Crosshair Overlay "hudsight" - Is it bannable?

was going through my queue on steam and a software called hudsight is on sale right now. I Am tempted to get it but of course don't want to get banned for it. Thanks in advance.
why would you buy something you can get free, or default on most gaming monitors
also sorry can't answer if it's banable or not because I don't know but people use stretched, filters and etc
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I literally bought a new 4k monitor for myself for Xmas because it has a built in crosshair feature to use in this game.
######### the haters.
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Because this cost me a fiver and not a few hundred that a new monitor would cost??? Hardly free....
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I mean I doubt EAC picks up software like that all anyways. If it does though, your own risk, they won't help you if EAC bans you.
If you used one on say a monitor though....I mean....I consider it cheating myself but there is no way to ban for it, there is no way to even tell you are using it so I mean there isn't anything that can be done about it unless you uploaded video evidence of yourself using it for some reason publically.
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Basically, it falls under a use at your own risk kind of situations. If EAC bans you, there is nothing we can do for you.
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You can always paint a dot with erasable ink on your monitor, like some people did in the good ol' days of the internet.
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You still can download one free
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just use a free crosshair or make a small dot in the center of the screen with a marker.
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What free options are there??
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The one I use is called Custom Desktop Logo and it works for me. Haven't noticed any kind of performance hit or malware or anything with it. I've seen people also use CrossOver which is another free piece of software. And if you wanted recommendations on crosshair type I'd recommend one that lets you see the center of your screen (so not a dot crosshair) and as for colour, any bright and bold colour should be visible on every map except probably Ormond. Every other map in the game has really washed out and dull colours except Ormond that's white as a sheet and so hard to see anything in to begin with.
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The game rules ( say that the following is a violation:
Using 3rd party software or other tools to gain any kind of unfair advantage that wasn’t intended by the game, except if they have been whitelisted by us.
A crosshair overlay gives an advantage (for example on Huntress, Deathslinger). Having a crosshair is not intended by the game. It is an unfair advantage because you can not get it in-game without using 3rd party software or other tools. The software is not whitelisted. Therefore using it is a violation of the rules.
Did I go wrong somewhere? Using that kind of software seems like "textbook" definition of using a cheating tool to me.
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I never checked the whitelist to see what can I use just used reshare nearly a year ago, do you have any link?
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Except a dev themselves said it's not bannable on a stream. You can't ban all crosshairs, most are using it with the build in feature in MANY monitors. Also, there are old fashioned ways to never get caught. Big streamers admit to using a crosshair, so not much to be done there.
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This whole tread is just proof that its stupid they don't have it as a hud option
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The whitelist used to be on the EAC website, but it was removed: (dead link at the time of writing)
I couldn't find any public whitelist. The safest option seems to be to consider nothing whitelisted that gives any sort of advantage.
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I found this tweet so I'm safe to use reshade :D
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I'd advise to email them as this is from 2017 - back then only certain versions of ReShade / SweetFX were allowed, so your best bet would be to email EAC and ask if ReShade / SweetFX are still whitelisted or not.
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I tried finding a way to email them but these are the only options, doesn't look like they want to answer questions
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You should probably not use Reshade until you contact them and confirm it's whitelisted (maybe try Twitter). Policy is that if EAC bans you only they can unban you.