanging on the hook or being slugged sure isn't fun either but it is a part of the game we need to accept.
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Play some Pyramid Head. Barely any second chance perks, barely any looping, and you could toss in franklins + mind breaker to deny survivors of basically everything if you are playing well. It’s not his best build but certainly one of the most annoying.
Not to mention he has the best tunneling in the game. It does take a while to get used to him though.
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There really Isnt anything else for survivors to do. Pallets are their only defense, maps have several huge dead spots, and their objective is always the same. In fact it is pretty dam n boring playing as a survivor too.
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I think you should play different killers then. It never feels like the same match again when I'm playing a variety of killers. Try mixing up your builds and make something creative.
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Yeah, I'd agree. I play both roles pretty much equally (honestly, I probably play survivor a bit more, because I have friends who play).
My issue isn't with the fact that pallets are the go-to -- that source is actually fairly okay, because we both know what's going on and it's an exciting little race.
My problem is that loops are encouraged. They're boring and uninspired and the survivors that are good at then still go down after a few rounds of running in circles, while the survivors that are bad get mind-gamed at the pallet.
Survivors need new, different perks, that aren't Sprint Burst or Unbreakable in disguise.
The problem is that everything new is so ridiculously hamstrung that if course nobody will use it. Meanwhile the meta perks are so much better than everything else that nobody tries anything new.
It's a boring circle of monotony, and honestly it leads to more tunneling and more terrible play by killers because the obvious counter to DS isn't to let people go, it's to bait it out early.
We need new, different play styles, for everyone's sake.
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Your options are:
- Play a different killer see if you enjoy them more.
- Play a different game entirely.
- Play survivor instead.
Beyond those things there is not much anyone can do for you here really. Personal enjoyment is subjective; so if you don't enjoy it then I would just play something else. I get you like the idea of it, but a game is either fun or it's not.
For me; my second wind was learning trapper. Since it requires very proactive thought that I find very enjoyable. Perhaps something can be similar for you if you still have interest in doing so.
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Play Civ 6.
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You need a break then. I personally run Balanced Landing, Adrenaline, Borrowed Time and the 4th is a switch up between a few perks. But I always try to have a build that helps not just the survivors but myself during the trial, while in a chase, or at end game.
I am a rank 1 survivor and have been for awhile now. I don't play perfectly every match, but I do find my teammates being hit/miss very often, however even then, I don't see them running the same build as me. So its hard to relate.
I think you are burned out, need a break - if this is how you truly feel. From a survivor pov, I think a lot of the killers run the same perks, mainly Ruin. But I've also gone against numerous red rank killers who don't use it and still perform, still have intense & close matches.
Just take a break, man.
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Because holding m1 for most of the match is a thrilling experience lol.
But I get what you mean it gets pretty boring after a while which is why usually I take breaks.
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If you're really burned out, like everyone else said, take a break from the game.
Otherwise, try playing killers you've never used before. Odds are, you'll drop ranks while learning and getting perks/add-ons for them. People have much more diverse builds once you leave the high ranks, and while they may be easier to handle, at least it's not a whole team of DS/BT/DH/Unbreakable. There's kind of a wall at about rank 4, or so it feels, beyond which non-meta builds just can't keep up, so you don't see them anymore. From the survivor side, dropping ranks also gives you a chance to meet killers who aren't running super-optimized Stridor Spirits and Forever Freddies.
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Really? I’ve found it to be the exact opposite. Each killer is unique while the survivors are pretty much the same.
And there’s all kinds of play styles to try and experiment with thanks to perks. Like I might use a stealthy perk like undetectable down a survivor (without hooking him) and hide and wait for his teammates to come help him, or a aggressive one that lets you destroy pallets and run faster or a build that maximizes seeing the survivors auras or even a totem focused build. I even have blood point farming builds t
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Sounds like you're just burned out from the game.
Play Civ 5 for a while.
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Insert Civilization meme here
Jokes aside, I feel you man. I find myself taking long breaks and only logging on for rewards or to play with a friend.
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How many hours do you have? If it's a lot, maybe the game is just over for you already. Everything starts to repeate itself and few games are that fun to play after thousands of hours.
I think a part of the problem is that so many perks are just useless. People stick to those good ones and then everybody uses them.